Five to five from one punch

Chapter 160 The Ninja Party

Chapter 160 The Ninja Party

"Ahahaha, die, you traitor!" A man with blond hair and afro ruthlessly slashed at the flashing Flash with a scimitar in both hands.

Faced with such a sudden attack, there was no surprise on the flashing Flash's face. His eyes began to capture the attack of the comer, and immediately pulled out his Instant Killing Pill, and with a "heavy flash slash", he directly slashed Stop the sneak attack of the comer.

Meanwhile, flashing Flash's single leg landed on the fellow ninja attacker like a machine-gun fire.

Flash feet!
The stunt combining speed and strength instantly hit the attacker.

The thunderous Sanda was kicked to the ground by the flashing Flash, and the former also lost consciousness at the same time.
"Hehehe, that's really good. You really deserve to be the good traitor who betrayed our ninja village back then, the shining Flash!"

As soon as the words fell, digital ninjas appeared around the flashing Flash.
He looked around and found that all of them were ninjas with the same profession as himself.

Wind of Gale, Flem of Karma, Crazy Mad, Chaos of Chaos, Barrett of Bullet, Dak of Darkness, etc. "Our name is Ninja Party!!!"

The flashing Flash frowned, isn't there too many dangerous ninjas gathered here?
Sure enough, the association's erroneous information this time is not groundless. These guys must be planning some terrible conspiracy here!

Just ten minutes ago, flashing Flash and Bai Yu came near the old address of Ninja Village in the past. In a big battle that year, blasting destroyed Ninja Village, and at the same time destroyed most of the buildings in Ninja Village, and even took away something of vital importance.

After the Ninja Village was defeated, the ninjas who had already graduated in the past also went into hiding, not daring to show their faces
But not long after Bai Yu and the flashing Flash stepped here, they were met with several lightning and fireball ninjutsu that fell from the sky!

Therefore, as a last resort, Flash and Baiyu were divided into two battlefields by this sneak attack.

I am afraid that on the other side at this time, the handsome knight must also be facing severe challenges!
"Hehe, I didn't expect the famous Flash to show such an expression at this time." A certain ninja wearing a leather hood came out, and he continued to taunt with a hoarse voice that could not tell the difference between male and female: "I am the No. The ninth batch of graduated ninjas is named Screaming Scullim."

Ninth issue? ? ?
No way. Is it possible to say that most of these ninjas are from the remnants of ninjas left over from different periods?
The flashing Flash feels that this test mission is really not an ordinary danger
He was a member of the 44th batch of ninja students back then. It can be said that the 44th batch is the last batch, which means that all the ninja members present are older than him in terms of seniority.
Barrett of Bullets especially dislikes the flashing Flash, he yelled unceremoniously: "We'd better not say anything to this betrayer, if he didn't kill all the instructors and staff on the day of the graduation test , co-students and those who are related to the facilities, how did Ninja Village end up on the spot!"

"Hmph, that's right, if he hadn't severely damaged the Ninja Village, the Ninja Village would not have been defeated by those who had no resistance when the explosions struck, and even the king would have been assassinated by the explosions and fell into a deep sleep!" The violent Buddha said. His fury blames the Flash on Flash.

Are they talking about King Ninja?

The flashing Flash's face became more and more solemn. On the day of his graduation test, the Ninja King did not appear in the Ninja Village, and he also chose to slaughter the Ninja Village on that day. After that, he knew that the Ninja King was killed. Defeat the news by blasting.

The Ninja King is not dead. Could it be that the purpose of these guys is to revive the Ninja King?
Several ninjas of different periods began to insult the flashing Flash, and the latter couldn't bear to refute the group of irrational ninjas loudly: "Stop joking, you group of irrational guys!"

"My flashy Flash has a dream, I want to kill the top cadre of this ninja village with my own hands, and destroy this corrupt organization, destroy this cruel system like shit, I want to let those orphans be free Living carefree in this world, assassination is meaningless other than killing people.

The truly meaningful thing is to be able to let your own people live with the only power. This is the belief that I endure daily hardships in the Ninja Village to keep me going. For this reason, I will sacrifice everything to let this Ninja Village be annihilated in history. inside of the dust. "

"I'm really happy. When the Ninja Village was wiped out by the blaster, I fell into a low ebb in life. I didn't expect that you would give me such a chance again!"

After the flashing Flash finished speaking, he waved his instant killing pill, and with red eyes, he went straight forward and started a fierce fight with these early ninjas!

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, several shurikens flew over the tree above and struck at the digital ninjas. At the same time, several Sonic figures began to attack the ninjas except the flashing Flash with knives.

The flashing Flash's eyes shrunk, and he saw the sonic Sonic. This ninja of the same period who was once his friend.

Sonic's sudden attack stopped the Nintendo's attack, forming a stalemate between the two sides.

Crazy Mad looked at Sonic, and said: "Sonic Sonic didn't expect that we haven't found you yet, you are so decisively standing beside the flashing Flash, it seems that you are going to fight with us The party is the enemy?"

Sonic responded inappropriately: "Huh, stop kidding, Flash? Do you think I'm helping him?"

"During this period of time, I didn't take any more assassination missions, so I said why the group of former employers didn't intend to persuade me to stay. It turns out that you guys are picking up the leftovers from my food in the dark. , What a pity!"

The flashing Flash looked at Sonic, and when he was about to say something, the latter interrupted him directly, "Now is not the time to talk to me, let's focus on these guys."

Bai Yu looked at the digital ninjas surrounding him. He fell into deep thought.

Did I poke the ninja's nest in the past two days?

First, he attracted a pervert like Flash, and then he came over to do a probing task, and was surrounded by this group of ninjas who looked at the comers unkindly.
In other words, should the system award itself the title of natural enemy of the ninja?

"Humph, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to ninja village, you just want to break in. Today, you will go to hell with that traitor Flash!" After a certain bearded man with bare upper body finished speaking, he took He rushed towards Baiyu with several steel needles.

(End of this chapter)

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