Chapter 145

Faced with such a powerful tornado, all the high-level members of the Heroes Association will feel aggrieved. No matter how high your status is in the League of Legends, this Buddha is worthy of you. , and more importantly... can you beat her?

Can't beat it?
Then you just shut up obediently!

The bearded man stroked the beard on his chin, and he suddenly discovered a blind spot, that is why Miss Tornado came here so violently all of a sudden, was it because of this B-level hero?

Could it be that they know each other?

Long Juan stretched out his right hand in dissatisfaction, looked at the ceiling with his index finger and randomly picked it up. Several sheets of information on Xi Qi's desk began to float above. After the paper with important information fell into the hands of the former, everything calmed down.

blowing snow?

Tornado's eyes widened slightly.

Why is it my own sister?
Why did Fuxue do this?
What is Fuxue's purpose in doing this?
The inexplicable tornado suddenly felt a green green on her head, and a chill ran through her whole body.

It's not true that I have green hair, it's my own overthinking!

"Z city, no man's land." Tornado murmured, looking at the information on the paper, repeating like a repeater
At this time, the bearded man and Xiqi asked the tornado submissively: "Master tornado, we are discussing the treatment plan for this B-level hero, so can you move the frame a step?"

They said it very euphemistically, and the implication was "good ancestors, we are discussing business, you can just find something to do in the association, or you can go out and kill weird people, but can you Don't be here. Make people panic for these little ones"

With a click, the tornado snapped its fingers, and several pieces of paper with important information were instantly crushed into countless pieces.
"You don't have to worry about this hero named Bai Yu from now on. I'll take care of his affairs, so you don't have to worry about it!" Long Juan issued orders to Xiqi and the others arrogantly.

After Xiqi heard this, he put his hands together and rubbed them together a few times, because this could relieve the tension in his heart, "Master Tornado, isn't this a bit unreasonable, or even illogical?"

Tornado showed a smirk, and her loli voice spread throughout the meeting room, "Do you want to take a look, my thought power uprooted the entire Yingxie company, and then hit the ground with a 180-degree rotation?" Is it beautiful?"

Hearing this, Xiqi was sweating coldly. He slapped his thigh vigorously with the palm of his hand, then raised a thumb and said to the tornado: "Miao, it's wonderful, it's just reasonable, it's completely normal It's logical, just do as the tornado expert said, and you will be fully responsible for the affairs of this B-level hero."

After seeing Xiqi's statement, the people in the entire meeting room reacted, and then all stood up to the legal loli, Tornado, and clapped their hands to indicate that this is really a perfect solution.

The bearded man looked at the scene before him, and he always had the illusion that the Heroes Association would die sooner or later.

"Janos, haven't the abalone slices been cut yet?" Bai Yu asked the man-made man in the kitchen who was playing the role of a good family man after taking a sip of water.

"Teacher Bai Yu, please wait a moment, I will cut it soon."

"Seriously, do you want me to come and help?" Bai Yu said shyly.

"No, please rest assured and leave it to me. This is what you should do as an apprentice. How can you trouble the teacher!" Genos firmly refused, Bai Yu's request for help.

"Okay then." Bai Yu took a long breath, turned to look at Saitama and asked, "Do you feel that Genos always seems to be a bit aggressive, of course... I don't mean that he can't handle such trivial things as cutting vegetables , but he seems to like to let himself carry everything?"

After hearing Baiyu's words, Saitama's eyeballs glanced at the ceiling, and when he said it, it seemed that it was really the same thing, whether it was hit by a unicorn before, or he went to stop the meteorite alone.
"Actually, this is also a good thing. It is this character that made him who he is now." Saitama explained by throwing a peanut into his mouth.

Speaking of this Baiyu thought of a very important thing, he leaned close to Saitama's ear and asked in a low voice: "Speaking of which, now we two are his masters, but what should we teach him?"

"Jenos is an artificial human, and his strength is linked to the mechanical equipment on his body. Your three-year muscle training method has no effect on him at all. My words can teach him a few flowing water and rock-breaking fists. Let him Record it in your brain with precision instruments, but in the end you only get the similarity in the moves, and you can't grasp the real essence at all. It's okay to bully the children, but if you encounter any superb martial arts masters, you will be beaten out of the original shape immediately .”

More importantly, it is impossible for Genos to learn and copy the awesome abilities of Baiyu.

After Saitama heard this, the muscles on his face stiffened and twitched a few times. He turned his head to look at Baiyu, and then responded with the same small voice: "It's over. Listening to what you said, I don't know what to teach!"

Just when the two were guilty and fidgeting, Genos took a plate of sliced ​​abalone and pork belly rolls and walked to Baiyu and Saitama, "Teachers, they are all cut up. After the bottom of the pot is burned, it will be very soon." It will be ready to eat soon."

"It's hard work, Genos." Bai Yu nodded guiltyly in response.

What can I do after this?
While Bai Yu was thinking this way, there was a "bang bang bang" sound outside the door.

Genos asked suspiciously, "Who is it?" He walked to the door, and after opening the door, a tall and beautiful woman was standing outside the door with a pile of luggage.
Fuxue pulled off her sunglasses in surprise, and her hoarse voice asked suspiciously, "The devil transforms people? Why are you here!"

When Janos wanted to ask this woman back, he suddenly recalled Teacher Bai Yu's teaching that there is no woman in his heart, and he fights against the God of Nature, so in this case, shouldn't he say, "Get out of here?"

Fubuki didn't have time to wonder why this new S-ranked hero appeared here, she hurriedly pushed Genos away and walked in
Bai Yu was carried in by Fubuki who came over, and the former felt the unique fragrance and softness of the latter. Even with his eyes closed, he knew it was Fuyuki who was coming.

In the face of such a powerful force as Fuxue, even a god can't stand it, let alone Bai Yu. Even Bai Yu, who has been promoted to silver hair, probably can't resist this kind of confinement!
(End of this chapter)

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