Five to five from one punch

Chapter 165 Link with the Strong

Chapter 165 Link with the Strong

City Z, no man's land, inside the apartment.

Bai Yu is currently in her room, checking the current harvest.

For S-class heroes, most of the free time is more than the busy time.

And Bai Yu is currently in such a situation. He added the five attributes he obtained from this mission to his personal [-]D attributes panel.

personal attributes

Power: 56
Defense: 55
Agility: 55

Bai Yu looked at his attribute panel, feeling pretty good, and then he focused more on the mysterious store. After a new day, he saw a skill that he was quite concerned about refreshed in the store.

dance art.
Generally speaking, it is a skill that can fly, which can make Bai Yu greedy
But when Bai Yu clicked on this skill to view it, he felt an inexplicable malice covering him.

While using Wukong, one must understand "Qi" or the existence of "Qi" in the body.
In other words, even if Bai Yu bought this skill with the crystal of all things, he has learned it. But he can't use it, which is very painful.

Unless he can go to the Dragon Ball world and mix an identity plug-in belonging to that world, then he can have a way to get the use of "Qi".

"You're so angry." After Bai Yu finished speaking, she took a cold Coke and took a big gulp of it to soothe her wounded heart.

Bai Yu, who was exhausted, could only focus on the special rewards for this mission.

Opportunity to practice with the strong*1
What exactly is this?
With curiosity and urgency, Bai Yu used this opportunity without any hesitation.

[Used successfully. Establishing a communication relationship with a random strong person. A certain strong person rejected this opportunity to re-establish a communication relationship with a new strong person. Established communication successfully. The strong person who is negotiating accepted this opportunity to send the guidance The space starts to open. The special space has been opened successfully. The teleportation is open! 】

Before Bai Yu could react, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then he fell into a coma again.

【Successfully sent】

The back of Baiyu's head was being soothed by a gentle force, and soon he opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

An incomparably vast platform, Baiyu can see with the naked eye. It is almost endless. Above and around this platform, there is an endless cosmic starry sky!

"It's spectacular!" Bai Yu said to herself in admiration.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Bai Yu's eyes, a sense of distortion appeared, and then a person began to walk out from inside.

A strong and classic alien image appears. It has a round and smooth head, black eyes, white skin color, white gloves and boots, and a black and red tight-fitting team uniform
Yaoshou. Another bald man?
How could it be possible that Bai Yu still doesn't know who the guy who trained him this time is?

Gray Star Jiren! !
Ji Lian curiously looked around and the white jade in front of him. Then he said to the latter: "It's incredible, I didn't expect such interesting things to exist in this world."

"I am the one entrusted to guide you this time. After leaving here, I will forget what happened here, including your existence of course, but I will also get a lot of benefits."

Ji Lian continued to say to Bai Yu proudly: "Okay, you and I will not die here, so I will not show mercy to you, let me see what you can do."

Too bad this isn't some three-legged cat character!
Bai Yu's face was covered with cold sweat.
But fortunately this time is training, and I won't fall into death here, maybe this is a good opportunity for me to break through myself!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu restrained his uneasy emotions, and at the same time used the Zhen. Flowing Water and Rock Breaking Fist and switched to offensive mode.

Two pictures of silver flames appeared on his hands.
Ji Lian still looked at everything in front of him with a blank expression. He still stood motionless with his arms crossed so proudly, as if he was waiting for Bai Yu's attack.

Baiyu's 55-point agility attribute burst out without reservation, and his figure rushed to the front of Jilian at high speed, and began to attack the latter at the same time.

Ji Lian waved one hand casually to block the attack from Bai Yu. No matter how Bai Yu used the precise moves of Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, he just couldn't break through the defense of this proud team member.

Ji Lian began to feel impatient, an astonishing red light flashed from his fist, and from the moment he was about to strike, the spider sense in Bai Yu's mind never stopped warning frantically.

Realizing that he was going to rush to the street, Bai Yu instantly switched to the mimic defense mode, which is currently his strongest defense stance.
Fortunately, Bai Yu's arms just blocked Jilian's punch, but his armor was defeated in an instant, and he flew out, crashing firmly into the hard ground.

Unable to breathe, Bai Yu coughed up a mouthful of blood in pain. He looked up at Ji Lian who was still standing there, lost in thought.

Good guy, strong. Too strong. This is not ordinary strong.

Ji Lian looked at the white jade that fell on the ground, he smiled and there was a scratch on his face. A slight red liquid flowed out from it, he scratched his face with his thumb, and then said: "Interesting, Those flames in your hands just now are quite interesting. The gap between me and you is like ants and giant beasts, but with such a large hardware, when my arms touch these flames of yours, I actually feel some slight pain. A small injury, although it's nothing to me."

Bai Yu struggled to stand up again. He naturally knew what was going on. The silver flame produced by his attack mimicry could cause a small amount of real damage to the enemy. Analytical penetration, when the two are combined, it is rare for him to be unable to beat the opponent
But now he just can't beat this Jilian and the reason is very simple, as he said, the hardware gap between the two sides is too big, so big that it is difficult for Bai Yu to catch up.

"But this is not what surprised me. You were able to counterattack while resisting my fist just now. Generally speaking, this is nothing, but when there is such a big gap between you and me, you were able to leave a mark on my face. Some damage." Ji Lian looked at Baiyu curiously, and he made a guess, "Although I kept my hand just now, if I guessed correctly, your strength just now is not enough to cause harm to me, so... the question The trick damage that appeared when you defended against my fist must have stolen my strength and counterattacked to cause damage to me!"

After hearing this, Bai Yu's pupils shrank slightly.
Not only is his strength strong, but his analysis is clear and in place. This is indeed a rare powerhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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