Five to five from one punch

Chapter 163 Unidentified Creatures

Chapter 163 Unidentified Creatures
What to do. I can't think of any useful solution at all, and the intruder will come here soon.

No, now is not the time to mess yourself up, you impassioned bull-headed man, you have to cheer up, the last person the Ninja Party can rely on is yourself.

Right now, the only person who can deal with this intruder is the person with the highest combat power in Ninja Village, that is Lord Ninja King. But it will take three days for the "king" to wake up, and by that time the day lily will be cold.

Thinking of the bull-headed man here, he suddenly thought of a very important thing, that is, there seems to be some leftovers of the special liquid he took from Kinos, so if it is poured into this time capsule at one time, can it make Ninja King woke up as soon as possible.

Alarms kept ringing from the video equipment, and the passionate Tauren didn't have much time to think about it. Now he could only fight to the death.

As long as you are brave, the teacher will take maternity leave. If you don't fight, you will have nothing!
Just as he said, the bull-headed man began to pour all the remaining unknown liquid into the time capsule through a special instrument, and soon the instrument showed signs of serious load.

But the bull-headed man still dare not stop his movements, time is the most precious life.

At the same time, there was a loud bang at the gate.
A handsome red-haired boy appeared in the middle of the door, and he was looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

I have to say that this Rentian Party is quite rich, Bai Yu thought as he looked at the surrounding equipment and buildings.

If I sell all these things myself, wouldn't I be able to make a fortune again! ?

The purpose seems to be far away. I came here to wipe out the remnants of Ninja Village. I didn't come here to make a fortune.

Soon, Bai Yu noticed a capsule-shaped machine in the center of the room, and beside this capsule machine, a man with a bull-head mask was working on something strange.

This guy is the remnant of Ninja Village, right?

Why do you still ignore me when you see me, an intruder, coming here? Instead, you are so focused on tinkering with the things in your hands?

But Bai Yu soon realized what this guy was doing. I'm afraid this capsule-shaped machine is just a cover, and the so-called ninja king may exist inside!

And what this guy is doing now is obviously to speed up the process of resurrecting the ninja king.

Although Baiyu Baiyu is not afraid of this so-called ninja king, there are some things that don't need to wait for it to be resurrected, and waste time.

The Ninja King is still left in the memory of history, which is the best destination for it!

Just when Bai Yu was about to stop talking about martial arts and planned to sneak attack the bull-headed man and the time capsule, the surrounding air suddenly became more and more dull.

There was a strange "creak" sound on the ceiling of Baiyu, and then when Baiyu looked up, a black object in the shape of a cube slowly landed
When this black unknown object was closer to Bai Yu, the surrounding feeling became more and more strange. This strange feeling made Bai Yu feel a little bit depressed and uncomfortable.
It's this strange feeling, the inexplicable special flow speed around. It's as if I'm being watched by something.

It's time!
Bai Yu smelled the smell of time.

It turned out that it was this strange thing that made the time here so weird.

In this way, Bai Yu catches the black unknown object descending below by some strange and unexpected circumstances.

very heavy! !
This black unknown object looks so small, but it has a weight beyond his imagination.
"Damn it." After seeing this black object, the excited bull-headed man was completely dumbfounded. Naturally, he put it down, in order to use the weight of this object to delay the intruder's action. Of course, if he can It would be best if he directly smashed to death.

But he never expected that the red-haired intruder could catch the black unknown object so decisively
This also further proved one thing, this red-haired intruder is very strong, definitely not an enemy he can resist.

Bai Yu could feel that he was in a very strange state.
His thinking began to slow down gradually, and then he found that he seemed to be in a strange space.

Dark. Darkness, here is boundless, full of darkness and turbidity
Alien space?
Are you in another special space now?
Bai Yu can only use this situation to explain the current situation, and the only reason for the current situation is the black object in his hand.

What exactly is this?
Soon, Bai Yu discovered something even more spectacular. In the dark place in front of her eyes, it seemed that the outline of a huge meteorite gradually appeared.
"What the hell is this?" Bai Yu murmured in surprise, just as he was about to move forward, something happened.

"Interesting. I didn't expect such a qualified creature to appear so soon. It's really rare."

This hoarse voice that couldn't be distinguished by gender immediately made Bai Yu vigilant, and he shouted loudly at this boundless dark space: "Don't give me everything, who are you?"

"I have seen your aptitude, and I do have the qualifications to give you strength!"

"The black box in your hand represents the link. Please feel free to communicate with me through it. If you have qualifications, you can gain power. Otherwise, it will be confiscated!!"

What the hell. This shit, the bull's head doesn't talk to me, Bai Yu just wants to know where is this, where is this guy, and who is this guy.

But it is all about answering irrelevant questions, and it also tells itself to give him strength
This sounded like some kind of trap, the more important thing was that this ghostly place made Bai Yu feel uncomfortable, even the air he breathed made him feel uncomfortable.
May I ask what kind of fun things in this ghost place can be?

Bai Yu still didn't answer the invitation of the unknown creature, it continued to urge: "Quickly put down your mind and communicate with us, the power will be bestowed on you."

The feeling around him made Bai Yu feel more and more uncomfortable. Facing the constant urging, the Buddha was really angry. He cursed unceremoniously, "Give me strength?"

"Are you worthy too?"

After Bai Yu finished speaking, the atmosphere became quiet for a while.
Immediately afterwards, it seemed that the creatures in this space began to ask a little annoyed: "How dare you talk to God like this?"

"My God, or you can come out and fight with me openly, don't play with these vain things!" Bai Yu retorted unceremoniously.

This unknown creature seemed to be a little annoyed by Bai Yu's words, and the entire dark and boundless space began to gradually shake and expand.
(End of this chapter)

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