Five to five from one punch

Chapter 153 The Dream of the Overlord of the Universe

Chapter 153 The Dream of the Overlord of the Universe

Just when Tornado was about to say something to Bai Yu, the telekinetic barrier behind her began to tremble gradually, and then a spider web of cracks gradually appeared on the dark green barrier.
"What?", Tornado was stunned, what happened.
Why did this happen to my own telekinetic barrier?
The telekinetic barrier was shattered. A marinated egg poked his head in from the outside, and he said with tears streaming down his face, "Baiyu, don't worry, I will definitely beat all the guys who hurt you away!"

I didn't expect Bai Yu's childhood to be so miserable. Not only was he treated as an object for research, but he was also subjected to such inhumane experimental treatment. As a result, he grew backward in age and even lost his memory because of it.

In comparison, Saitama found that although his childhood was ordinary and boring and had no bright spots, when compared with Baiyu, he felt that it was not much better.

Bai Yu: "."

As long as you like it, he has given up struggling, so you can make it up as you like.

But at this time, Tornado was not happy. After all, Saitama not only eavesdropped, but even ran into him openly and yelled, which made her feel annoyed that her secret had been broken.

"Death bald! Didn't you say that outsiders like you can't know about it?" Tornado's hands flashed with a frightening dark green light, "Why do you still want to eavesdrop so hard?"

It's over, Saitama knew he was wrong this time, he scratched his face with sweat profusely. He didn't know what to say.

But in the end, Bai Yu came out to stop Tornado from making a move. This small house has small arms and legs. If Tornado and Saitama were to fight here again, the whole building would suffer immediately.

Because of Bai Yu's efforts to stop Long Juan, she finally had no choice but to stop, but she said angrily to Saitama: "If you tell the things you eavesdropped on, you will die!"

After finishing speaking, Long Juan stood up and walked to the door, "I'm going back to the association, Yu'er, what do you mean?"

"How about what?" Bai Yu didn't quite understand the meaning of tornado.

"This time in the gymnasium, the fact that you defeated four S-class heroes in a row caused a lot of fluctuations on the Internet, but with my guarantee, no one in the association will dare to trouble you, and your strength has already Far exceeded the passing line for an S-level hero, so do you want to become an S-level hero?" Tornado folded his arms and waited for Bai Yu's answer.

However, the former behavior will only make Bai Yu pay more attention to the slightly protruding, flat body of Tornado's upper body.
Soon, Bai Yu shook his head, shaking off his unhealthy thoughts, and said to Tornado, "It seems to feel good to be an S-class hero, okay."

After Baiyu finished speaking, he pointed to Saitama and said, "This good friend of mine is also a very powerful person. There is nothing wrong with being an S-level hero. Why don't you guarantee him together, Sister Longjuan, and let the two of us directly Become an S-class hero together?"

After hearing this, Long Juan immediately changed to a strong style, and her eyes glanced at the bald head with an unknown meaning.

Indeed, Yu'er's friend is indeed a very powerful guy. This is the first time that Tornado has encountered this kind of guy. He can't lift or push the guy with his mind power. With such unfathomable strength, he can completely Can be an S-class hero.

But "I refuse!", Tornado said arrogantly, and then she pointed at Saitama: "I hate this guy, so be it, I'm going back."

Saitama doesn't care about becoming an S-class hero. Anyway, if he works hard, he will be promoted to that rank sooner or later, but compared with the ranking, he cares more about his hero's name
Why is Bai Yu called a handsome knight, Genos is a man transformed by a devil, but he is a bald man in a cape?
It must be because of this broken name that I don't even have a fan
Seeing that her sister was about to go back, Chuuxue stood up and said to Tornado, "Sister, go slowly, I'll stay here for a while."

Fubuki intends to have a good discussion with Yu'er for a while. Regarding the future development of the Fubuki team, after all, the first S-level hero member will soon be born in the Fubuki team with all B-level members. Things that go without saying.

Not to mention, that devil-reformed person actually claimed to be Yu'er's disciple. As long as she worked harder, she might be able to immediately harvest two S-level heroes to join Fuxue's group.

wrong!It should be three. After all, Yu'er has just admitted that this bald cloak man can also have the strength to become an S-class hero. That is to say, the Fuxue group will soon get three members of the S-class hero?

God, is this worth it?
The three S-level members are from Fubuki's group, and I'm afraid even Sweetheart Mask, who ranks first in the A-level, will be squeezed out by himself!
Long Juan thought calmly and thought for a while, then said, "Chuuxue, come with me!"

"Hey?", Chuuxue was stunned for a moment, and she asked in puzzlement: "Why, it will be very safe with Yu'er here, sister, you don't have to worry about any danger I will get here."

Long Juan glanced at Fuxue with her small eyes, and she responded angrily, "I think you are the biggest danger, you should go back with me."

After finishing speaking, Fubuki was wrapped by the tornado with telekinetic power and suspended her, and then the two left this no-man's land together
After seeing the two big troubles finally leave, Saitama took a bite of the Chinese cabbage covered in sauce and said, "That little dwarf, I really hate her too."

Bai Yu: "."

On Z city, on several linked cities, even on the earth.
In the dark, distant and vast cosmic starry sky, countless light-years away, a huge and frightening steel spaceship is using the method of space leap forward, constantly shrinking the unreachable distance.

The goal of this spaceship is directed at a certain planet. No, or in other words, the goal that the owner of this spaceship is looking forward to is precisely that blue planet.

Inside the spaceship, in the central control room, there are thick and thick dark purple pillars erected in a huge and vast space. In a central open space surrounded by these giant pillars, there is a solemn giant throne.

On the king chair, a cosmic overlord with long dark purple hair and a golden armor face is resting. The single eye with closed eyelids on its face is constantly trembling, as if it is in a sleepy state.
But very quickly, the overlord of the universe continued to fall into a dreamlike dream.

(End of this chapter)

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