Five to five from one punch

Chapter 151 The Tornado's Little Move

Chapter 151 The Tornado's Little Move

Nonsense has always been Bai Yu's strong point, at least he thinks so.

In three seconds, it was enough for Bai Yu to utter a set of theories to fool Genos who believed in him!
And he himself has no psychological burden at all, this is Bai Yu!
"Janos is right as the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell." Bai Yu continued to fool around with a serious face: "What I'm doing now is to let them help me practice, and during this process I constantly resist their pressure." Temptation, so as to make my state of mind to a higher level, can you understand this kind of hard work?"

what! ?

It turned out to be like this, Janos understood everything in an instant, and he said reverently: "I see, Teacher Baiyu, I didn't expect that there would be so much knowledge in it."

After finishing speaking, Genos took out his own small notebook and began to record the teacher's classic teaching sentences.
"Huh", finally bluffed Genos, Bai Yu felt that he had maintained his strict teacher personality.

"Let's have dinner quickly. The Chinese cabbage is probably going to be scalded." Bai Yu beckoned Genos and Fuxue to take their seats as soon as possible.

Soon, this small room was filled with five people. On a rectangular table, sitting side by side was the bald devil and the legend. On the opposite side of the two of them, there were three other people. Sitting side by side neatly. The order from left to right is, blowing snow and white jade tornado
The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while, and finally Bai Yu could only start to fight and said: "It's rare to be able to get together today, let's relax and eat more."

Long Juan glanced at Bai Yu, and then said to Genos and Saitama in a domineering tone, "Hmph, I'll give Yu'er a face, let's have dinner with you!"

"Sister." Fuxue wanted to make Tornado more polite, after all, this is someone else's house, at least say something nice or thank you, right?

Genos didn't care, but Saitama next to him was so angry that his shiny forehead started to turn red. If it wasn't for the fact that this little man was brought in by Bai Yu, he really wanted to give this little man such a punch!
Saitama turned grief and anger into appetite, scooped up a few slices of beef from the hot pot and stuffed them into his mouth, so as to block the eruption of anger.
Soon, everyone joined in the food grabbing session, but in the middle of eating, Long Juan suddenly slipped into Bai Yu's arms and sat down
At this moment, Bai Yu suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, Long Juan's body was relatively thin, and Fubuki wouldn't be able to do such a thing at all.

Sitting in Bai Yu's arms, the dragon volume immediately changed the style of painting into a line that can only be possessed by the strong. She picked up her chopsticks and handed it to the hot pot.
But unfortunately, he couldn't reach it with his hands, then Long Juan raised his head and said to Bai Yu: "I want to eat that piece of beef, Yu'er, help me get it here."

It felt like feeding, but Bai Yu still followed the craving of the dragon roll, and helped her pick up a piece of beef and put it near her mouth, so that the dragon roll could eat it.

Just when Tornado was eating happily, Fubuki put both hands under the former's armpits, then lifted her up and placed her on his lap, "Sister, you can't trouble others like this, you should sit here with me Bar."

Tornado wanted to protest, but Chuuxue quickly picked up some cabbage and put it in her bowl, blocking Tornado's subsequent resistance.

Not only that, the two mountain peaks on Chuuxue's upper body were also pressing hard on the small head of Tornado, it seemed that she was deliberately retaliating on Tornado's sneaky move just now.
Bai Yu looked at the scene where Long Juan's hair was about to be crushed, and he said six words in his mind, "Who can stand this!"

"Yu'er, have you really lost your previous memories?" Long Juan asked after glancing at Bai Yu.

"Yeah, from the day I awakened my abilities, I forgot about the past, and then I met Saitama and then Fubuki," Bai Yu responded with a lie.

Just now, he told Fubuki and Tornado on the grounds of amnesia and forgetting the past.

The plug-in template in the blade world not only allows me to have a cheap girlfriend and younger brother, but also a filial father. At first glance, the template in this world does not seem to have such a complicated relationship.

But the more he thought about it, the trickier he got. Bai Yu hoped to find out exactly how he, Tornado and Chuuxue knew each other.

"No wonder Yu'er, when you first saw me, it seemed like you didn't know yourself." Fuxue looked at Bai Yu with worried eyes, "Speaking of which, sister, how did you know Yu'er? Back when I When I was young, sister, you brought Yu'er back from outside, and you never explained the reason to me."

Tornado seemed to be in a daze at this moment, she murmured, "Have you lost your memory?"

"It might be a good thing not to remember some things"

"Sister?" Fuxue pushed the tornado and continued to ask: "We are all waiting for you to explain what happened before."

Tornado reacted, as if she realized something, when she was about to answer, she saw the bald head on the opposite side listening intently.

"Hmph, we only need the three of us to know about these things, and there is no need for you two outsiders." Long Juan said with a cold snort, then she put down the bowls and chopsticks, and at the same time created a telekinetic energy field to surround herself With Shiratama and Fubuki, they beautifully excluded Saitama and Genos.

The function of the telekinetic energy field is to insulate the sound. Tornado doesn't seem to want his history to be known to outsiders, and this is more about Yu'er's situation, so she can't help but be careless.

Janos still had an indifferent expression on his face.
But Saitama was a little unhappy, he was not interested in what happened before Tornado, but it was about Bai Yu, which made him want to know what happened to Bai Yu before.
But at the critical moment, the little dwarf used superpowers to isolate the sound, so he can't hear anything now.

But it doesn't matter, Saitama's expression instantly became serious, "Must kill, serious eavesdropping of the serious series!!!"

Saitama immediately pointed his ears at Tornado and the others, and kept trying to eavesdrop on what was being said inside.
At this time, inside the telekinetic energy shield, Tornado began to say, "18 years ago at that time, I was sent by my parents to the organization that specialized in researching human superpowers. No, it should be that my parents sold me to killed them."

"Sister." Chuuxue also remembered the bad things in the past. At that time, her parents sent her sister away without telling her, and lied to her that they wanted her to go back to live in the countryside for a while.

Even Fuxue, who had already learned the truth, still broods over what happened back then. She hugged her sister in her arms to comfort her.

(End of this chapter)

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