Five to five from one punch

Chapter 154 Poros' Dream Prophecy

Chapter 154 Poros' Dream Prophecy
Poros found himself standing on an empty ground, and he looked up to the sky. The sky above was blue and even some metal objects passed over it from time to time.

Where are you?
Immediately afterwards, a haze of fog appeared around Poros, and the sound of footsteps sounded in front of him.


Just as Poros was guessing like this, a red-haired man appeared in front of Poros and stared at him.

"Who are you?" Poros asked proudly, holding his hands in front of him.

The red-haired man didn't answer Poros' question. He saw a scorching white gas gradually rising from his body. Immediately afterwards, the white gas began to sublimate into silver light, a silver pillar reaching the sky. It directly covered On the body of the red-haired man.

The brilliant silver galaxy erupted directly from the beam of light, dispelling the surrounding haze.

Immediately afterwards, this sacred and inviolable silver beam of light began to shrink until it finally disappeared. A muscular and strong silver-haired man appeared in front of Poros' eyes.

The silver-haired man just looked at Poros quietly, with no sadness or joy in his eyes, as if he thought that Poros was just someone to fight against in his eyes.

Poros's face began to change gradually, from the initial arrogance to stunned, and finally turned into an excited expression, it showed a sickly smile, and the single eye on the forehead, which accounted for one third of the face, began to wreak havoc. On this silver-haired man.

It can't perceive anything, and the breath energy of this creature can't feel anything, as if the other party is a stone dead thing that can be seen everywhere.

But Poros's keen combat intuition is frantically warning him that the silver-haired man in front of him is extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, unprecedentedly dangerous!
"Strong one, report your name!" Poros was so excited that he began to tremble all over. He suppressed the fighting spirit on his body and asked the silver-haired man a question.

The silver-haired man didn't answer Poros' question, but swayed his body slightly. Then he stretched his hands to his chest, aimed at Poros and put them together, as if he didn't intend to answer this question, and answered with his own body language.

"Hurry up, don't ink!"

Poros didn't get angry because of this, he always had enough patience and tolerance for the strong, "That's ok, it's the first time I've met a strong man like you in Poros's way through the universe for so long, I will definitely let you You give in and tell me your name!"

As soon as the words fell, Poros, wearing golden armor, appeared in front of the silver-haired man in an instant, and immediately stretched out a violent punch to the target.

Unsurprisingly, it fell through, because there was no object blocking it, the aftermath of Poros' punch even shattered the ground in front of him, and hot magma even appeared in the brand new dents on the ground
Poros realized this serious problem in an instant.

It quickly turned its head and looked behind it, only to see the silver-haired man standing quietly behind it, motionless.

He did not choose to attack Poros.

The failure of the attack didn't frustrate Poros, on the contrary, it aroused the infinite fighting spirit in its heart. Its fists began to drop like shooting stars, attacking the silver-haired man frantically.

But at this moment, the silver-haired man moved his hand.

Poros's wrist was caught, and at the same time, the other hand of the silver-haired man turned into a palm and slammed into its throat fiercely. Under the brief loss of consciousness and the impact of strength, it temporarily lost control of its body. At the same time, at the same moment, the silver-haired man's palm that hit its throat immediately clenched into a fist, and hit Poros's chest armor unstoppably!
The huge impact and dust soared into the sky, and in a deep pit, Poros was stuck tightly in the dust, and all the golden armor on it had been shattered.
Poros, who let go of his armor, instantly widened the only eye on his face, and the concurrency of infinite energy in his body directly destroyed all the rocks and dust around him!

Poros reappeared on the ground, his eyes fixed on the silver-haired man, "Hahaha, it's you. I knew it must be you. I'm looking for an opponent worthy of a fight is you!"

Just when Poros' fighting spirit and excitement were extremely high, the phantom of the silver-haired man gradually blurred and became transparent.

When Poros saw it, his eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted excitedly: "Don't, don't disappear, strong man, I haven't fought you with all my strength yet!"

After finishing speaking, Poros quickly teleported towards the silver-haired man, just as it was about to touch him.

A feeling of heart palpitations appeared in Poros' body. He opened his monocular eyes instantly, and bursts of cold sweat began to break out all over his body. He looked around vigilantly at the surrounding environment.

Unchanging huge columns, cold giant chairs, and a lifeless space.

It turned out that everything just now was a dream!

Do not!
It's not a dream, that silver-haired man is the strong man I've been looking for, an opponent worthy of fighting with all my might.

It must be because of being close to the blue planet that I had this fate-like dream. This is a kind of revelation, the revelation that fate bestowed on Poros.

Fate is telling Poros that the silver-haired man is waiting for his arrival, on that blue planet, standing on top of millions of lives, the lonely and strongest man! !

Thinking of this, Poros began to wantonly release the energy in his body, laughing wildly in this empty space.

Excitement and extreme emotions kept pouring into Poros' heart. This was his long-cherished wish for many years. For this reason, he did not hesitate to spend several years here to find this opponent, even if it was just a groundless prophecy. It doesn't care either!
When this prophecy was confirmed, Poros could no longer resist the excitement in his heart, and began to release his nature!
The entire spaceship began to erupt due to the wanton energy of Poros, and began to tremble crazily.
Some weak alien creatures in the spaceship began to curl up and hid under the solid building tremblingly with their heads in their hands, so as not to be accidentally injured by Mr. Poros.

Meruzagarudo began to lean on the cold steel wall, looked up at a certain position and murmured in confusion: "Why? Why is Lord Poros so excited?"

Goliuganshupu didn't even stabilize himself in time, and was directly swept into a certain machine by Poros's crazy energy that didn't distinguish between enemy and friend, and then it said to his partner in pain: "I don't know, I have never seen this kind of situation before, at least for at least 50 years, I have not seen Lord Poros in such high spirits."

(End of this chapter)

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