Chapter 164 Sold
"Disrespect to the gods should be punished!"

These resounding words echoed in the entire empty space.

But at this moment, Bai Yu yelled out in surprise, "Dug, so this shit is so valuable?"

Unidentified creatures in the space: ? ? ?
Just now, Baiyu discovered by accident that the black box in his hand could be recycled by the system's mysterious store, and then returned to Baiyu with the same value of crystals of all things as compensation.

What are you waiting for?
Without hesitation, Bai Yu sold the trash in his hand!

At the same time, the unknown creatures in this space began to shout angrily: "What, what did you do, human?"

Bai Yu ignored the question of the unknown creature, and soon the black box in his hand gradually began to dissipate, disappearing from his hand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the moment the black box disappeared, the surrounding space began to recede, and Bai Yu found that he had returned to the original space.

It was also in the original room where the man wearing the bull-head mask was still standing in the distance, but the capsule instrument around him began to change, as if...was trembling?
The excited bull-headed man also discovered the fact that the red-haired man had come to his senses. It was strange to say that when the intruder caught the black box, he seemed to be frozen in place. He remained motionless.

This process took about 15-20 minutes. The bullhead man was thinking about whether to take advantage of this special situation to attack the red-haired intruder, but finally gave up. After all, the strength of the enemy and us is not at the same level.

Hurry up and wake up the ninja king is the business!

Fortunately, when I poured all the special liquid into the capsule, it seemed that incredible changes had taken place. The life characteristics of King Ninja were rising at a high speed. I am afraid that within 1 minute, he would appear from this capsule device!

After Bai Yu came back to his senses, he also noticed the key situation at the scene. He could feel a terrifying aura spreading from the capsule, as if the ninja king was about to recover
But that's fine too, let's recover after recovering, anyway, a battle is inevitable.

After a few breaths, the capsule was opened, a puff of white air escaped from the capsule and an unpleasant smell filled the room.

The silhouette of a figure looms from the white mist.

The aura emanating from it also made Bai Yu put away his casual expression, revealing a dignified expression.

This guy named Ninja King is very strong!
"I didn't expect to have slept for so long." Unexpectedly, the ninja king's first sentence after waking up was to lament the ruthlessness of time.

The passionate bull-headed man was in the white mist, so naturally he couldn't see the current appearance of Lord Ninja King clearly, but this did not prevent him from complaining to the Ninja King.

Soon, the tauren man told the Ninja King what happened just now, and even told the Ninja King that the traitor Flash was outside.

After hearing this, the Ninja King laughed sinisterly a few times, and then he pulled out the demon sword behind him, and two red-purple sword glows appeared in this space.

The passionate Tauren was cut into several pieces and fell to the ground.

"I hate trash the most." After the Ninja King finished speaking, he quickly put his favorite knife back into the scabbard.

Thanks to Ninja King's shot, the surrounding white mist split instantly, and at the same time, Bai Yu finally saw the true face of Ninja King.

How should I say this ninja king, except for his body shape and eyes, the whole body of white jade has no appearance that can be related to normal human beings.

Simply put, it is ugly!

At this time, the Ninja King's indifferent eyes were also looking at Bai Yu. The atmosphere was full of gunpowder for a while, as if the two of them would fight fiercely in the next second.

Killing his loyal subordinates so decisively, this ninja king may be more difficult to deal with than Bai Yu imagined.

The Ninja King's eyes flickered at this time, and he seemed to feel the danger from the red-haired man in front of him.

This is a very bad signal. I have just woken up, and there are still many problems in my body that have not been dealt with. It is very dangerous to fight against such an opponent at this time.

Therefore, the Ninja King suddenly made a smiling expression to Bai Yu, and then a violent white light appeared in the room.

This sudden change forced Bai Yu to close his eyes for a while. After a few seconds, when he regained his vision, he found that the ninja king in this room had long since disappeared.

This is running away?

Are you kidding me?
Bai Yu was ready for a hearty battle, but he didn't expect to turn into such a ghost in the end?

Isn't this the same as when I was watching some indescribable small movies on my computer before?
When reaching the climax, there is a sudden freeze, and then a circle that keeps rotating is displayed on the screen, and then it tells you .0%.

Fortunately, this task of the system did not make it clear that he must kill this ninja king, but just let himself come here to investigate the situation.

Although Bai Yu didn't keep this ninja king, in the worst case, he still has rewards that can be included in his hands.

Afterwards, Baiyu and Flash reunited to explain what happened just now. At this time, Sonic also left this place. He planned to continue to practice for a while, and then came back to seek revenge on Baiyu and Saitama.

The rewards of this investigation mission were greater than expected. At least the Ninja Party formed by the remnants of the Ninja Village was wiped out. Although a few remnants of the Ninja Party escaped, overall it was harmless.

But it's a pity that the ninja king woke up, and he didn't want to fight Bai Yu, but only wanted to escape. Bai Yu really didn't expect this.

This guy is completely different from the opponents he encountered before. How can I put it this way, this ninja king seems to know how to forbear, and he is different from the rivals he encountered before.

Soon after the Hero Association received the mission report from Bai Yu, it quickly issued a wanted notice on the official website, and the wanted person above was the Ninja King!

There is an obvious warning on this wanted notice that heroes below S rank are not allowed to capture them at will, and they only need to inform the British Association of the clues they know.

This time, the white jade and the flashing Flash also perfectly completed the investigation task, and gained a lot of merit.
But the flashing Flash didn't care about these things. Instead, he became very concerned about the unstable factor of the Ninja King.

(End of this chapter)

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