Chapter 172
"Oh my God, is that a crayfish freak?"

The whole body is red, the figure is extremely huge, and the strange man with steel pincers on the forearm of his arms broke out from a certain manhole cover!

Waving his powerful pincers, the crayfish monster shouted excitedly on the spot: "Hahaha, I am a creature formed of resentment caused by crayfish being predated by you humans.

"Humanity must pay a painful price for the consequences of over-eating crayfish!"

Faced with the impending attack of the crayfish monster, the pedestrians around seemed to be surprised. After all, it is very common for all kinds of weird people to appear in Z City every day.

As for your question of why they didn't escape.
The reason is very simple, because at this moment, there is a huge pressure pouring down from the sky, and at the same time, a handsome red-haired guy landed on the ground smoothly.

Bai Yu is now the responsible hero here in Z City. He has the responsibility to protect the safety of the city and the safety of the people. This is the job and mission of a hero.

Well, in fact, this external statement is only a small part of the reason. The deeper reason is that the spicy chicken system was patched yesterday and a weekly special task was launched.

Mission objective: to enforce justice

Mission introduction: Eliminate weird people who endanger social stability (2/3)

Task reward: attribute point*3, everything crystal*5
He urgently needs attribute points to improve his "Qi". Although meditation can improve his Qi practice. But is there anything more comfortable than cheating?

There is no conflict between meditation and cheating, they are two different things!
And this morning, Bai Yu had already eliminated the pumpkin monster and the paper towel monster. If this crayfish was counted, the task requirements for eliminating the three monsters were already met.

This crayfish is weird, he will eat it, even if Jesus comes, he will not be able to save it!
"Damn it, humans dare to stand in front, I'm going to kill you!" The crayfish monster raised his big pliers, and then slammed it down on Bai Yu's head.

"哐". The huge and hard pincers fell directly into the ground, and the crack marks were telling how terrifying the giant's strength was.

But it's empty!

Bai Yu appeared strangely behind the crayfish monster, and pressed the crayfish monster's back with one hand, and a scarlet energy sphere appeared between the two.

Psychic impact bomb!
This is an attack technique that Bai Yu learned from Ji Lian's qigong. It can launch a powerful kinetic energy bomb, and after hitting the opponent, it can push it away.

Bai Yu can even manipulate the flight trajectory of the air bomb, and can detonate it to cause a more violent impact.

Just like now, the crayfish monster was pushed upwards by the thought power bomb, and then Bai Yu turned around, hugging her hands and muttering: "It's over!"

The powerful explosion power exploded above, and the red light energy filled the sky above. The crayfish monster was also in this explosion, and his body was smashed to pieces.
A real man just wants to turn around and not see the result of the explosion!

It turns out that after doing this, I added another sentence, "It's over", it is such a handsome and compelling thing!

Bai Yu suddenly understood why Ji Lian liked to do this so much.

Because it looks really tall.

"Wow, it's the handsome knight, he saved us all!" A passer-by exclaimed excitedly.

"That's amazing. He really deserves to be a new S-class hero. Have you seen his handsome turning around just now, and that proud line? It's really handsome."

"A real man never looks at the explosion behind him. I'm going to become a fan of the handsome knight Lu today."

After completing the task, Bai Yu decisively added all three attributes to his "Qi" attribute panel.

After adding it, Bai Yu could clearly perceive that the quality and capacity of his Qi had improved significantly.

The feeling of opening and hanging is really completely different.

On the planet, within the galaxy.

"Master Poros, we are already approaching this blue planet. Next, shall we directly sail the spaceship to the highest civilization on this planet to announce the arrival of our dark matter pirate group, or do you have a better suggestion?" Goliu Gan Xiupu asked curiously.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I already know who the destined opponent is." Poros stood up from the throne, and then he walked in front of Goliuganshupu and explained: "I have seen He, his appearance has been deeply engraved in my mind.

Since he has come to meet me once in person and has shown his courage and courage, then of course I cannot be content with others. So I have to go to that blue planet by myself to find the person who prophesied . "

Go alone?

Goliuganshupu didn't know that there was a sentence that should be said inappropriately. He thought that Mr. Poros was good at everything, but he was too competitive and too secondary.

It has always believed that this so-called prophecy was a trap set by the fortune-teller to make Sir Kebolos, but what hurts the most is that Lord Poros actually believed such nonsense, and then brought them to start a nearly 20-year-long journey. Long years of journey, until now finally came here.

So Goryuganshup didn't believe in this prophecy at all, and he didn't believe that someone could really fight Lord Poros heartily.
However, the current situation seems to be a little bit wrong.

Goliu Ganshupu asked in a low voice: "Master Poros, when did you meet this opponent? And what does he look like?"

Eight legs, three heads and six arms, copper head and iron bones?
Poros responded indifferently: "I don't need you to tell me when I saw it. As for what it looks like. I have already drawn it."

After finishing speaking, Poros took out a piece of paper with a portrait of a man drawn on it.

Goliu Ganshupu was dumbfounded. Simple lines outlined the appearance of this unknown creature. For short, stickman! ! !
Poros murmured: "I forgot, there is still something missing." Then he took out a red pen-like thing from behind, and the hair on the stickman's head was painted red, "This It’s all right, this is the hit person I’ve been looking for.”

Goryuganshup was silent for a few seconds, then he patted his bare tentacles and exclaimed loudly: "Okay, Mr. Poros, I am really amazed by your superb painting skills, which can be said to be lifelike. what!"

Poros was in a good mood after hearing this, and he happily replied: "Huh, it's a matter of course. In my group, I am not only a leader in combat ability and recovery ability, but also in painting, I think Second, no one dares to recognize number one!"

(End of this chapter)

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