Five to five from one punch

Chapter 171 Poros' Impatient

Chapter 171 Poros' Impatient

Saitama's eyes shone with excitement, and his eyes fell on Bai Yu's body. He could feel that Bai Yu seemed to have made a new breakthrough!
It was as if he had reached a whole new realm.

He really deserves to be his lifelong rival and friend!

There is desire in Genos' eyes. If he can learn such a stunt, he will definitely become stronger.

"Can I learn the master's amazing skills just now?" Genos suppressed his excitement and asked Bai Yu.

Genos wants to learn "Qi".
But... this is impossible. I can learn this kind of magical power by opportunistically through the magic of the identity plug-in, and ordinary Qi can't achieve the effect of Baiyu just now, but the "Qi" of the gray star race "Only then can we easily achieve the wall of breath just now.

What's more, Genos is a highly modified robot man, whose whole body is basically composed of sophisticated mechanical instruments. His situation should be two different types from the Dragon Ball man.

With different restrictions in the world, it can be said that the possibility of Genos learning Qi is almost zero.

However, if Genos wants to become stronger, this is not the only way to go. Perhaps replacing with stronger parts can make him change dramatically.

Thinking of Bai Yu here, he patted the latter on the shoulder and said, "Well, Genos, let me give you a small goal, you first earn [-] million yuan.
I'm sorry, I made a quick mistake. If you move up to the top eight in the S rank first, I will make you stronger than you are now, and let you master the skills of the strong. "

Genos responded anxiously: "Teacher, is this true? Could it be another three-year muscle training method?"

"It's not Saitama's muscle training method, anyway, you will know when the time comes." Bai Yu shook his hand and explained.

Saitama felt offended. With those dead fish eyes on his face, he walked up to Baiyu and asked quietly, "I said, Baiyu, can you really make Genos stronger?"

Baiyu glanced back at Saitama, as if to say: "You will know when the time comes, get through this special period first, otherwise it will be as despicable as if we cheated a very good apprentice back for nothing! !"

Saitama nodded knowingly, as if responding, "Sure enough, you still have a way."

After driving Saitama and Genos back to the next door, Baiyu sat down and looked at the changes in himself.

personal attributes

Power: 58
Defense: 58
Agility: 58
Mindfulness: 9
This training trip has been very rewarding. Not only have various attributes been improved, but also the special skill of "Qi".

Thinking of this, Bai Yu checked the plug-ins on his body.

Identity plug-ins: Peerless martial arts prodigy, the ultimate Fan Ma blood, the breath of gray star power (temporary)


Bai Yu made a question mark.
Because this plug-in came from Ji Lian's initial separation breath, the system temporarily repaired the plug-in generated by the bug. So this plug-in is time-sensitive?

If the time limit of the plug-in expires, the plug-in disappears. Then the unique skills about qi that I have mastered so hard, wouldn't they all be dumb?
Thinking of this, Bai Yu hurriedly searched for this plug-in to see if there was a solution.

After a while of inquiry and thinking, Bai Yu found a bad news and a good news,

The good news is that Baiyu can indeed convert this temporary Dragon Ball world legal plug-in into a permanent plug-in, that is, he can consume a certain amount of crystals of all things to successfully make this temporary plug-in permanent.

But the bad news is that Baiyu doesn't have enough Crystals of Everything now. It's an embarrassing problem for him to make this temporary plug-in permanent.

The plug-in must be permanent, but the number of all things crystals is a bit insufficient, so there is only one way left for Baiyu, and that is what gamers in the previous life often did, selling blood to buy equipment! !

Bai Yu now has to sell some skills, and then obtain crystals of all things to complete this matter.

Ten Thousand Worlds bgm playback function, haunted by evil spirits, time, hard fist, absolute power of destiny.

This is the current skill that Bai Yu possesses. Among them, it is impossible to sell time and strength. Although the Bgm playback function is optional, it involves the issue of "handsome". It's a lifetime thing!

The absolute force of fate is also a very buggy skill, its biggest function is to cooperate with one's own talent skills; God's hand, the combined use of the two can give Baiyu a 100% true absolute dodge effect once, not to mention the follow-up Hand of God bonus to critical damage results.

On the training platform, Ji Lian was directly disabled by his serial operations. Until now, he may not have thought about how he lost in the end.

As for haunting ghosts, it is also a great skill, which can improve your combat explosive power for a short time.
However, Jilian's warning is vivid, and if the choice of "Qi" is compared with "Haunted by Evil Ghosts", in the end Baiyu still chooses to sell "Haunted by Evil Ghosts".
After all, Baiyu has learned a lot about "Qi" combat skills from Jilian. Once this plug-in fails, he will not only learn it for nothing, but more importantly, Jilian's tricks are much better than haunting ghosts.

This is not a consideration at all.

In the end, he chose to sell the ghost haunting.
【The transaction was successful.】

Bai Yu spent all things crystal on the plug-in, but it was only a matter of a moment, and the word "temporary" behind the plug-in disappeared instantly.

Successfully converted to a plugin for permanent use.

There were still some crystals left, so Bai Yu opened the mysterious store and bought the "Dancing Sky Technique". After all, he already has the energy of "Qi", so he can naturally use this flying skill perfectly.

After digesting the white jade harvested this time, he was finally able to go to the next door to eat with peace of mind.

The sky in City Z gradually shrouded in darkness, and the night gradually fell
Outside the planet at this time, a giant steel spaceship is constantly moving towards this blue planet full of life.

Wearing golden armor, Poros looked at the blue planet above the screen, and he couldn't wait to urge Goliuganshupu: "How long will it take to reach that planet? I can't hold back the joy in my heart. I must find that red-haired man, and fight him with all my strength!!"

Goliuganshupu responded submissively: "Master Poros, it will take about 24 hours before we can reach that blue planet."

"Can you speed up this time?" Poros asked dissatisfied.

"Master Poros, this is already the fastest speed. If it is any faster, the entire spaceship may not be able to withstand this energy output."

After Poros heard this, he didn't speak, and he started to leave here. Now he has more important things to do, and that is to recharge his batteries and prepare for the upcoming battle!
(End of this chapter)

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