Five to five from one punch

Chapter 147 Don't use this kind of broken transformation from now on

Chapter 147 Don't use this kind of broken transformation from now on
During the high-speed landing, when Bai Yu was close to the ground, he straightened his hands to touch the ground at the same time, and then pulled several backflips, not only stabilizing his body but also widening the distance.

Because in the 360-degree field of vision of "super-only perception", the tornado is being wrapped by a green thought force, and it is also falling downward at a high speed.

Bai Yu raised his head and looked up, driving a tornado named "psychic power" oppressive, at this moment, like an angry god, it was about to land on this land.

At the same time, in Bai Yu's mind, a sentence popped out of his mind, "Have you ever seen a palm technique falling from the sky?"

The tornado that descended from the sky saw Bai Yu's moving figure. She folded her thumbs and index fingers together to form a rectangle, and at the same time locked the latter's body in this gesture, "Yu'er, you have nowhere to escape!"

As soon as the words fell, the green light in the eyes of the tornado sparkled.

At the same time, the position of the telekinetic force locked the range of dozens of meters around Baiyu, and divided it into a rectangular module. The tornado wanted to firmly fix the target.

However, something that surprised Tornado happened again. The moment he was about to be locked and fixed, Bai Yu's figure disappeared from her eyes like a miracle. When she recaptured Bai Yu's position again, he had already appeared in the at a more distant location.

The unbelieving tornado once again rolled up its telekinetic power to form two invisible big hands, and directly grabbed Bai Yu, but the latter seemed to have known the intention of the tornado or sensed some danger, before she launched an attack, In a moment, it immediately disappeared within the range of capture.

Now, how could Tornado not know what happened, "Yu'er has a powerful perception ability?"

So she can move one step ahead of her, to predict danger or see, from invisible attacks or both.

Bai Yu is like a loach at this time, slippery enough to make Tornado helpless, and this loach will smile at you from time to time, which is extremely provocative
Has Yu'er grown up to this point unknowingly?
Long Juan smiled, she still had a way to catch him!
As long as she is willing, she can even form a telekinetic prison within a range of several thousand meters around herself. No matter how difficult it is for Yu'er to capture, it is absolutely impossible to escape such a telekinetic prison with no difference.

But... Tornado doesn't want to use this trick yet, so there is only one way left!
There was a green arc of light on the index fingers of both hands, and the tornado quickly put his fingers together and quickly locked on a target, which was the white jade itself.

The spider sense appeared again, but it was too late, before Bai Yu had time to move, her whole body was locked in place by a huge pressure.

This is the super power of the tornado?
How could he still lock himself directly?

Powerful, too powerful, this is the second card of an S-level hero?

In this world, no one's super telekinetic power can surpass his own, and no one's telekinetic power can be more delicately controlled than his own!

Seeing Yu'er being pinched to death by him, Long Juan showed a knowing smile, "I finally caught you, hurry up and go back with my sister."

As soon as Long Juan finished speaking, he saw an incredible scene.

The confinement of my mind power was forcibly broken by a brute force, and a terrifying aura surged from Yu'er's body.

"What is this?" Tornado said in disbelief.

A ghost-like mask is wrapped in a white jade face, and the body is wrapped in two different colors of unknown substances. The face texture of the devil standing upside down and crying appears on the broad back, and the non-human breath erupts from his body towards the surroundings. Therefore, even the incomplete avenue was shattered into pieces.

"Weird?" Tornado opened his mouth and murmured as he watched the unbelievable scene in front of him.

With the roar of "Evil Ghost Baiyu", a translucent white shield around his body began to spread out, and at the same time, it directly broke through the tornado's mind prison.

The evil ghost Baiyu who had regained his freedom looked at the tornado in the sky, and he shook his finger in response, "No, this is not a weirdo, it's just a transformation of an evil ghost."

After hearing the answer, Long Juan heaved a sigh of relief. She wasn't a weirdo, so when Bai Yu turned into such a ghostly appearance, her whole heart seemed to be squeezed tightly, and she almost couldn't breathe.

At the same time, Long Juan also felt ashamed and angry. She pointed at Bai Yu and yelled: "This is the broken transformation I learned from there. It's so ugly. It's like a weird person. You are not allowed to use it again in the future!"

You don't know how powerful and useful the attribute bonus of haunted by evil spirits is.
Baiyu's current three-dimensional attributes are strength: 56, defense: 53, and agility: 52. Under the blessing of evil spirits, it will rise to such terrifying attributes as strength: 72, defense: 68, and agility: 67, but it's not over yet. In the state of being haunted by evil spirits, plus the mimetic change bonus of the True Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, it can be said to be omnipotent.

It can be said that excluding the "ghost haunting" change that has time and CD restrictions, it is Baiyu's most powerful change mode after Zizai Jiyi.

I don't need it anymore?
How is that possible!

Tornado narrowed her eyes. Although Yu'er turned into such a scary ghost, she had to say that she could feel a powerful force from this body. In her eyes, the distorted black radiated from Yu'er's body. Fog phantoms even made her feel palpitations.
Dragon Juan has watched the video many times, and Yu'er is obviously good at close combat. It is said that the martial arts with smooth body and flowing water were taught by Banggu. Then the consequences will be very serious!
Damn, Banggu, a dead old man, actually taught his Yu'er badly, what kind of martial arts do you learn by yourself! !

"Yu'er, that's not enough. There are dangers everywhere in this world. You, who have become such a ghost, can't be alone. Only under my protection can you grow steadily!!" The green light on Tornado's body became more and more intense, At the same time, the sky above her was directly rolled into a vortex. It was not only dark but also shocking.

"Mighty. Psychic power multiple tornadoes."

From the oppressive dark vortex, several black tornadoes emerged!

Several tornadoes began to flock to all directions targeting Bai Yu, surrounding him.

At this time, the instigator of the tornado, she controlled the tornadoes with both hands and said to Bai Yu: "Sister will always be your harbor, let you have a good experience of what real power is."

The tornadoes clapped their hands together, and several tornadoes began to pour in together. The violent wind pressure and destructive force were on the ground in the distance, and the surging roads and buildings began to be completely destroyed!


(End of this chapter)

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