Five to five from one punch

Chapter 148 1 must be easy to touch, right?

Chapter 148 Must be easy to touch, right?
In the uninhabited area of ​​Z City, on an unknown street.

The ultimate fusion of storm and thought power, violent and harmonious fusion, formed a huge hemispherical spectacle.

At the center of the hemisphere, the evil ghost Baiyu was in the position of violent attack.

The sharp wind blade, the suppressed telekinetic energy, the two intertwined offensives consumed Bai Yu's body all the time.

When Bai Yu was enduring this extraordinary attack, he had to say something more, this simply surpassed the energy possessed by human beings.

If you have to find four words to describe the tornado, then it is not an exaggeration to only describe it as "war weapon"!

If you continue to spend it here, the energy shield haunted by evil spirits will be gone, and I am afraid that this body will also be lost by then.
Bai Yu opened his arms forcefully, and two silver flames appeared on his left and right palms. At this moment, the silver flame on his left hand began to rotate irregularly, and the silver flame on his right hand gradually reversed. The change began to be as gentle and ever-changing as the flow of water.

"Drink!" After Bai Yu roared, she circulated the strength of her body, put her hands together, and at the same time, a huge shocking energy began to tear a hole from the center of this hemisphere, venting wantonly to the outside
Cross-toothed dragon kill!
The hemisphere of the storm that was torn apart by a crack began to slowly dissipate on the surface of the earth, as if everything just now was an illusion, but the wreckage that was destroyed around it proved that everything just now was a real experience what happened.

"Cracked?" Tornado's face was slightly moved, and curiosity was written on his delicate and beautiful face.
Distraction is a big taboo in battle. Tornado is aware of her own shortcomings, and she absolutely cannot give Yu'er a chance to get close. She resolutely puts several layers of telekinetic energy shields around her, and then exudes herself like an abyss Generally, the inexhaustible energy starts to scan the location of Yu'er in the surrounding area.

Soon, the tornado locked onto Yu'er's position, but at this moment, the latter was starting to keep distance from him, and it seemed that he didn't intend to fight with him.

Baiyu was indeed keeping distance from the tornado. Fortunately, this was an uninhabited area of ​​City Z, nicknamed a ghost town. Otherwise, based on the tornado's attack just now, if it was allowed to spread, the consequences would be disastrous.

He really doesn't want to go to war with Tornado right now, because he still has a lot of things he wants to ask Tornado, and the more important reason is that on the favorability template, the relationship between Tornado and him is a red heart, which also proves that she is not his enemy.

Do you want to discuss with Tornado for a temporary truce?
When Bai Yu thought of this, his eyes were instantly blocked by several huge rocks, and the tornado floated behind Bai Yu and said, "Don't run away, this won't solve the problem."

Long Juan proudly raised his little palm and continued to say to Bai Yu: "There are only two ways now, the first is that you obediently go back with me now, and the second is that I will take you back by force!"

"You choose one!"

There is a gross difference between the two, anyway, I have to go back with you, right?
"I don't want to fight with you, or we can have a good talk, why do you have to take me back, and I don't think anyone can threaten my life!" Bai Yu proposed peace to the tornado.

Tornado stared at the little cabbage that she had protected for many years, and she responded lightly: "The communication and connection between people is an act of no value. In this world, I am the only person who treats you best. Only I will never betray you, Fubuki and you should thrive under my wings!"

"Chuuxue lost her temper as a child and left my control. I was annoyed to form a Fuxue team with those trash. Why did you even leave the beautiful world I created for you, Yu'er?"

Bai Yu was slightly taken aback, and gradually he began to understand something.
Is the twisted protective desire and possessive desire?
No wonder Fuxue is so afraid of her sister.
Tornado's hands flashed with green light, "Yu'er, come back with me, this time I will personally guard you!"

At the moment when the battle was on the verge of breaking out, a shiny marinated egg lay between the white jade and the tornado.

White jade: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a
Tornado: (Д)ノ

"Saitama?" Bai Yu yelled slightly as he looked at the bald-headed demon king standing in front of him.

Saitama's painting style instantly changed from simple lines to a handsome guy's painting style. He said firmly to Tornado: "I heard from your sister that you want to take Baiyu away, right?"

"I absolutely do not agree!!"

The sudden appearance of Saitama startled Tornado, and then she yelled at the braised egg in extreme anger: "So it was you with a bald head that spoiled my cabbage?"

After Long Juan finished speaking, he pushed with his little hand, "I must teach you a lesson."

Mind power locked on the bald head, and Tornado planned to send the bald head directly to the next city for a free trip.

But under the operation of the tornado, Saitama just moved back a few steps smoothly, and then stopped.


Dragon Juan froze for a moment, what's going on?

Why can't you move this bald head?
"Damn it!" Unconvinced, Tornado raised his hands, controlled the telekinetic force in his hands, and planned to send Saitama to the sky, so as to give him some flair.

Saitama was slowly moved to a height of one meter, and then began to shake from side to side. On the other hand, the tornado side immediately became a strong person, with one after another on the blushing forehead. Anger symbol, she murmured incomprehensibly: "It's so heavy. What is this guy?"

It's fun, it would be great if it could be a little higher, Saitama thought with a blank face
But there are more important things waiting for him to do. Saitama sank and landed on the ground again. He said to Tornado: "Bai Yu will not go back with you, you should go back quickly!"

Facing such arrogant speech, Tornado's face began to distort in anger, "Why do I have to listen to orders from guys who are weaker than me?"

"I have to take Yu'er back, you bald head!"

Clay figurines also have fire, and Saitama was called bald one after another, and his whole body became angry.

Just when he was about to punch Tornado, Bai Yu seemed to jump in time and appeared next to Saitama, his right hand was firmly pressed on Saitama's wrist, and then he said to the latter: "I won't Those who were brought back, Saitama, you should go back to the apartment first, cook the hot pot and wait for me to come back!"

Saitama looked at Baiyu, and the ghost-ridden state on the latter began to dissipate slowly. He returned to his original appearance, and he said, "Okay, then I will be in the room with Genos, and we will fix the hot pot and wait for you to come back."

After speaking, Saitama trotted and left here.

Baiyu had already seen that Saitama knew that he didn't want to fight Tornado, so he came out to intervene in this matter.

You are such a reliable friend, Saitama.

However, since this matter happened because of it, then I should be allowed to solve this matter. Bai Yu seemed to have figured out something, and then stared at the tornado, and the latter also looked at Bai Yu at the same time.

"You finally figured it out, are you going back with me?"

After Bai Yu heard this, he shook his head, and he lowered his hands weakly and responded: "No, I have already felt your concern and love for me, but I want to prove to you that no one in this world can hurt me. I!"

"What?" Long Juan froze for a moment.

"I've been thinking about one thing since just now, Sister Longjuan, your head must be easy to touch, right?" After Bai Yu finished speaking, her whole body gradually emitted bursts of silver light.
Tornado: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

(End of this chapter)

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