Chapter 167 Forcibly open five or five
Bai Yu smiled, "Of course, I will show everything without reservation, and hone myself in this battle."

[Skills: The secret technique that comes with you. The ultimate intention of freedom is successfully opened. The condition is insufficient to detect errors and omissions. The loophole repair skill is the ultimate intention of freedom. The sign is successfully opened]

A stream of silver blew out around the white jade. The spirit of the whole person had undergone an unprecedented change.

At this time, Jilian finally showed a slightly absent-minded expression, but he quickly said: "The skill of the gods is the skill of ultimate intention."

Bai Yu maintained this omen state, and asked Ji Lian, "Have you seen it?"

If it's Jiren after the Tournament of Power, he should know, but if it's Jiren before the Tournament of Power, he probably hasn't seen it.

"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it before. God's skills are skills that can only be mastered by gods of destruction and angels. The implication is that mortals cannot have and touch moves. Every god of destruction and angel possesses the skills of gods. It’s different, it’s so delicious that my lord mentioned to me that there’s an angel named Weiss in the seventh universe who is good at freedom.” After Jilian said this, his tone changed, “Although I don’t know How did you master the skill of God, but... if this is your last trick, then it is not enough. I can see that your skill of God is not complete, you have posture but no power of God!"

The ground trembled!
Jilian appeared on Baiyu's left side, catching him domineeringly with one palm, the latter reacted instantly when he was about to be caught, and evaded Jilian's capture with a beautiful backflip, at the same time Baiyu's right The leg kicks decisively at the opponent.

Ji Lian instantly blocked it with one hand, then grabbed Baiyu's ankle with his backhand, and threw him hard to the ground.

Bai Yu was stunned by Ji Lian's series of violent attacks.

A red fist kept enlarging in Bai Yu's eyes.

Bai Yu reacted, broke away from Jilian in an instant, and kicked him hard on the cheek. This was the first time Bai Yu actually hit Jilian in the whole coaching session.

But Bai Yu's kick didn't make Jilian lose his combat effectiveness, on the contrary, it didn't even cause the latter to cause effective damage.

Jilian twisted his body and pressed his palms on Baiyu's stomach, a red ball of light appeared, "It's over!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Yu was sent flying by the ball of light into the air, followed by an explosion from a distance that shook the entire area above.

Bai Yu fell to the ground again in tatters and with injuries all over her body.

Jilian said at this time: "This kind of half-baked divine skill can't shorten the gap between us, even if you have mastered the perfect body and possessed the power of God, it can't shorten the distance, the power of God It can make up for your own lack of combat power, but... your hardware is far from what I am now."

"Speaking of which, you have very strange tricks, you have the ability of time, and you are still using divine skills. I am starting to wonder if you are the illegitimate son of the great priest."

Bai Yu, who was beaten back to his original appearance, didn't understand what Jilian said. Even if he used his true freedom and extreme intention, he couldn't defeat him, unless he had Jiren's fighting power and that strong physique. God's skills can defeat him!
Jilian looked at the white jade swaying left and right, he saw a spark in the latter's eyes, it was a spark called hope, and a thought appeared in his mind.

Could it be that this white jade has not used any tricks more powerful than divine skills?

As if it was the same as I guessed.

In Jilian's eyes, Baiyu began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The scorching and dazzling silver light began to gather on his body, and endless galaxies appeared in this space, competing with the outer cosmic galaxies at this moment.

"I didn't expect that you would really be able to complete the ultimate skill of the gods!" Jiren said to himself in shock.

Silver-haired white jade appeared in front of Jilian's eyes, and the breath of God was constantly circulating in his body, and Jilian could also feel the power of God from him.

"Didn't I say that, even if you have complete freedom and divine power, it will not be able to bridge the gap between you and me like heaven and earth."

The silver-haired white jade said lightly: "I know, so it's more than that!"

Under normal circumstances, it is indeed as Jiren said, even if he has the power of God to make up for it, it will be difficult to bridge this gap, but he still has this truly strongest invincible skill.

Forced [-]-[-]!

This skill can only be activated automatically under the premise of enabling Freedom of Mind!
[Forcibly start the [-]-[-] start successfully, lock the target. Gray star, Jilian! 】

After turning on the white jade after the [-]-[-] split, the whole person becomes different after the double blessing of this skill and the full power of Zizai Jiyi.

Jiren seemed to have seen an incredible scene.
"Impossible! How could this be?"

The ant turned into a huge beast exactly like him in an instant?

The first thought in Jilian's mind was Baiyu's hidden strength?

But this idea was quickly dismissed by him.

A huge red flame emanated from Jilian's body, and powerful energy exploded on the battle platform. The energy emerging from his body even created the illusion of burning the ground.

But no matter how Jiren boosted his energy, he found that Baiyu's energy also increased.

Jiren, who doesn't believe in evil, once again burst out his potential, and then he found that Baiyu still rose accordingly, and finally became almost the same as himself
It was also the first time for Jilian to encounter such an inexplicable situation. Could it be that this is also some kind of divine skill?

How could there be such a nonsense divine skill?

The breeze blew, and Bai Yu moved. He came to Ji Lian's eyes, and his fist hit the latter's stomach sharply.

Feeling the severe pain in his stomach, Jilian's eyes widened for a moment, and then Bai Yu's figure swayed slightly, appearing behind Jilian.

Several silver lights appeared on Jilian's body, and messy blow scars emerged on it
Ji Lian clutched his stomach and took a few steps forward. After recovering his breath, he turned around and looked at Bai Yu and said, "What the hell is this? Now you not only have Ultimate Instinct on your body, but also what special situation happened? "

"It's because of this trick, bridged the gap between you and me?"

The memory after here will disappear, so the silver-haired white jade replied without hesitation: "That's right. This is my strongest trick, and I force it to be [-]-[-]!"

"No matter how strong you are, this stunt will make me inflate to your realm, plus the particularity of Zizai Jiyi, during this period of time, I will be invincible!"

Jilian's haughty and indifferent face appeared, as if he had eaten a fly, "How could there be such a nonsense move!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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