Five to five from one punch

Chapter 162 It's All Bai Yu's Fault

Chapter 162 It's All Bai Yu's Fault
Could it be because, this special object, the rest of the ninja village found one somewhere, or that ninja village has never had more than one such thing?

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also became interested
Could that particular object be the cause of the temporal confusion here?

"I really want to take a look!"

When Baiyu walked into the passage, several ninjas had already ambushed here, and they used their ninjutsu to attack any outsiders in this passage.

However, with the vision capture of the spider sense and super-wei sense, Bai Yu has already noticed the sneak attack of this group of ninjas.

His hands emitted frightening silver flames, and a set of smooth counterattacks all fell on the group of ninjas.

In an instant, Bai Yu neutralized all their sneak attacks and taught this group of guys a profound lesson.

Bai Yu didn't have time to waste on these guys when he wanted to go deeper.

Several high-speed spinning shurikens flew to the back of Baiyu's forehead
A silver light flashed, several shurikens were split in half by Bai Yu's one-handed palm!
New ninjas! ?

Immediately afterwards, a slender woman with purple hair appeared in Bai Yu's eyes, but because of the mask on her face, it was impossible to tell whether she was a beautiful woman or not.
But judging from the shape of the nose, eyes, and eyebrows, this is probably a beautiful female ninja.

Sure enough, there are very few ugly women in the world of One Punch.

"Intruder, get out of this place, maybe I can forgive you for breaking into this place!" The purple-haired woman warned Bai Yu.

"It doesn't matter if you don't forgive me, just let me feel the pain." Bai Yupi said.

The purple-haired female ninja twitched her mouth, she quickly got rid of this strange emotion, and then said in a cold tone: "Since you want to feel pain, then let you feel pain, experience pain, and accept pain." , Finally understand the pain!"


What about putting on a show?
Why did Bai Yu feel like he had heard such words somewhere?
So familiar!

"Profound meaning, shadow incarnation." Behind Bai Yu, the purple-haired female ninja transformed into a black shadow clone that was in line with her silhouette, presenting a tandem and a back position to surround Bai Yu's forward and backward directions.

If you fight against yourself in the narrow passage, you are unlucky!

Profound meaning, Chiba Zanranbu!

In Baiyu's eyes, the purple-haired woman released several colorful sword flowers and shadow shuriken traces, and at the same time, the shadow behind Baiyu imitated the body's movements and used the same profound meaning at the same time. Ninjutsu.

The shadow is me, and I am the shadow. Under the double attack, in the narrow passage, this red-haired man has nowhere to retreat!

Intense sparks burst out in this space in an instant
After a while, the purple-haired female ninja saw this incredible scene. The red-haired intruder in front of her was standing there unscathed, and a translucent shield could be seen around him?
"Your attack is much weaker than that flashing Flash from our association?" Bai Yu said bluntly.

The mimetic defense instantly switched to the mimetic attack, and silver flames reappeared in Baiyu's hands, and then his figure flashed past, and he punched the purple-haired female ninja with a heavy punch.

The attack speed was too fast, and when the purple-haired female ninja realized that it was impossible to dodge, she blocked her body with the blade, but under the attack of the huge force of the comer, her entire body was smashed into the wall beside her.

Bai Yu withdrew her arm appropriately to stop the next attack, and the blade of the purple-haired female ninja was broken in two and fell to the ground.

This guy should be aware of the gap between the two sides, right?

Bai Yu didn't kill him, just when he was about to continue to move forward, the purple-haired female ninja's weak voice came from behind him, she murmured in a low voice and tried her best: "I can't let you pass, I can't let you stop the king's attack!" Resurrection, only the Ninja King can make the Ninja Village shine again"

Bai Yu stopped in his tracks. He looked at the woman who was about to lose consciousness and didn't know what to say. Should I say she was loyal or stupid?
Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu took a few steps back, returned to the woman's side, and decisively patched her neck, causing her to pass out.

It is estimated that there will not be a day, and it will be difficult to wake up.

Just kidding, she's so loyal to this ninja king even though she looks like a ghost, if she doesn't lose her ability to move, the ghost knows what crazy things she will do later, Baiyu hates variables or someone stabbing him in the back up.

In order to prevent this woman from plotting against him frenziedly later, he first chose to kill this sign in the cradle.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, I have nowhere to put my talent!

The passionate Tauren looked at the picture on the video and fell into a struggling scene.

The flashing Flash has already defeated the other ninjas, and the Ninjas died and fled. The purple-haired female ninja was also easily defeated by the red-haired man.

No one has been able to stop the red-haired man from advancing here.

What should I do?
There is one thing to say, compared to the strength of the purple-haired female ninja, I am afraid that she is not as good as the other party. Even if she is not the opponent of this red-haired man, how can I be alone?

It will take at least three days for Lord Ninja King to wake up. Why did the British Association send heroes to spy here at this time?
Is there a mistake there?

Does anyone know the secret that they are going to resurrect the Ninja King?
Impossible, except for their Ninja Party, it is impossible to expose traces to the Heroes Association to catch.
Is there a ghost?

Wait, the excited tauren seem to find themselves ignoring a guy. And this guy probably knows what they are going to do.

Genos! ?

Yes, that's right, if this is the case, they can be connected. Although their Ninja Party did not reveal to this intelligent doctor their plan to speed up the resurrection of a certain creature, but... relying on the other party's wisdom and this kind of Technology, I'm afraid they have also guessed their general purpose.

This bastard named Genos not only took their money, but even secretly revealed their evil plan to the Heroes Association.

God, this guy is simply not a son of man!
They couldn't bear to ask themselves that they didn't do anything to be sorry for this guy, why did he make a disgusting report?
Inside a newly opened octopus ball shop in a certain city.

Genos turned into a chef, concentrating on carving the octopus balls in front of him.

Mosquito Lady passed the kitchen in waiter's attire, and she said curiously to her creator, "Doctor, isn't it a little bad for us to backhandedly report the news about this ninja henchman?"

Genos didn't take it seriously, he said, "No way, who made this prime location and the decoration money so expensive, those guys don't give enough money, so I have to report them backhandedly, and earn a lot of money from the Heroes Association The whistleblowing fee can fill this gap."

"In the end, it's all the fault of that guy named Baiyu. If he hadn't taken away all the equipment in my laboratory, there wouldn't have been such a chain reaction."

(End of this chapter)

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