Five to five from one punch

Chapter 169 Temporary Plugins

Chapter 169 Temporary Plugins
Because these are two different worlds.
Different worlds have different laws. If you are not from that world, how can you learn the skills there?
The magical plug-in can allow black accounts like Baiyu to sneak into their world and become a legal citizen, but the problem lies in this, he does not have the Dragon Ball World plug-in, and Jiren wants to teach him about the moves of using Qi, so he is in a dead end inside the cycle state.

After all, a slap cannot be slapped loudly.
Ji Lian looked at Bai Yu's bitter face, and asked in doubt, "What's wrong with you? Are you unwilling to learn from me?"

"No, I don't want to, but because of some special reasons, I probably won't be able to learn those stunts from you," Bai Yu explained with a sigh.

"Special reason?" Ji Lian murmured, he thought that Bai Yu was just worrying about his inability to "get angry".

But Jilian felt very curious. Isn't "Qi" something that you can stick your hands to just find a place to sit down and feel it?
It shouldn't be. There are really some people who can't learn it, right?

At this time, the two people's understanding of troubles is not on the same channel at all. Bai Yu is worrying about the fact that he does not have the Dragon Ball World plug-in, and Ji Lian thinks that Bai Yu is worrying about his lack of understanding of Qi.

"If you don't know how to sense qi, I can help you!" A scarlet energy emerged from Jilian's big hand, and a wonderful air flowed in his hand. Then Jilian grabbed Baiyu's palm, and then divided the qi in his body Go to each other.

This method will be very convenient for those beginners who don't know how to sense qi, and find their own qi easily and quickly!
Bai Yu did sense a powerful energy from his palm into his body, not only warm but also very comfortable.
Is this anger?
[It is detected that the current host of unknown energy does not have a legal plug-in that matches the world and cannot be successfully converted to patch the vulnerability. Obtain a temporary legal world plug-in]

Bai Yu:! ! ?
Is there such an operation?

Bai Yu really didn't expect that Ji Lian could cause such a magical operation by separating his qi to go to him.

Temporary legal Dragon Ball world addon?
Then can't I learn it secretly?
Thanks to the legitimate world plug-in and Jilian's conscious guidance of qi, Baiyu gradually began to find an inexplicable magical energy in his body, and then suddenly a red hot fire aura appeared on Baiyu's body, matching with Jiren's aura complemented each other.

"Why is this happening?" Ji Lian exclaimed in surprise, the qi he cultivated for many years is different from the qi of ordinary people, and the reason for the difference is because of the bloodline bonus of their gray star race.
With his help and guidance, Bai Yu found his own aura, but why... the aura emanating from him was so similar to his own?
After careful induction, Ji Lian found that although it was very similar to his own, it was not exactly the same. On the contrary, "Impossible, how could you be my clansman!?"

Ji Lian couldn't help but said in surprise, after all, if there are no accidents in his entire race, he should be the only one left, and Baiyu's appearance doesn't look like the gray star race no matter how you look at it.

So what's going on here?

Why is Baiyu's aura so similar to the special aura only possessed by the gray star race?
You can't be wrong, although Baiyu's aura is extremely weak at this time, but Ji Lian will never mistake their special aura that only the gray star race has!
Ji Lian let go of Bai Yu's palm, and he began to look up and down the red-haired man.
No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see how Bai Yu resembled the gray star race.
Bai Yu began to sense the special breath in his body, and a wonderful energy flowed in his body, not only bouncing up and down in it, but even drifting with lightning.

After a while, Ji Lian asked Bai Yu about his doubts.

Bai Yu didn't know how to answer this question, because he didn't know an accurate answer either.

However, he speculated that it might be related to the "Qi" guided by Jiren or the special temporary plug-in.

No matter what, the result is good after all, Bai Yu has mastered Qi, although it is still very weak
It is also impossible for him to naively think that after he masters Qi, he can instantly become a strong man like Jiren.

Ji Lian was still staring at Baiyu's head. He kept thinking whether Baiyu was his clansman, and if so, why did he have hair. You know, the gray star people don't have hair!
Bai Yu felt Ji Lian's burning eyes, and finally he couldn't take it anymore and said, "What's wrong with you? Why are you staring at my head all the time!?"

Jilian rolled his black eyeballs, and then asked curiously, "Do you have trouble with hair loss?"

"No, my hair is fine, don't talk nonsense!!" Baifa refused the three-combo attack and responded to Jiren.

After getting the answer, Jiren didn't say anything more.
Bai Yu is probably not of the gray star race. After all, the appearance is too different. How could it be the same race?

So the reason why Baiyu has the special "Qi" of their race may be because Jilian guides the Qi in his body into the opponent's body to produce special changes.
But in this way, it is also good for Bai Yu, that is, if he learns from himself, he can easily learn his own special breath tricks.

The downside is that Jiren has to watch this guy with his own ethnic similarity dangling in front of his eyes, which is really embarrassing! !
Ji Lian looked at the excited Bai Yu and said with cold water: "You have mastered the skill of qi, but it doesn't mean that you have broken away from this lower limit. You still need a long-term hard work to improve your strength, so let me say something more, Now that you have mastered Qi, do you still want to learn some special moves from me?"

After Bai Yu heard this, she was completely dumbfounded.

Now that he has solved the problem of not being able to sense Qi, what else can stop him from learning moves from Jiren?

In this way, Baiyu learned from Jilian the special tricks on the use of qi in this guidance space, and Jilian also explained it to Baiyu carefully.

The aura of their gray stars is different from the aura sensed by different creatures. Their aura contains a special power of thought, and it is precisely because of the blessing of this power of thought that their aura is powerful and amazing.

But this special "mind force breath" that only the gray star race has is not a superpower or something.

This "mind force breath" is more focused on the application of physical skills and other aspects.
(End of this chapter)

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