Five to five from one punch

Chapter 146 The Tornado Strikes

Chapter 146 The Tornado Strikes
Fuxue hugged Bai Yu dotingly, she sucked a few breaths on the latter's head with her nose, and then rubbed his head several times unscrupulously, as if in this way, she would be satisfied.
"Yu'er, why did you dye your hair red after you went out for a trip?" Fuxue asked while stroking her.

"There are many reasons, but it should be because of Master Bangpu's medicinal bath. After I finished the bath, the blood in my body was triggered, and then my hair became like this." Master Bangpu, anyway, he has been blamed so many times, and he doesn't care about one more time.

Speaking of this, there was a gleam in Saitama's eyes. Last time because he walked too fast, he didn't have a chance to try this magical medicinal bath that can have a miraculous effect on hair. Next time he meets this tyrant When the time comes, you must seize the opportunity and try it once.

Thinking of this, the bald devil stared at Bai Yu's red hair that was being abused wantonly by Fubuxue.
If I can also have a head of red hair, there must be many fans who will write back to me, right?

Speaking of which, when I was not bald, I was also a handsome guy. At that time, some people seemed to ask me to try to apply for a job as a cowherd.
Saitama slowly fell into the youthful years when he still had black hair. That was his lost youth.

Bearing this swamp-like confinement, Bai Yu asked Fuxue behind him, "Sister Chuuxue, is it because you have something important to come here at this time?"

"Why do you come here with so many suitcases outside the door?"

"It's over." Chuuxue recalled in surprise that she came here because she had something important to do, and she pushed Bai Yu up from her chest, "Yu'er, let's run, my sister has already found your Traces, she will come here soon to catch you back, if you don’t run away now, I’m afraid we don’t know when will we meet next time?”

"Sister?" Bai Yu murmured suspiciously, and then he remembered that the elder sister of Fuxue, the trembling tornado seemed to have some strange relationship with him, and this was a wonderful and weird plug-in triggered by that peerless martial arts prodigy. Hidden relationships.
Speaking of which, this tornado in his favorability template also belongs to the red heart type.
Bai Yu felt that this time might be a good opportunity, maybe he could have a good talk with this tornado, and find out what happened to them before.

As for why I can't remember, a perfect amnesia can be taken directly.

Just when Bai Yu wanted to comfort Chuuxue, a cold light exploded on him, piercing the back of his forehead like a needle light, and a wonderful sixth sense emerged in him.

This is a wonderful reaction that spiders sense when they realize that there is an imminent danger or attack.

At the moment when the spider sensor appeared, Bai Yu activated it without hesitation, and deleted the

Only "results"!There are only "results" left in this world!
Time will start ticking again!
Bai Yu eliminates time and leaps away.
At this time, his surroundings fell into a strange red-purple space, and everything in the world seemed to be still to him. He was outside this timeline at this time, and no attack would hurt him. Lock to him!

The enemy is outside.

Within eight seconds at most, Bai Yu could reach that person's side at the speed of Bai Yu.

So long, delete the main body time, eight seconds!
The eight seconds that belonged to him were directly cut off and deleted.

The process was deleted, and what was left at this time was only the result of Bai Yu appearing strangely in the sky in the distance.

This is a woman. A woman with green light all over her body, and the violent energy in her body is constantly being compressed.

She is about 1.5 to 1.6 meters tall, has a delicate face, and her figure is no different from that of a junior high school student, but Bai Yu seems to have seen this woman before.

She is Fubuki's older sister, the trembling tornado!
Fubuki just came here on the front foot, and this tornado came here so quickly?

You are actually faster than Cao Cao?
Time deletion ends.

Inside the apartment room.

Fubuki was surprised to find that the white jade in his arms had disappeared. At the same time, Saitama also noticed this. He said excitedly: "It's too powerful. No matter how many times I watch it, I think this move is very powerful!"

Compared to Fubuki's astonishment, Tornado is also doubting life at this time.

Because Yu'er, whom she was thinking of so much, suddenly appeared in front of her eyes without any warning.
Originally, she seemed to use her own mental power to tear the entire apartment out of the ground, and then slowly decompose each individual room to come out. In this way, Yu'er naturally had nowhere to escape.

But that's good too, for showing up on his own initiative, it can be regarded as saving her a lot of effort.

Long Juan opened his hands, opened his arms and said softly to Bai Yu: "Okay, no matter how much you mess around, it should be enough, the outside of this world is too dangerous, come to my arms, and come back with me. Yu'er! "

The tornado was very good-looking, and with that inexplicably sick smile, Bai Yu suddenly had the illusion that he wanted to agree, but in the end he tilted his head and said to the former: "The proposal is very good, but, I refuse! "

Long Juan was stunned for a moment, she seemed to think that she had heard something wrong, where did the boy who used to be obedient to her go?

Immediately afterwards, Long Juan's hands slowly closed from the left and right sides, "Yu'er, you have learned badly now, did you pick up bad habits after going out for a while, remember. Sister will never Harm you."

"Come back with me!"

Bai Yu:! ?

Bai Yu's supernatural perception and spider perception were buzzing in his mind at this moment.

Something terrible is squeezing towards him.

Bai Yu began to twist her body quickly in the air, and at the same time, with the help of this force, she let her body fall downwards faster.

Dragon roll:?
The thought power of the tornado caught a loneliness for a while.

"You actually caught it empty?"

This is indeed a very strange thing!

Could it be that Yu'er had predicted her own telekinetic power and operation in advance, so she was able to avoid it?
At this point, Long Juan felt that Yu'er was indeed different from before.

But... she should be caught or she must be caught!

As the white jade fell downward, the tornado also rushed down with the power of mind.

"This familiar power?" Fuyuki, who is also a telekinetic user, seemed to have discovered something. She got up and ran out of the door in horror, looking at the mid-air in the distance.

"Sure enough, it's my sister, why did she come here so soon?" Chuuxue was trembling all over, she realized a very serious thing, that is, no one can defeat her sister, and Yu'er will definitely be taken back by her sister in the end.

Saitama walked to Fubuki, looked at the strange scene in the distance, and asked curiously: "Is that little dwarf your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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