Five to five from one punch

Chapter 166 Strong is Justice

Chapter 166 Strong is Justice
Ji Lian seemed to be interested at this time, he clenched his fist and said to Bai Yu: "In a fight, skill and strength are very important things. I think the ultimate skill is precise blocking and counterattack. Unparalleled speed and domineering power force the enemy to return to defense, that is to say, I think there is also an important part of power in the ultimate technique."

"Strength is absolute justice, only being strong can protect everything, and only when you become the invincible pillar in everyone's hearts, all partners and victory will come closer to you!"

Facing Jiren's speech, even Bai Yu could feel his belief in strong and persistent.
Bai Yu clenched her fist, and attacked Ji Lian again, and now the latter was attacking him. But she had to seize this rare opportunity.

Evil spirit haunts! !
While getting closer to Jilian, Baiyu turned into a ghost state mode, and a terrifying breath erupted from him, but Jilian remained unmoved.

Bai Yu switched to Gale Mode at this moment, and under the double burst speed bonus, he appeared behind Jiren the moment he collided with Jilian.

Got it!
Bai Yu's despicable punch hit Ji Lian's kidney
However, with a blow of air, Jilian's figure was no longer in front of his eyes, but appeared behind him instead.

"It's over." Jilian's voice sounded from behind Baiyu.

A red energy ball appeared on Bai Yu's body. For him, the spider sense had lost its effect, because since just now, the spider sense had never stopped warning. That is why Bai Yu could not effectively judge Jilian through the spider sense. Because his every move is full of fatal danger to himself, which is why the spider sensor keeps warning and never stops.

When you delete the body, delete it! !
The process itself had to delete this part of the process, and as a result, he had to leave the result of coming to Jilian's back to attack him again!

When Bai Yu used it, he made himself appear behind Ji Lian, so he should have really succeeded this time.


It was true that Bai Yu hit Ji Lian firmly, but his fist was firmly pinched in the palm of his hand by the backhand of the opponent's right arm.

At the same time, Jilian turned around and said, "So that's it.. No wonder I can't catch your movements. It's not a teleportation skill, but time, right?" Before Bai Yu could explain, He continued to say: "Time, you have mastered time is really a remarkable ability, and in our place, only angels and a very small number of special types can possess this powerful ability."

"The ability to time is very strong, but the gap between you and me is too great. It won't do anything to me at all. No matter who I'm fighting with, as long as my arms are free to move, I'll put them in the right place to be vigilant." defense."

"This tactic is useless to me!." A fist of red light the size of a clay pot hit Bai Yu's stomach, and he was sent flying again.

The shield given by the evil spirit haunting was instantly broken, and even this special state made Ji Lian punch back and dissipate on Bai Yu's body.

Evil ghost haunted by a punch? ?
Bai Yu was completely dumbfounded.

Ji Lian looked at Baiyu's state, and angrily reprimanded in a low voice, "Stand up for me, are you falling down like this?"

Bai Yu didn't disappoint Ji Lian either, and stood up again, but he was as embarrassed as he was now.
Ji Lian looked at Bai Yu and asked, "Your state is a special transformation mode. I can feel that your strength and other aspects have improved just now, but sometimes the physical improvement may not be able to translate into real combat power. !"

"Do you have time to maintain this transformation?"

"Two 10 minutes. This evil spirit haunting state can last at most this time." Bai Yu answered truthfully.

After hearing this, Jilian thought for a while, and said to Bai Yu: "Useless skills...I'm not criticizing transformation, it's just that this mode of gaining powerful power through special transformation is not as powerful as his own body normally. In fact, at the same time, you will also rely on this transformation mode in the future."

"In my proud team, there is also a member who is proficient in the method of transforming to improve combat effectiveness, but in his case, there is no time limit, it depends on his physical strength. Have you ever thought about it, maybe in the days to come? , you will rely too much on such skills, and you will find out when you are in a desperate situation one day. And when you yourself find that you can no longer become like this, what should you do?"

Bai Yushun breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Ji Lian, "What exactly do you mean?"

Jilian nodded his head, "Your transformation mode has no bright spots, it is difficult to transform into useful combat power, and there is a shortcoming, that is, the time is too short. It is not good for you to rely too much on such abilities. Here is a Suggestion. Don't use this kind of transformation mode in the future, if you have the conditions, forget about such a shortcoming transformation."

After hearing this, Bai Yu retorted anxiously: "But my transformation can improve my own strength, defense and even agility. Is this not enough?"

Ji Lian didn't answer but responded to Bai Yu with practical actions, "Drink!"

A red flame appeared on Ji Lian's body. The astonishing aura on his body instantly increased several times. He stretched out his hand to Bai Yu and said, "This is our special fighting technique. Explosive energy in my body has not only increased by leaps and bounds, , even the various functions of the body have been improved, how does it compare to the imperfect transformation you just had?"

Bai Yu closed his mouth. He couldn't refute, even standing here, he could feel the hot breath coming from Ji Lian's body
Just like what he said, if the transformation of the evil ghosts increases his various three-dimensional attributes by 30.00%, then Jilian and the others are hundreds of percent or even have no time limit.
If Bai Yu guessed correctly, Ji Lian could even continue to elevate like this several times.
Explosive gas for these guys is as simple as drinking water, as if there is no price, and there is not only a time limit for their evil ghosts, they can only use it twice a day at most, and even the buff effect is not as good as the other party. So angry!
"Under normal circumstances, the normal strength is the real strength." After Ji Lian let go of his breath, he said to Bai Yu, "Remember it well."

"You have already surprised me a lot, let me see if you have any other special skills, otherwise I will torture you mercilessly and unilaterally." After Ji Lian finished speaking, he slowly approached Bai Yu come over.

(End of this chapter)

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