Five to five from one punch

Chapter 156 The Shriveled Flash

Chapter 156 The Shriveled Flash
Why did things become like this?
The bearded man doubted his life and stood in the battle practice field dedicated to the British Association, as a witness, ready to watch this rare bet?

The flashing Flash raised his finger and said to the opposite Bai Yu: "Five minutes. If you can touch me during this time, then I will count you as the winner. How do you like it?"

"I don't care, as long as you like it!" Bai Yu said with a slight sigh.

"Hmph, interesting." The flashing Flash smiled slightly, "You can only be so relaxed now. After you have seen my speed, you should fall into despair that you can't struggle."

"Okay, let's start quickly." Bai Yu urged.

The flashing Flash didn't take it seriously, he turned around and showed his back to Bai Yu's eyes, "Then it starts, as long as you touch me, you will win."

As soon as the words were finished, the flashing Flash figure began to distort, and at the same time the phantom began to fade away, and he himself had already flashed into the distance.

It also means that the betting has already begun.

Silver-haired flames appeared in Bai Yu's hands, and then he immediately switched to mimic mode, Gale!

This green and blue intersecting color began to wrap around Bai Yu's whole body, and when he approached him, he also turned into a figure that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, looking at a certain target in front of him and getting closer.
Only the bearded man stood there with a bewildered face
I can't see anything, he can't keep up with the speed of these two people at all, so what's the use of asking him to come over as a witness?
A gust of tyranny came from behind the flashing Flash, he realized something bad was happening, and as expected, Bai Yu's familiar voice began to sound from behind him, "Hey, old man, I'm going to catch up with you soon."

Hmph, as expected of the disciple I have my eyes on, is it true that this ordinary speed can't make you feel the pressure?

At this moment, the black shadow instantly covered the flashing figure of Flash, and Bai Yu's swift palm began to pat down on the former's back, at the same time.
The flashing Flash sensed that something was wrong, some strange ability was restricting his movements, slowing down his movement speed.

Cold sweat began to drip slowly from his face, this handsome knight has a lot of weirdness!
How could he actually slow down his movement speed while attacking him?

Too bad, if this continues, I will really lose!
Flash's pupils shrunk and he realized the crisis of the situation, he could no longer retain his strength, "Flash instantly kills!"

With the launch of the move, the flashing Flash's whole body instantly shone with golden light. Immediately afterwards, his figure broke away from the deceleration effect of the white jade mimic gust at an incredible speed as if turning into golden light, and moved away again. Bai Yu's shot fell within the range.

"So fast!!" Bai Yu looked at the frightening speed of the flashing Flash in amazement. He really didn't expect that this guy with such a strange name would have such a terrifying explosive speed.

Bai Yu's forte does not lie in speed, but if he must be faster than the speed, he doesn't think he will lose, because is there any speed faster than time?
Deleted on the body.

Time, standing above all things, has once again demonstrated its power!


Directly delete the distance process of chasing myself to the shining Flash, and leave the result of myself reaching the shining Flash!
The process is useless, only the result is something worthy of admiration.

Twenty seconds later, Bai Yu's body miraculously appeared beside the flashing Flash, and at the same time, his shoulder was firmly resting on it with the former's hand.

The flashing Flash was completely dumbfounded, he didn't even realize what kind of situation this was!
Obviously, the speed at which he exploded with all his strength had already left the handsome mask far behind, but he didn't realize how the latter caught up, or even how he put his hand on his shoulder! !

It's as if he suddenly appeared next to him, the process of this movement seems to be cut off?
So. I lost this?

Do not! !

He never admits that the more flashy Flash is, the more he recognizes the potential of the handsome knight, and only he can truly comprehend the power of peerless ninjutsu. He must teach him ninjutsu!

"Wind Blade Kick!", the flashing Flash turned his back heel and kicked Bai Yu's shoulder aggressively.

boom!The back of Bai Yu's hand firmly covered her shoulder, and at the same time, she caught the sudden attack of the flashing Flash.

Bai Yu blocked his own attack, and the flashing Flash didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary, on the contrary it made him feel eager to try.

With the help of jumping power, the flashing Flash flipped in the air, and directly used his special skill on Bai Yu below, "Flashing feet!"

As dense and swift as machine gun bullets, the continuous kicking skills performed by the flashing Flash in an instant, the speed and lethality are not trivial.

The flashy Flash felt that he had mastered this unique move very well, whether it was the timing of the shot or other aspects, but he did not achieve the expected results.
The handsome knight kicked as many of his flashes as possible with just one hand, resisting them all!

Bai Yu is better at melee combat and defensive tactics, because his mimic defense mode is real meat
The flashing Flash, who does not believe in evil, made a flowering posture with his hands at the moment of landing, and at the same time rotated clockwise, a ghostly phantom appeared on his hands.

Falling Moon Palm! !

The powerful blow hit the handsome knight unreservedly, but at the same time, he was blocked by the latter's hands at the moment of the collision.

"Not good.", the flashing Flash felt that he was on the top, he shouldn't be so impulsive to use such a secret technique, the handsome knight will not be injured, right?

The smoke caused by the energy of the Falling Moon Palm dissipated, and Bai Yu stood in front of the flashing Flash unharmed.

Seeing this unbelievable scene, the flashing Flash opened his eyes wide, "The Falling Moon Palm that resisted me was unscathed. Just retreated a few meters?"

In a professional hospital designated by the association, in a certain VIP room.

The Venerable Vest looked at the information on the computer, and for a moment he seemed to have figured something out, then he said to the metal bat on the next bed: "Have you seen the information updated by the association this morning? The B who defeated us Super hero handsome knight. He has been promoted to S-class hero."

"I don't care!" Metal Bat just turned off his cell phone after talking with his sister, he turned around and said to the Venerable Vest, "Although that guy has a bad personality, I have to admit that he really does He is very powerful, and the superimposed aura that I am proud of has no effect on him at all."

"Such a guy, in terms of strength, is indeed qualified to be an S-class hero!"

(End of this chapter)

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