Five to five from one punch

Chapter 168 Do You Want To Learn From Me?

Chapter 168 Do You Want To Learn From Me?
No matter how strong he becomes, he will become as strong as himself!

Infinite nesting dolls?

"I don't believe it!!", Ji Lian started to attack Bai Yu, his high-speed fists kept hitting Bai Yu's body, but the current Bai Yu was completely turned upside down from the state of being beaten by him before.

His attack was completely blocked by Bai Yu, and even after the former attacked, Bai Yu would give him a heavy backhand punch, and he could really feel the power of Bai Yu's fist, Ji Lian might not believe it at this time.

God's skills really can't make up for the huge gap between the two, perhaps as Bai Yu said, this forceful [-]/[-] slapstick trick gave him the strength to fight him.

But what makes Jilian feel even more angry is that you just give me a hard time when you are [-]-[-], why can you still use the supernatural skill of self-comfort after [-]-[-]? ? ?

Isn't this bullying?
During the fierce battle between the two sides, Jilian's eyes suddenly blurred, and then there was a sharp pain in his chest, and then his whole body was blown away inexplicably.

The silver figure ignored the distance and speed, and appeared directly above Jilian. When the latter reacted, Baiyu kicked Jilian in the stomach.

Boom. The solid ground was directly shot down into a huge deep pit!

The sound of "Pa-ta." was heard, and Bai Yu landed steadily from a high altitude on the ground.

"Huh?" Bai Yu called out in doubt.

The huge deep pit on the surface began to tremble gradually, and fiery red energy like magma shot up from below, and violent energy began to fill the entire combat platform.

Jiren's top was probably burned away because he couldn't bear the violent and suppressed energy, revealing his muscular upper body.

"It doesn't matter whether it's [-]-[-] or God's skill, I don't care anymore. No matter what kind of opponent I face, I will always win." Ji Lian, whose whole body was covered with bright red light, stood in front of Bai Yu again.

This powerful energy makes Bai Yu a little distracted, but you can explode your potential or change your posture. During this period of [-]-[-], I am invincible!

The two sides did not communicate, and they collided again instantly. On this platform with no spectators, a fierce battle broke out.

The energy explosion of silver and red caused the already extremely hard battle platform to become more and more dilapidated. The two people fighting in mid-air didn't care what happened around them at all.

The two of them had only one goal in mind at this time, and that was to win.

Ji Lian, who had been punched several times, finally found a chance. He grabbed Bai Yu's left arm with one hand, and punched the latter tightly against Ou Shou.

However, the big two words "dodge" appeared in Jilian's eyes

Jiren realized instantly that his punch was missing!

But he didn't understand at all what was going on. The other party didn't manipulate the time, but it was his own problem.
It's like the fact that one's fist hits the opponent is invalidated, and the final result of never reaching this reality is eliminated!

Bai Yu's silver hair fluttered, and his delicate face appeared in front of Jilian's eyes. At this moment, the two sides could be said to be in infinitely close to zero distance contact.

"I won!" The three light words fell into Jilian's ears.

The silver light was as sharp as a knife, like a battle platform nearly one-third the size was directly divided.

At this time, Ji Lian was supported by Bai Yu on his shoulders, otherwise he would not be sure what would happen if he fell down here.

Bai Yu has already lifted the 5-5 split and the ultimate intention of freedom, and at the same time, through the time-traveling method, he can go back to [-] minutes ago. But he still miscalculated, because [-] minutes ago, he was still half-dead by Ji Lian and couldn't take care of himself state.
In the end, Bai Yu had no choice but to eat a fairy bean reluctantly, and then revived himself with full blood. I have to say, the fairy bean is really a good thing!
"Maybe you almost won. My 3-[-] stunt has a time limit. Once three minutes have passed, I will have nothing to do with you." After Bai Yu finished speaking, Ji Lian, a muscular foreigner, The star man was helped to the ground, "Come on, eat this." Bai Yu handed a fairy bean to Ji Lian's hand and motioned him to eat it.

Ji Lian, who was covered in injuries, took a look at the fairy bean in his hand, and then he ate it decisively without asking what it was.

A second later, Jiren's Kazilan's eyes suddenly widened. He started to stand up and squeezed his palms tightly: "It's unbelievable, there is such a miraculous thing."

"This is the fairy bean. After eating it, it can completely heal the injuries on the body and restore the physical strength to a complete state in an instant." Bai Yu explained briefly.

Ji Lian took a deep breath, and then said to Bai Yu: "I lost. Although as you said, this 3-[-] stunt only lasts [-] minutes, but... I just lost. This is an undeniable fact."

"I already understand your situation. The lower limit is too low, but the upper limit can be infinite. In this special time, you can be said to be invincible. Even if the gods of destruction, angels, and great priests come, they can't beat you. Method."

"But it's a pity that this special time is only a short 3 minutes. During this time, if your enemy does not fight you head-on, but uses special methods to consume you, then the situation will be completely different."

After hearing this, Bai Yu nodded. He also thought that Ji Lian was right. After all, it would be great if the [-]-[-] period could be longer.

As for myself, I also agree with what Jiren said. Compared with them, my lower limit is indeed low.

If it weren't for the cheating skill of [-]-[-] split, he wouldn't even have the same qualifications to fight Jilian with his own freedom and extreme intention.

"Want to learn from me?" Ji Lian suddenly said this sentence.

Bai Yu was slightly taken aback, and he said suspiciously, "Learn from you?"

"Yes, I just wanted to give you some pointers, but now you have a very low starting point, but I see endless possibilities in you." Ji Lian explained calmly, and then he turned to Bai Yu and asked: "What are you talking about?" Would you like to study with me here for a while?"

Bai Yu, he must be willing!

But the reason why you guys are so powerful is entirely because of the existence of "Qi" in your body. This damn "Qi" is like the magic power of a magician. Is a magician without magic power still a magician?
Bai Yu, who doesn't have the Dragon Ball world plug-in, can't steal or even comprehend this magical power through their method of acquiring qi.

Therefore, the treasure mountain is right in front of Baiyu, but he has no good way to open this treasure mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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