Five to five from one punch

Chapter 150 The Sisters' Quarrel

Chapter 150 The Sisters' Quarrel

City Z, in the sky of no man's land.

Bai Yu was holding the tornado right now, and he and the tornado were both wrapped in green light, floating steadily in the sky.

I have to say that the telekinetic power of the tornado is really convenient, and it is easy to drive Bai Yu to fly in the air together.

During the flight, Bai Yu rubbed the tornado's green hair a few times from time to time, it really can't be his fault, it feels really good!

At first, Long Juan was very resistant to this kind of behavior of bullying the big with the small, but she seemed to be addicted to it when she rubbed it, like a happy cat being stroked. She couldn't struggle.

"Yu'er, when did you notice such a strange change in your body?" asked the tornado in Bai Yu's arms.

"Changes?" Bai Yu, who was rubbing happily, was stunned, and then he realized what the tornado was referring to, "I don't know when this happened, I only know that I am very talented in martial arts, Bang Master Gu also often praised me in this regard.”

"I didn't ask this, what was the state of your silver hair just now?" Long Juan raised his head and rolled his eyes and asked.


Bai Yu was stunned for a moment. Was this the question that Long Juan asked?
But it is impossible for me to tell her the truth, for example... the origin of this skill and the deep-seated reasons.

In the end, Bai Yu could only fool Long Juan and said: "Silver hair, I named it Zizai Jiyi. It is a very special transformation state. As for how it came about, I don't know. I only know that it seems to be a kind of transformation." Instinct, as long as you encounter a huge danger or an opponent worthy of a fight, it will automatically appear."


These two words began to bounce back and forth in Tornado's mind.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart. Bai Yu spouted nonsense, and kept making up in Long Juan's mind. Finally, with these two words, she finally figured out something, something that had troubled her for many years.

It turns out that Yu'er is not an ordinary person, his superpower is transformation?

In this way, it also explained why that organization put Yu'er's number in front of itself back then, and even became an independent individual without an order number!

3 minute later.

Holding the tornado, Bai Yu flew back to the apartment in the no man's land.

"I'm back." Bai Yu shouted towards the door, and the door was instantly opened.

Fubuki's mature body came out of the door anxiously, her idea was to fly on Bai Yu's body, but... something seemed wrong.

A small tornado with a strong painting style was being hugged by Bai Yu at this time, and the former looked at Fuxue suspiciously.
The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

"Sister!!! Why are you here?" Fuxue cried out as if seeing a ghost.

"That's what I want to say, Fuxue, why are you here?" Tornado immediately changed from a strong style to a normal one, and then she jumped down from Bai Yu's embrace and landed steadily on the ground.

I have to say, the damn height really annoyed her.
"Chuixue, if I remember correctly, you already knew about Yu'er's escape, and you actually kept it from me, and even helped him join the Heroes' Association. What exactly do you want to do?" Long Juan put his hands on his hips , with a height of 1.5 meters, asked Fubuki that he had a sense of aura with a height of 1.8 meters.

Fuxue was at fault, because she did do such a thing, but when she was about to back down, Tornado continued to press, "Come back with me, Fuxue. You can't live like this, just half-assed like you level, as long as you stay by my side."

This sentence ignited the little firecracker in Chuuxue's heart, and she responded unswervingly: "Sister, I don't want it, I haven't lost yet, and the organization I built by myself will definitely be able to make a big career!"

"Huh? Great cause? Do you mean to dominate among the low-level heroes ranked in the B rank?" Veins appeared on the forehead of Dragon Juan, and she roared angrily: "Don't be kidding, I have already told you You said that the trust between people is more than just mentioned, what can you do with that group of trash, being with trash will only make you assimilate into the same trash!"

"I don't agree, I don't agree, I won't go back with you, and Yu'er won't go back with you!" After Chuuxue finished speaking, he pulled Bai Yu with one hand and pulled him to his side to face Tornado. Said: "Yu'er is already a member of my Fuxue team, as long as we join forces, we will soon be able to dominate the A-level ranking."

Long Juan wanted to say something, but in the end he shut up. After all, Yu'er's strength shocked her. With him around, Fuxue's useless organization can indeed be reborn.
Forget it, Yu'er has already proved her strength, she can't take it back anymore, and Chuuxue is also stubborn, neither of the two guys can make her worry, "Hmph, get out of the way, I want to go in!"

After Tornado finished speaking, she directly passed Janos who was at the door with a confused face, and treated this place as her own home, and then she found a place to sit down.

After sitting down, Long Juan looked at a marinated egg opposite him. "Hey, dead bald head, you have such a strong power, but you choose to hide it. It seems that you must have an ulterior secret when you approach Yu'er!"

Saitama: ? ? ?

Fuxue and Baiyu also entered the room together, she leaned into Baiyu's ear and whispered: "What's going on, why did my sister come back with you?"

"I almost thought you were going to be taken back by my sister, but when your friend named Saitama came back, he told me that you would not be taken away, so I waited for the result here."

The mature breath and warm senses are crazily stimulating Bai Yu's hidden lsp attribute. Sure enough, cuteness is not worth mentioning in front of sexiness!
Suppressing the numb feeling in his heart, Bai Yu briefly explained the situation to Chuuxue. In short, he had a fight with Tornado, which made the latter realize that it was impossible to take him back by force, and at the same time proved that he had The strength to qualify to bounce around in this world.

After Chuuxue heard this, she was dumbfounded, her brain was full of buzzing. Yuer fought with her sister, and she didn't say whether she won or lost. In short, it can change her sister's mind, at least Yuer's strength It was approved by my sister.

As the younger sister of Tornado, Fuxue naturally knows how high her sister's vision is. She never thought that Yu'er could do this, which really surprised her!

Janos, who was standing at the door, looked at the two extra opposite sexes in the room. He said to Bai Yu with a bit of resentment: "Teacher, didn't you tell me that if I don't have a woman in my heart, I'm fighting with the God of Nature?"

"Why, you brought two opposite sexes here?"

Bai Yu: "."

(End of this chapter)

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