Five to five from one punch

Chapter 170 Coach Jiren, I Want to Learn "Basketball"

Chapter 170 Coach Jiren, I Want to Learn "Basketball"

Two figures sat cross-legged on the silent and cold platform.

If you can observe carefully, you will find that Baiyu and Jilian are floating above the ground, and their legs have not actually touched the surface.

Red aura and light gradually appeared on the two of them, their own "Qi" began to envelop the whole body, and the gravel on the ground began to be guided to float around them.

Time began to pass away gradually, and in the middle of it, Ji Lian opened his eyes and looked at Bai Yu beside him. He had been surprised by this red-haired man too many times today, so this time is not bad.

Meditation, this is Jilian's special cultivation technique. This technique can greatly increase the strength of his mind-moving breath, and even effectively recover his physical strength and energy during the meditation process. It is also a unique skill of the gray star. Generally speaking, it is difficult for non-other races to comprehend this skill.

But there are no exceptions, but a monster like Baiyu who is not a gray star race, but who can master this kind of skill so quickly, is indeed unheard of by Jiren.
Although Bai Yu's current strength is indeed very low, Ji Lian believes that sooner or later, this talented monster will be able to come from behind!
Bai Yu opened his eyes slightly, and he looked at the changes in his body in disbelief.

The breath in my body has become stronger. This "meditation" technique is so powerful?
This meditation technique suits his appetite too much. What's more, Bai Yu can simulate the actual combat scene in his mind. This special technique can also be used while meditating to improve his breath. This is equivalent to his future practice, just need . Just sit cross-legged.

Not only that, since Bai Yu mastered the magical power of qi, his personal three-dimensional panel has unknowingly changed into a four-dimensional panel
personal attributes

Power: 56
Defense: 55
Agility: 55
Mindfulness: 5

Because of the mastery of qi, new changes have appeared in it?


"It seems that you have learned this technique, so I think it's time for me to leave here." Ji Lian quit the special state of meditation at this time, and planned to leave here.

But Bai Yu didn't want to let Ji Lian, a free and cheap instructor, wait for him to know if he would have a chance to get this special training opportunity in the future. He had to take advantage of this good opportunity to get this bald alien All human skills are drained.

For this reason, Bai Yu did not hesitate to activate the BGM skills, and came up with an extremely suitable song according to his mood and surrounding environment, that is, the classic theme song of "Slam Dunk". Until the end of the world!

Bai Yu fast-forwarded the bgm to the climax on the spot, hugged Jilian's thigh tightly and said, "Coach Jilian, I want to learn how to play basketball from you, no. I want to learn more skills from you."

Jilian stared at his black jewel-like eyes, he suddenly didn't know what to say
Jilian had never seen such brazenness.

Bai Yu still hugged Ji Lian's thigh and refused to let go. There is no way to let him go.

Ji Lian originally wanted to throw Bai Yu away, but under the influence of the strange singing voice and Bai Yu's shameless operation, his mentality changed inexplicably, and the thoughts in his mind could no longer be suppressed and he was crazy.

Speaking of it, this guy is also related to me. Although he is not a gray star race, he has the special power of his own race, and his potential is also very terrifying, not to mention that there is such a rambunctious way of forcing a [-]-[-] split. Skills, the important thing is that he looks very sincere in his study. Maybe if he agrees to it, he is equivalent to half of his master.

Thinking of Jiren here, he suddenly realized that his mentality had changed inexplicably.

"So this is what it feels like to be a teacher?"

Master Jieqing also used this special mentality to take care of himself back then, imparting skills to himself, hoping that one day he could become a strong man comparable to him
Ji Lian, who had come to this point in his brain, had a wonderful change of attitude. He said to Bai Yu: "I understand, then I will teach you my skills. I hope you can be independent after you learn it."

what! !

Bai Yu was a little distracted, he just tried it on purpose, but he didn't expect Ji Lian to actually agree.

Is it because the song is so powerful?
Bai Yu couldn't think of a reason, so he had to give up the answer and started a hellish training with Jilian.

Janos stood in front of Baiyu's room and knocked on the door a few times.
But no one responded, and then he opened the door with the key and started walking in.

The scene in front of him made Genos feel uncomfortable, and an indescribable pressure filled Teacher Baiyu's room, and he even had to activate the cooling function in his body to keep the whole machine body at normal temperature state.

Could this be an enemy attack?

Just as Genos was guessing in a bad direction, he suddenly found Teacher Baiyu sitting cross-legged on the tatami in the room, motionless.

A hot, fiery breath was sticking to his body, and this scorching fire seemed to swallow everything around him.

Could it be that the anomaly in this room came from Teacher Bai Yu?
Genos endured the heat and pressure with great difficulty, looked up at Baiyu, and tremblingly said, "Teacher Baiyu, are you alright?"

The flow rate of time here is not consistent with the flow rate experienced on the special training platform. In fact, Bai Yu has spent more than a month on the training platform, but it only took half a day here in One Punch World.

Bai Yu slowly opened her eyelids, the pupils filled with red light loomed, and the fiery red and huge "Qi" condensed into a wall of breath.

When this wall of breath appeared, the huge pressure began to vent and erupt around Bai Yu as the center!

Under the sudden burst of energy, Genos was directly swept away. At this critical moment, Saitama's figure appeared behind him strangely, and he caught Genos steadily. Only then did he avoid him. Miserable end.

At this time, Bai Yu's consciousness returned to this body, and he immediately stopped his energy from venting, and restrained it in his body.

He said to Janos embarrassedly: "I'm sorry Genos, this is the first time I use such a trick, and I can't control the power well, and I was a little distracted just now, I didn't notice that you had walked in Inside the room."


"That's amazing," Genos lost his mind for a moment.

He didn't blame Teacher Bai Yu for accidentally injuring his teammates. Instead, he lamented what happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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