Five to five from one punch

Chapter 158 Sonic Never Gives Up

Chapter 158 Sonic Never Gives Up


When Baiyu was about to leave the Heroes Association, Xiqi stopped him.

after a while
"Huh?" Bai Yu called out in surprise, "You mean, do you want to entrust me with this task?"

Xi Qi bowed ninety degrees to Bai Yu and said, "Yes, I'm really sorry that I have to send you a mission on the first day you have just been an S-class hero."

Bai Yu said that he didn't care, but he asked curiously: "Speaking of which, are the S-level heroes of the association all completing other tasks?"

Xiqi said embarrassingly: "Yes. Originally, this task should be given to Lord Tornado, but she seems to have received a message from afar today, and went there to eliminate the weirdo."

"Is it dangerous?" Bai Yu asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's said that it's a strange man called the Ancient King. The conservative disaster level is at the ghost level. There is no problem at all in handing over to Mr. Tornado." Xi Qi replied very thoughtfully. After all, the current high-level members of the association know this handsome guy The knight seems to have an ulterior relationship with the tornado
To be honest, if he had a choice, I'm afraid Xiqi would not let Bai Yu go to the task so quickly, but...he really has no choice.

On the way of Tornado to annihilate the ancient king, the metal and drive knight directly rejected the mission, and the police dog man directly ignored it. Master Banggu has been mysterious since he returned from the last mission, and then four of them were killed by the man in front of him. The ruthless person was sent to the hospital, and most of the rest could not be contacted or were busy, and although the difficulty of this mission was not high, it was related to a major event in the past, and Xiqi had to choose one Only the right person can do it.

After much deliberation, he finally handed over this task to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu scratched her head, and finally chose to agree.

After all, the system has already issued a mission at this time. Wouldn't it be great to be able to complete the association's arrangement and also collect attribute points and other rewards?
Mission objective: To test the remnants of Ninja Village

Mission introduction: In a corner that has been gradually forgotten by everyone, a group of ninjas hiding in the dark are waiting for an opportunity. After receiving the news that the adult is about to wake up, they began to speed up the awakening process of the adult. Attempting to reproduce the glory of the ninja village.
Mission rewards: attribute points*5, myriad world crystals*? , Opportunity to practice against the strong*1
"Thank you very much. The intelligence personnel of our association are sorting out the exact positioning of the mission, and the information will probably be sent to your mobile phone tomorrow."

"Oh, ok, then I'll go back tonight and make good preparations, and start the action tomorrow!" After Bai Yu finished speaking, she left here in a hurry.

All he can think about now is, what is this opportunity to practice against the strong?
Who will this strong man be?

"I'm going out." Bai Yu greeted and left the apartment.

Saitama brushed his teeth and looked enviously at the back of Baiyu leaving, "It's great, Baiyu can now be entrusted with tasks, so he can go out to perform the heroic activities of the association."

Genos put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and he said to Saitama immediately after thinking about it: "Teacher, don't be discouraged, although you are still a C-level hero now, and you don't have any fan base, even if the name of a hero is ugly, but In my heart you will always be the strongest and best hero!"

Saitama felt very angry. Although he knew that Genos was kind enough to comfort him, he couldn't be happy at all after hearing it.
I'm not in a good mood.
Saitama might as well go out to see if there are any weirdos making trouble, after all, C-level heroes haven't got the right to get rid of the task indicators.

Bai Yu just left the apartment on the front foot, and Saitama on the back foot also left the apartment together, but on a certain road leading to the exit near here, a certain long-hidden ninja has been squatting here for a long time
Sonic hid in a big tree and covered his figure with dense leaves. Soon he opened his eyes and locked his eyes on the white jade who was gradually walking below!
In the past, I was defeated miserably by the opponent, and even the humiliation of being ripped off is vivid in my memory
"Great, Bai Yu. It seems that today is your death day. I must kill you with the supreme ninjutsu, in order to wash away my past deeds!"

Sonic smiled innocently, and when he took out his shuriken, he suddenly noticed a bald head appearing on a forked road not far behind Baiyu.

God, what kind of a good day is it today, that I, Sonic, can meet two prey at the same time, so who should I attack first?
Is it Shiratama, or Saitama?

In terms of distance, sneak attacking Baiyu is the best choice, but Sonic finally chose to sneak attack Saitama. Ke can't ignore it at all!

Just like the tank character in the game has turned on the aura of taunt, Sonic thinks he has no reason to back down!

Go to hell!

Mysteries, Explosive Shuriken. Raptor Formation!
Sonic threw dozens of exploding shurikens, and used Kunai to quickly fly the exploding shurikens, causing a large-scale bombardment.This is a trial, and the real ultimate move is in the back.

When dozens of exploding shurikens were about to hit the back, Sonic's figure turned into four afterimages, and he could use the four afterimages to scatter and slash the enemy.

This is, Profound Truth - Four Shadow Burial. Scattered Flash Slash.

After a second.

Sonic was sent flying by Saitama's backhand punch!

Until Saitama reacted, he couldn't figure out who was sneaking up on him just now. He always felt that that guy looked very familiar.

Forget it, I guess he is not a very important person, I should find the villain quickly and complete the task indicators to get down to business.

A black thing flew over Bai Yu's head, and when he looked at the sky, he found that it had already disappeared. He murmured curiously, "Is it a bird?"

Sonic was severely beaten into a forest. He looked at the sky above his head sadly. This was his 8th sneak attack on Saitama, but the result was the same every time.

I didn't even figure out what was going on before I was shot away.

Sonic can obviously feel that his speed and skills have improved significantly, but now it seems that no matter how hard he catches up, he can't see the hope of defeating Saitama.

Just when Sonic was about to go back and study the secrets of ninjutsu again, he was surprised to find that Bai Yu was walking towards him.

"It's really wonderful."

Unexpectedly, when God closes a door for you, he will also open a window for you.

Well, since Saitama has no hope of defeating him yet, let's start with Baiyu!

Sonic smiled innocently again, took out his shuriken, and planned to perform his secret ninjutsu combination again.

(End of this chapter)

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