Five to five from one punch

Chapter 161 Traces of Flow

Chapter 161 Traces of Flow

In the blink of an eye, the bearded man was hit in the face by Bai Yu's straight punch, and his whole body spun into the distance at high speed.

After a short fight, the ninjas around realized that the red-haired man was not a show, and then a certain ninja shouted loudly: "Let's go together, don't pretend to be a gentleman, kill him early, so that the king will not wake up. What an accident!"

After the ninja's speech, all kinds of ninjas around also took out their weapons one after another, as if they would rush up to tear the white jade into pieces in the next second.

Ninjas are really a group of strange guys. Flash is like this, and this group of guys is also like this. Before he even asked, he told all the thoughts behind him!

"By using more to bully less?" Bai Yu looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly wanted to laugh. He shook his arm. Then a master ball appeared on the palm of his hand.

It's a pity that a red hat is missing, otherwise I can imitate Xiaozhi. Forget it, red hair = red hat, there is nothing wrong with it!

"It's up to you, Vaccine Man, Unicorn Fairy, Seafood King!", accompanied by Bai Yu's standard delivery action, and then beautifully dropped the wonderful master ball
A burst of light flashed. Three strange men of different sizes appeared in front of everyone.

A vaccine man in a suit, a unicorn in a big silver cloak, and a seafood in only a pair of red and fat?
"Weird...weird, this is a weirdo!!" A certain ninja murmured in shock after seeing this scene.

Why are weirdos here?

No, it should be why the weirdo was released from the hands of this human being?

Before they figured it out.

Asura Unicorn Immortal waved his hand and roared domineeringly: "Ah? Is it you bastards who want to gang up on my elder brother?"

"What are you kidding!?"

The figure of the Unicorn Immortal was like an out-of-control meatball chariot, crashing into this group of ninjas in an instant, and the extreme burst of power made it start to ruthlessly attack the group of ninjas.

The latter even found that their attacks had no effect on the one-horned fairy at all! !
The vaccine man snorted coldly, but they were just a bunch of weak guys, this guy Bai Yu actually let him and Asura Unicorn Immortal be released directly.

Obviously he was watching anime, and he watched it well. He was getting ready for the exciting part.
Damn it, it's all these guys' fault after all, why did you provoke Bai Yu?

The vaccine man raised his palms, and the crazy vaccine missile shot down on the group of culprits. The crazy energy explosion made the group of ninjas lose their minds, and they all gave up struggling.
What the hell, they still resist! !

Deep Sea King: "."

"I'll leave this to you, I'll take a step first!" After Bai Yu agreed, she walked towards the distance.

Don't let him disturb the ninja king's awakening?
He really wanted to do it.

Just when Flash and Sonic were back to back to use the ninjutsu to clear the field, they heard bursts of explosions and screams from the next door.
"What's the matter?" Flash asked suspiciously.

"Did those ninjas who don't care about life and death find trouble with Baiyu?" Sonic seemed to have thought of something terrible, and then he said in a wicked way: "Hehe, it's unlucky for them, thinking that they picked a good persimmon to come here." Pinch, as everyone knows, that is the real Boss!!"

"You also know Baiyu?" Flash asked curiously.

After hearing this, Sonic was a little displeased, and he retorted: "Hmph, Baiyu is the man I want to defeat, and my lifelong enemy."

It’s okay not to say, as soon as Sonic said it, Flash discovered something interesting, "Bai Yu is the one who will be my disciple, Sonic looks like you are still far behind."

"Stop joking, bastard!" After Sonic roared, he performed the mysterious ninjutsu Wuyingbu and attacked the group of ninjas.

Somewhere in an important core room.

After looking at the picture on the screen, the excited bull-headed man could no longer maintain his inner peace. He turned his head and looked at the purple-haired woman beside him who was at a certain capsule device and asked, "Hey, the situation is very bad, Ren Tian The party is about to be killed by Flash and Sonic, and what is even more frightening is that the red-haired man is proficient in the psychic art of summoning monsters, and he is coming here at high speed now!"

The purple-haired woman showed displeasure on her face, and she roared angrily: "Then what can I do, now I am accelerating the resurrection of the Ninja King as quickly as possible, find a way to hold back the invaders."

"Damn it, if I knew it, I would have captured that guy named Genos back together. He provided the method to speed up the resurrection of the king and the special liquid. Then he must have a way to shorten this process more quickly."

It's lucky to say that this guy named Genos obviously has incomparably terrifying wisdom and technology, but he is unwilling to use it on the right way. Instead, he wants to open a shop selling octopus balls.

Therefore, the purple-haired woman's deal was connected with this Genos in this way.

She provided an initial fund to Genos, so that he had the money to open octopus balls, and the latter provided methods and technologies for her to speed up the resurrection process of the Ninja King.

But the time for Ninja King to wake up has indeed been greatly reduced, but it is not fast enough, because the enemy is about to invade here.

It seems that the only way to use it?

After the purple-haired woman confessed some matters to the passionate bull-headed man, she went out to fight the red-haired man, delaying the time to bring Wang back to life as soon as possible.

It's strange, Bai Yu feels that the area around here is very strange.

Now that he has gained the power of time, he is naturally extremely sensitive to other things about the flow of time.

This is the situation right now. The closer he gets to a certain central position, the more he feels something is wrong around him. How should I put it?

It seems that the flow of time around seems to be gradually slowing down!

At this moment, Bai Yu remembered something Flash told him about Ninja Village, that 72 hours a day is equal to three days in the outside world.

But Ninja Village was destroyed by blasting. Why does such a thing still exist here?
In other words, it's not that there are any unique highlights in the Ninja Village, but that there is something here, which caused this situation to happen because it is here?
Thinking of this, Bai Yu suddenly thought of a situation.

In the previous data report of the British Association, it was vaguely mentioned that the blasting was for a certain object, so the ninja village was attacked. After the ninja village was defeated, he even took the object away.

If this item is the real cause of the chaos around here, then since the blasting took it away, why does this situation reappear here?

(End of this chapter)

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