Five to five from one punch

Chapter 159 Ninja Village and Hell

Chapter 159 Ninja Village and Hell

The moment Sonic was about to strike, he resisted the desire to stop.

Because he saw a figure that he cared about and was familiar with, appearing in front of Bai Yu
It was him!

Flash Flash! !
Why is he here?

Regarding this question, Bai Yu also wanted to know why he appeared here!

Bai Yu helplessly asked this quiet "beautiful man", "Shouldn't you be lying in the hospital at this time and recuperate?"

The flashing Flash said disapprovingly: "The so-called ninja is to endure the pain that ordinary people can't bear. A small injury is not a big deal to a powerful ninja like me."

The implication is that Bai Yu felt that he was playing lightly. If he had known earlier, he would have hit harder.

"That's right. Then you're awesome." Baiyu complimented hypocritically, and then he started to jump over the flashing Flash, and explained, "I don't have time to play any more betting games with you today, we agreed in advance .The association sent me a mission, so I'm sorry."

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, the flashing Flash appeared in front of the former again, and he said slowly, "Then there is nothing wrong with it. I will complete this test mission with you."

"Oh why?"

"The probing mission of the association this time seems to be related to Ninja Village. I have read the news about this mission and its location on my mobile phone. I have 100% reason to believe that there must be something hidden in it. conspiracy," said the shining Flash.

Bai Yu thought for a while, and then he asked curiously to the flashing Flash: "Ninja Village, you are also a ninja, and I have met a strange ninja before, is there any special connection between you? ?”

The flashing Flash nodded, and he said in an admiring tone: "Yes, that's right, this involves some past events, and I did come from that place called Ninja Village."

"If you are interested in knowing, I actually don't mind. I can tell you about these things."

Bai Yu quickly refused, "No, I don't want to, I don't want to know your past at all."

"That's right.. If that's the case, then I won't force you, but don't mistake me for passing this mission, to convey to you how powerful ninjutsu is, and to attract you to study with me. I definitely don't think about ninjutsu, and I haven't even thought about it." The flashing Flash explained to himself while concealing his true purpose.

Good guy. You've said that, why doesn't Bai Yu know what your real thoughts are?
It turns out that this guy hasn't given up yet, does he want to let himself learn ninjutsu skills?
He is really a persistent person.

In fact, it is not impossible for Baiyu to learn about Flash's ninjutsu, but what he has is a martial arts wizard plug, not a ninjutsu wizard plug.
Can the two communicate with each other?
If I really learned it, but I can't learn it. Wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

In comparison, he wants to learn Naruto's seductive and reverse harem technique. However, the flashing Flash should not be enough.

In this way, the two embarked on their way to the old ruins of Ninja Village with their own thoughts.

But what neither of them expected was that behind them, a certain sonic Sonic also followed up secretly. The conversation between the two just now had already fallen into Sonic's ears.

"I didn't expect Baiyu's goal this time to be the ninja village", Sonic recalled the days when he met the shining Flash in the ninja village.
Inexplicably, this made him follow up in a strange way. As for the reason, Sonic couldn't tell what it was.

When embarking on the journey, Bai Yu found that the flashing Flash was more or less talkative. He didn't want to know about other people's past, but he couldn't bear his temper, and began to talk to Bai Yu about buying and selling. .

Thanks to the flashing flash talk, Bai Yu has a more or less clear understanding of this "ninja village".

This is a training organization for orphans who are around seven years old or under. In this organization, it will take about ten years to train these orphans to become real assassins, and a factory organization that completes the task of sending goods to the dark society.

And before you complete all the courses and get the graduation permission, you can't escape from that special facility. More importantly, if you fail to escape, you will be severely punished.
A day in Ninja Village is 72 hours, they only have 6 hours or less of sleep time, the food is poor, and even the intelligence of the outside world is completely blocked, there is no existence called emotion, and the remaining There are only task machines that coldly execute orders.

Ninja Village is a veritable hell!

When Bai Yu heard this, he also agreed that Ninja Village was indeed a hell, with no humanity at all.

But what he is more curious about is why the ninja village can have 72 hours a day?

The normal time of day should be 24 hours, but Ninja Village has 72 hours?

What kind of concept is this, that is equivalent to one day in Ninja Village as three days outside!
In the game, it would be a 1:3 experience bonus, and the Ninja Village is an alternative weak version of the spiritual time house.
However, the Ninja Village is different from Dragon Ball’s Spiritual Time House. The latter can only enter for three days in a normal life, but the Ninja Village is a ten-year or 30-year hell struggle training.
Bai Yuguang just thought about those children who were only seven years old and had to suffer such a cruel and inhuman life, and felt... his heart was on fire!

Anyway, Bai Yu felt that if he was like Flash, who went to train and live in such a place when he was five years old, he would definitely not be able to bear it. Not something that happened for no reason.

From the information given by the association, Bai Yu learned that it was Bang Bang who went to this village in person to annihilate this group of ninjas who had lost their minds and had no humanity. Destroy!

It is understood that there was a king in this ninja village at the time, a man named "Ninja King". Although he was defeated by the blaster at the time, the blaster did not clearly state the fact that the ninja king was indeed dead in the after-the-fact report.

Combined with the introduction given by the system tasks, it is possible that the remnants of the ninja village plan to resurrect the ninja king.

Recreate the glory of Ninja Village?

(End of this chapter)

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