Chapter 157 Defeat
From the perspective of strength, Venerable Vest naturally agrees with the metal bat.

Although the incident in the gymnasium was caused by the trouble caused by the group of my younger brothers. But they are my younger brothers after all.

Thinking of this vested venerable, he pinched his brows depressedly, and then he asked himself with a trembling soul, "Did I indulge the vest group too much?"

Because of connivance, let them be unscrupulous, and finally become even more unscrupulous for the sake of superiority.

"Huh~", the Venerable Vest put down the tablet, and said to the metal bat: "Why haven't you seen the sexy prisoner these days?"

Speaking of this, the metal bat got excited, and he happily said to the Venerable Vest, "Hey, that guy seems to have been recaptured in a men's prison!"

Vest Venerable:? ?
"It seems that the day before yesterday, he made a move on that specialist in urology. The latter couldn't stand it and finally called the police to arrest him!"

Good guy, what a good guy Venerable vest wiped the cold sweat from his head, "Then what about the super alloy black light?"

"Shouldn't he be caught like the sexy prisoner?"

The metal bat's face was a bit strange, and then he said slowly: "His words seem a little strange, how should I put it? It's as if he has been beaten into autism."

"Now he squats on the toilet in the bathroom all day long, just like those elementary school students who failed the exam and were severely criticized. In this case, he can only choose a way to make himself feel better! "

The Venerable Vest suddenly realized that besides the metal bat, everyone around him seemed to be abnormal.


How could this kind of thing happen, his special skill "Meteor Moon Palm" didn't even hurt the opponent's fur?

Are you hallucinating?
No. This is the naked truth!

"Hey, your sudden palm technique... is very fast, but your strength is not good. It seems that you haven't mastered your cultivation yet!" Bai Yu said mockingly.

In fact, he did not lie. Although Flash's attack was very fast, Bai Yu used the "armor return defense" of the mimic defense mode to resist at the critical moment, and even the opponent's attack company "armor return defense" granted It's a bit embarrassing that the shields can't be broken.

The mimetic defense mode of Zhen. Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist can be said to be Bai Yu's strongest defensive boxing method. It not only increases his defensive attributes by 50.00%, but most importantly grants him [-]% damage reduction! !

If you think about it this way, it seems understandable that the opponent cannot break through your own defense
But Bai Yu understands it, but Flash is different. He is doubting his life now, but he soon cheers up, and at the same time quickly distanced himself from Bai Yu.

The opponent is a strong martial artist in melee combat, and it is extremely dangerous to keep close to the opponent for a long time.

After Flash came to his senses, he naturally did not allow himself to make such a mistake.

"I recognize your strength, so I won't hold back any more." After Flash finished speaking, he gradually pulled out the Instant Killing Pill from his waist!
"I will show my sword skills, I hope you can surprise me again." After flashing a bright sword flower in the air with the instant killing pill, Flash turned into a golden figure and rushed towards Baiyu again.

Heavy Flash Slash!
Concentrating the power on one point, the thrusting sword skill can even smash a giant alloy wall with a single blow.

One sword light chills the nineteen continents! ?
The golden light pierced out, crossed the distance, and hit Bai Yu's body instantly
At the same time, several cracks of different sizes appeared on the ground, and the dust scattered around.
There's no doubt that Flash felt absolutely stabbed.

But I couldn't pull it out by myself, as if Shunshamaru was caught by something.

dust dispersed
Bai Yu was still unscathed, even the front end of Shun Sha Wan was clamped together by the palms of the latter's hands.

Flash really felt that he was alive today, how could someone catch his Heavy Flash Slash with the palm of his hand?
"This sword is not bad, its strength and speed are good, but... have you ever tried the damage from your own moves?" Bai Yu smiled and said to Flash.

Flash felt that the handsome knight in danger was gathering some terrifying momentum, and seemed to be preparing to launch an unprecedented attack on himself!
He had to dodge, Shunshawan could not be pulled out yet, so he had to give up his favorite knife temporarily and re-open the distance first.

Within a few seconds, Flash made a decision, but just when he was about to act.
He found that he was actually hit into the ground, a wound was sunken in his chest, and blood even started to ooze from the notch
"Ahem...", Flash found that his throat seemed to be on fire, he coughed out a few mouthfuls of bloody spittle, his limbs ached, his head was buzzing, and even a blurry image appeared before his eyes.

Now, it is impossible for Flash to know that he has been hit by the handsome knight's attack.

It's just that he didn't understand how he was hit, when the attack landed on him, he could dodge it at his own speed, but why?
Obviously, when he planned to distance himself, the opponent hadn't launched an attack, and then he was not only hit, but also became like this.

Just like what happened when the handsome knight patted himself on the shoulder just now. Nonsense!
Bai Yu walked over to the flash that had been slammed into the ground, and he said, "I asked the bearded man to call the doctor for you. Today's betting game is over. It's rude to say that I won."

"So you should stop talking about asking me to learn ninjutsu from you."

After speaking, Bai Yu left Flash's sight.

Flash wanted to say something when he saw this, but the injury on his chest was so serious that it was difficult for him to even sit up, let alone stop the handsome knight by shouting loudly.

But in the eyes of Flash, there is no emotion of failure and frustration, but full of desire
That's right, that's it, handsome knight, you are indeed a peerless genius who learns ninjutsu, I must teach you ninjutsu!
Bai Yu walked on the passage of the association. In the battle just now, the armor counterattack of the mimic defense mode was mixed with the blessing of the damage caused by the flash flash.
However, the opponent's speed is very fast, and the combat consciousness is also very decisive. According to normal principles, the counterattack of the armor returning to the defense is very likely, and it will miss the Flash who wants to escape.
However, what if the armor returns to the counterattack and the main body is deleted?

No one can escape such an attack.
Thinking of this, Bai Yu suddenly thought of Saitama's big bald head.
Can Saitama escape?
Forget it, I still don't want to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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