Chapter 155 Bet
Gloribas struggled to climb out of the crumbling wall, its own blood was flowing from the tiny wounds on its body.

Before it could react, Meruzagarudo landed on it like a cannonball, causing Gloribas to suffer another painful secondary injury.

Poros yelled at the two who fell on the ground dissatisfied: "What's the matter? Is this going to work?"

"Quickly stand up for me, and then forcefully output to me!"

Goliuganshupu was just outside the door of this combat practice room, peeping secretly. It has to be said that Master Poros has not come to this practice room for a good training for a long time.

One reason is that Master Poros thinks that he is already strong enough, and the effect of general training has little effect on it.

The second reason is that Master Poros feels that there is no one here who is worthy of his opponent. Even in ordinary combat training, it looks down on us three cadres.

But what did Goryuganshup see now?
Lord Poros began to let the three of their cadres come to the battle room to carry out a targeted combat training, no, it should be an overwhelming beating!

Goliuganshupu saw the bruised appearance of his two little friends, and he felt that he should not go in. If he was so small, if he was punched, he would die, right?

Hero Association headquarters.

"Handsome knight, this is your exclusive contact phone. At the same time, we have updated your hero ranking and various information on the official website in real time!" The bearded man handed these things to Bai Yu's hands with a slight flattery.

"Okay, but... I still want to ask, is the duty of an S-level hero as simple as standing still?" Bai Yu put his exclusive mobile phone in his trouser pocket and asked suspiciously.

The bearded man nodded slightly, "Yes, generally S-level heroes are only on standby for ghost-level or above disaster-level temptations or eradication tasks, so most S-level heroes are on standby every day, doing their own things."

After Bai Yu got the answer, she didn't say much, but admired in her heart, the welfare of S-level heroes is really good, no wonder so many people want to climb up.

The monthly money subsidy, bonus benefits for completing tasks, and even various benefits simply blinded Bai Yu's eyes.

If I knew that S-level heroes were so cool, he still needed to rob Genos back then?

Speaking of Genos. Now what is this guy doing?
Bai Yu's thoughts suddenly wandered to this guy.

Everything was basically settled. When Bai Yu was about to leave here, a gust of wind fluttered. At the same time, a beautiful "female" appeared in front of his eyes.

With a slender and tall figure, a delicate and beautiful appearance, long golden hair, a blue cross-shaped headdress on his head, a black tights with metal armor and a white cloak, the cloak also has blue on the chest Cross jewelry.

Before Bai Yu could speak, the suspiciously female guy asked, "You're the handsome knight, aren't you?"

"Uh, if there is no name like mine, then I must be right." Bai Yu replied helplessly.

"Very good, it is indeed as shown in the video." The uninvited guest brushed his hair away, and then continued to talk to Bai Yu: "My name is Flash, and I am currently the 13th in S-class. I'm glad you joined the S-rank ranking."

flash flash?

It turned out to be this guy, that is to say, this guy turned out to be a man!


Although Bai Yu didn't really want to pay attention to the guy who opened his mouth and didn't smile, since he expressed kindness on the other side, he didn't mind making another friend.

Just when Bai Yu wanted to greet each other with the same good intentions, who knows. The flashing Flash continued: "I have watched your videos many times, and I have to say that you defeated four S-class heroes in a row It’s shocking, but it’s nothing in my eyes, what amazes me is your unscientific body movements, nerve response, and incredible speed!”

"Handsome knight. Come and become my apprentice!"

"When you learn my skills and ninjutsu, you will definitely be able to accomplish a lot and go to the next level!!"

After the flashing Flash finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene fell into embarrassment for a while.
Especially Bai Yu, he has already begun to think that this Flash named Flash has some brain problems. How can anyone come over suddenly, tell you a lot, and then tell himself that he knows. Dexterity and Miracle will add one last sentence to you, come and be my disciple!
Damn, this guy is an idiot.

Bai Yu is a very qualified person, and he replied with his high EQ: "Sorry, I already have a master, so I can't accept your kindness."

However, the flashing Flash is like a tendon, as if it is not opposed to Baiyu's channel. Instead, one is in the atmosphere and the other is in the sewer.

"If you are worried about this, then there is no need, I don't care that you have multiple masters, and it is said that Master Banggu is your master, I will naturally go over to tell him and say hello." The flashing Flash After finishing speaking, he opened his arms, "Come on, handsome knight, come and learn the supreme ninjutsu with me!"

Bai Yu really wanted to punch this guy in the face, he took a deep breath and said to the flashing Flash with low EQ words: "Sorry, I don't want to, I think I am far stronger than you, so I don't think you can Teach me something."

Oops. The bearded man now seems to be witnessing something bad happen.

Unexpectedly, the newly appointed S-class hero would quarrel with other S-class heroes so soon!

If this continues, won't there be another gymnasium brawl 2.0?

Is this still available?

Just when the bearded man wanted to go over to stop it, the flashing Flash said lightly: "Huh, interesting. However, I don't dislike you, an arrogant guy. The more I do this, the more I want you to understand ninjutsu." Charm, and then willingly follow me to learn ninjutsu!"

Then the flashing Flash changed his tone: "How about this, let's have a betting game that ends with a point, if I win, then you have to be my apprentice and learn ninjutsu from me, if you win , then I will pretend that what I said today has never happened, how do you feel about it?"

After hearing this, Bai Yu began to look at the shining Flash
Could it be that this guy did it on purpose? Did he lure himself into the bait like this at the beginning?

But that's good too, Bai Yu can be regarded as having a fair chance, so that this shining Flash can give up.

(End of this chapter)

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