Five to five from one punch

Chapter 149 Known, Unknown, Unseen

Chapter 149 Known, Unknown, Unseen

Silver gas?


what is that?
It seems that something is breaking out of the cocoon in front of my eyes and standing on this planet, the lonely and strongest thing! ?

Known, eternal and immortal, unknown but unaware.

Now Tornado felt that he was facing such an unknown thing.

But such an unknown thing comes from the person he is most familiar with!

"Who are you?" Tornado asked, staring blankly at the silver-haired white jade.

The silver-haired Baiyu looked at the tornado, and he opened his mouth and said, "I am Baiyu."

"Don't be kidding, I can't feel any aura on you, what is this... Humans and even weirdos can't be like this." Tornado didn't believe this kind of answer, and her green hair was even tingling with anger. Trembling levitation swing up.

"God!" The silver-haired white jade looked at his palm and continued to answer, "This is the breath of God, that's why you can't feel it, and it's even hard to lock, capture and feel it."

Long Juan slightly widened her lovely eyes, she was horrified and startled by this answer, when would her Yu'er have something to do with this kind of thing that sounds like a bluff
As if sensing the doubts on Tornado, Silver-haired Baiyu refocused on the former, "This is my strongest stance, and it is also my last resort."

Last resort?

Long Juan seemed to have thought of something, when she was about to say something, the silver-haired white jade stepped forward and said the last speech before the battle, "If you win, I will go with you, if I win, you will go with me. "


Longjuan felt something was wrong, there seemed to be something wrong, both left and right were with Yu'er?
There is such a good thing?
However, Tornado felt that he still liked the option of taking people back with a stronger force.

Spiral strangulation!

Tornado folded his hands up and down, and slowly rotated. All the super powers on her body were released, directly covering the area around this area, and nothing in this area could escape her control!

Silver-haired white jade was no exception. He could feel something enveloped his surroundings, and then an unreasonable force was distorting the shape of the thing itself...even the appearance.

This area was directly pulled out abruptly, and the entire road that was pulled out began to be distorted into a twisted shape, just when the silver-haired white jade was about to be affected.

He turned into a ray of silver light and pierced directly through the area surrounded by telekinetic power in a blink of an eye.

After the tornado saw it, it immediately changed its offensive, and began to spread super powers on the surrounding huge rocks, and then these rocks all floated around her as if they had lost weight, forming layers of rings. .

With a pull of Green Onion's little index finger, several rocks wrapped in telekinetic power exploded directly towards the position of the silver-haired white jade.

But no matter how big the rock is, how fast the fire rate is, and how intensive the attack is, the silver-haired white jade is like a swift peregrine falcon, quickly ignoring the tornado's telekinetic rock attack, and rushing directly to the rock. The position of the tornado.

The tornado, who realized the situation in seconds, quickly leaped backwards, but the speed of her telekinetic power blessing was actually not as fast as that of "Silver Hair White Jade", which was almost miraculous. Layer the power shield, and at the same time release its own energy to manipulate the surroundings.

The huge psychic power vortex directly contained itself and the silver-haired white jade, and four huge and violent lightning spheres appeared directly in this psychic power vortex, and at the same time, the four lightning spheres began to connect with each other.

Long Juan is full of confidence in his unique skills, even if it is the current Yu'er, it is impossible to resist directly.

let's go!

Tornado merged her hands, and the four lightning spheres collided directly towards a position fixed by the telekinetic vortex in the air, just when she thought she was about to succeed.
"Drink!" The silver-haired white jade eyes stared into the distance, and at the same time, a certain incredible force in his body directly made him break free from the confinement of the telekinetic vortex. After regaining his freedom, he directly faced the four lightning spheres that collided with each other, and smashed them into pieces with one punch. !
A silver fist light appeared directly from the telekinetic vortex, and even directly penetrated the entire sky!
Tornado looked pale and watched his unique skill being deciphered. At this moment, he lost his mind. The silver figure not only defeated the mental vortex and the lightning sphere, but also rushed towards her again.

The silver-haired white jade looked at the several layers of energy shields in his eyes, and he clenched his fist again. The divine power in his body was directly blessed in it, and several silver-haired white jades appeared around him like "high ping warriors". At the moment when it was about to collide with the ability shield, several white jade figures instantly joined together to form a more energetic light spot, which directly pierced through layer after layer of shield like a bamboo!

Long Juan looked at Bai Yu who was about to arrive in front of her, she seemed to want to do something to resist, and then her eyes blurred, not only the silver-haired Bai Yu disappeared, but she also couldn't catch the trace of the latter.

At this moment, Tornado was hugged from behind, and a familiar voice came into her ears, "I won."

At the same time, she felt a big hand stroking her head constantly.

Tornado gave up struggling because it was so comfortable.

The familiar and favorite smell, the comfortable stroking skills, Tornado gave in shamefully, she turned around happily in Bai Yu's arms, then buried her head in the latter's arms, and continued "嘤嘤嘤"


Bai Yu froze, what kind of strange reaction did this trigger?

Soon, the tornado in Bai Yu's arms seemed to realize something serious, and her whole face was dyed red, "Damn it, Yu'er, you actually teased me, it's unforgivable!"

With a flushed face, Tornado struggled to leave the embrace that made her so comfortable. She pointed at Bai Yu and said something incoherent.

In short, Bai Yu couldn't understand, maybe this 28-year-old lady must be stupid.

The time was coming, and the familiar pain began to spread all over Bai Yu's body, but this time he already had a way to deal with it
Back in time!

Back in time, 5 minutes ago!
In an instant, Bai Yu was sucked into a twisted vortex, and at the same time, the twisted vortex began to flow backwards.

Bai Yu reappeared at the same place. He squeezed his hands and murmured in shock: "It's amazing. Only after experiencing it once, can I know that it is such a miraculous thing."

His situation is considered a card bug, right?

Not only that, but Bai Yu discovered another wonderful use after using it once.

When using time tracing, he can choose to rewind the state and appear in place, or to rewind the time layer to the original position he was in at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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