Five to five from one punch

Chapter 144 Do you have any opinions?

Chapter 144 Do you have any opinions?
Heroes Association headquarters, meeting room No. [-].

Xi Qi, the bearded man and others, as well as senior management, and even the heads of some important departments, are all located in this conference room at this time.

And today they have only one thing to discuss, and that is how to deal with this B-level hero, the handsome knight!

"This B-level hero is really too much. How can he attack fellow heroes who are also registered with the association?" This B-level hero should be punished a bit, and then asked to apologize to the four S-level heroes, so as to calm down the discussion of the discord within our Heroes Association."

"Hahaha, I said. If you are old and foolish, get off your seat quickly, don't think you are very smart, and sit here arrogantly posting these stupid opinions." The beautiful woman with neutral hair mocked.

"What did you say?" The middle-aged Mediterranean man stood up angrily, as if he wanted to step forward and beat the woman who mocked him.

Xiqi slapped the table fiercely and shouted loudly: "Quiet me up, do you still count as high-level associations who maintain social stability?"

Xiqi, who is usually a good guy, suddenly became ruthless, making the surrounding high-level people quiet down for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Xiqi said: "This incident has a great influence, greater than we imagined. It would not be a big deal in normal times, but the bad thing is that the cause of this incident is because of a ghost-level Disaster events as the starting point of the scandal extended."

"Leaving aside the fact that so many people witnessed this incident, just based on the current popularity on the Internet, they are all questioning why we would rate a person who is not only good-looking but also so powerful as a B-level hero!
Although our association judges heroes according to their records, the strong have special privileges. I believe you will not understand this, but what makes me even more angry is another thing! "

When Xiqi said this, he took out a document and shook it in front of everyone, "Why does this hero named Baiyu actually show signs of manipulation in the rating test?"

"At first I thought that he was targeted by insiders, so he was downgraded from grade A or even higher to grade B!" Xi Qi angrily slapped the document on the table, and then roared: "But I was wrong, wrong It’s outrageous, you guys failed this man!! And he’s the younger sister of Lord Tornado, Miss Fubuki used disgraceful means to force him through the back door, and he’s settled down in the B-rank ranking!”

"Are your eyes blinded by shit? With such a powerful man, how did you come up with the remark that he failed??"

Faced with Xiqi's sudden attack, the person in charge of the hero assessment department began to tremble. He really doesn't know about it, because he usually acts as a hand-off shopkeeper and lives a happy life of fishing and drinking every day. Life.

The bearded man watched the scene, he sighed slightly, in fact, he also found that the Heroes Association is slipping
Blast has not been in the association for many years now, and the S-level heroes have no sense of unity. To put it bluntly, they just play their own way.

Master Banggu started to show signs of retreating indifferently. Atomic Samurai has been called "retreat" for many years. Police Dog Man is only responsible for the safety of his own city. Metal Knight and Drive Knight have always been mysterious. Metal bat is a sister control. Sometimes even my sister’s business is bigger than the task. Super alloy black light has missed the task release for a long time because of muscle training. Pig God is still diligent but the disadvantage is that he often cannot be contacted. The sexy prisoner harassed men all day and was caught in prison. On vacation, Venerable Vest put too much effort on those younger brothers, not to mention how willful Miss Longjuan is.
To put it bluntly, it's all a group of uneasy guys and there are not many normal people in it.

Sure enough, only Mr. King, Tong Di and the flashing flash are reassuring.

On the other hand, Masquerade Sweetheart refused to be promoted to S rank, trying to change the association, and even the bearded man vaguely felt that this energetic man seemed to be plotting something.

The upper beam is like this, can the lower beam be fine?
The competition for heroes in the lower class is fierce, and the methods emerge in endlessly. The biggest fuse of this incident was the fact that the vest group maliciously reported that they slandered the handsome knight, and then triggered the scandal in the gymnasium where they lost four S-level heroes in a row. tidy.

At the same time, because of this incident, the problems that have always existed in the Heroes Association have been ignited.

"I suggest that it is better to do this. Since this B-level hero has shown his due strength, we should make an exception and let him be promoted to an S-level hero. The hero apologized, and then broadcast live to the crowd, this way, it not only solves the internal discord but also solves the loophole of miscalculating the hero's strength." A female executive with a ball head suggested.


The bearded man shook his head. He didn't like this suggestion. Judging from the video, how proud and confident is that handsome knight? It is an opponent, will such a lonely and strong person apologize to them?

I'm afraid it won't end up making things even more troublesome.

Just when the bearded man wanted to refute, the middle-aged man in the Mediterranean angrily rejected the proposal first, "Are you kidding me? It was this handsome knight who did the wrong thing. Why did he get promoted to S rank in the end? Good treatment?"

The Mediterranean middle-aged man became more and more excited as he talked. He even stood on the table and spit, analyzing the stakes!

The beautiful woman with neutral hair gave a disdainful "Tsk", knowing everything, but this Mediterranean fool couldn't understand anything and was still talking nonsense here.

She even wondered if this guy was jealous of the handsome knight's appearance and popularity, so he made such an irrational behavior.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was violently opened.

Everyone looked at the gate in panic, because only one person in the association would choose to enter in this way so recklessly.

The trembling tornado!
Tornado had a gloomy face, and a green psychic stroke appeared all over his body, slowly floating in front of the bald man in the Mediterranean, "I just listened outside the door for a while, you seem to be very dissatisfied with this handsome knight?"

"Do you have any comments?"

"If there is, can you tell me about it?"

The Mediterranean man looks at the indifferent green eyes of the tornado. Can he say he is not afraid?

He was so scared to death!
"No, Miss Long Juan, how can I have any objections... Yes, I suddenly remembered that the gas in my house hasn't been turned off yet, so I left early for today's meeting."

After finishing speaking, the Mediterranean man ran out of the room like hell.

Pay attention, it's real urine flow, the bearded man even smelled a smell of urine, this guy must have been scared to pee directly by the tornado, right?

(End of this chapter)

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