Five to five from one punch

Chapter 152 My super power is that I practice martial arts very well

Chapter 152 My super power is that I practice martial arts very well

After being hugged by her sister, Long Juan seemed to gain strength, so that she could continue to say: "I was sold there, and in a research institute, I met a boy of the same age, and this boy That is Yu'er, and he is also a research individual organized by that human superpower.

We quickly became good friends there, talking about everything, supporting each other and even licking each other's wounds. It was also during those days, with Yu'er's company, that I was able to survive those dark days. "

"No, sister, if this is the case, how could Yu'er's age match 18 years ago, and Yu'er's age is much younger than mine, this is simply impossible." Fuxue panicked He continued: "And sister, after you came back from that organization, it took about five years to bring Yu'er back, and he was only a boy around six years old at the time, which is not logical at all."

"Normally, this is the case. I am about the same age as Yu'er. I am already 28 this year, and Yu'er should be around 28." from that day 18 years ago."

"On that day, they may have made a mistake by a certain researcher and released a sample of a synthetic beast, wreaking havoc in the research institute and causing heavy casualties. The chain reaction caused more synthetic beasts inside to go out of control. I was locked in the same room with Yu'er at the time, and of course I also encountered such an attack."

"At this dangerous time, it was Yu'er who saved me with all his might, and even used his own safety as a bet to divert the synthetic beast away, which allowed me to survive.

After Yu'er lured the monster away, the explosion appeared and he started to kill all the synthetic monsters seen in the research institute, and saved me by the way.
But just when I begged him to save Yuer.

Blast said that there are no other humans alive in this institute. As for the boy, he did see a few researchers forcefully take a boy about my age away from here. "

Long Juan looked up at Bai Yu, and then she smiled, "It must be Yu'er, after you lured away the synthetic beast, you were accidentally discovered by those researchers, and you were forcibly taken away by them." gone."

"The reason why I am now a hero is that apart from being affected by the explosion, the greater reason is because I want to find Yu'er's whereabouts.

Fortunately, just five years later, this organization specializing in the study of superpowers began to revive, and at the same time, there were rumors that it was doing human experiments.

After I found out, I forcibly broke into it, and finally found Yu'er there.

But what shocked me was that Yu'er didn't grow up these years, but because of some unknown experiments of theirs, he grew up backwards, and because of this, Yu'er lost her previous memory, and finally became a five or six-year-old The child asked me to take it back. "

Chuuxue was stunned for a moment, and then she said: "Isn't it that Yu'er has lost her memory twice so far? The first time she lost her memory was due to an unknown experiment that caused her body to grow backwards, and the second time was what Yu'er said "Awakening"

"Well, I think that is indeed the case, and this also made me understand one thing. At that time, Yu'er's number in that research institute was zero, and at the same time, that group of people had been doing research on Yu'er to understand his supernatural powers. What is the ability, but they have been getting nothing, and even I don’t understand why they have been refusing to give up researching Yu’er, but it’s getting worse.”

"Even when I found Yu'er, who was regressed in age, in the research institute at that time, I read the research report on Yu'er, and those people still didn't understand what Yu'er's superpower is. I have always suspected that Yu'er is just an ordinary person, and that group of researchers are actually a group of lunatics."

Long Juan stood up, got into Bai Yu's arms again, and said: "No one thought that Yu'er really possessed special abilities, but it took so many years to wake up, and after waking up this time, I lost my memory again.”

"What is Yu'er's ability?" Chuuxuehu asked.

Tornado responded lightly: "It seems to be a special transformation!"


Speaking of this, Fuxue remembered the unexpected incident when he took Yu'er out to play the jungle for the first time. According to Lily, Yu'er did turn into a silver-haired appearance. It turned out that that was Yu'er's special superpower ?

Bai Yu was listening all the time, and he didn't say anything the whole time. If he had to say something, he just wanted to say
super power hammer
That's all made up by myself, he has a super power of wool!

But also because of this, Bai Yu understood everything.

It turns out that the hidden relationship of this peerless martial arts wizard plug-in is so nonsense.

The system fabricates a legitimate plug-in identity to integrate itself into this world. If it is a plug-in for ordinary passers-by, it may not have such a complicated relationship. ", there will be this kind of relationship that you don't know at all and is inexplicable
As for what Tornado said, the reason why those researchers are so obsessed with studying themselves is probably because the system uses their research behavior to explain the formation of the "Peerless Martial Arts Wizard Plugin", so it's not that they want to study themselves, but It is required by the system, so such a memory story is arranged.

If Bai Yu guessed correctly, in Blade World, he randomly got the Fan Ma Blood plug-in, so he must be Fan Ma Yujiro's own son. The reason for the plug-in's formation is very simple and rude, because it is blood.

As for the peerless martial arts training genius plug-in in One Punch World, if I have to say the reason, it should be under the crazy experiments of this group of researchers, because of the pressure and oppression, it awakened the incomparable martial arts talent
In other words, this group of researchers did awaken him to a special ability, but this special ability... is actually a very powerful talent in martial arts.

Therefore, those researchers have been studying the air for so many years. Maybe they never imagined that there will be a special superpower in this world, which is to make people's talents in martial arts very powerful.
Suddenly, Bai Yu remembered a story, Spiderman said that his superpower was climbing rocks and walls, and then Bat said that his superpower was rich!

Bai Yu feels that he is in such a situation now, my super power is actually that I am very good at practicing martial arts.
(End of this chapter)

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