Five to five from one punch

Chapter 173 The Wrath of the Atomic Samurai

Chapter 173 The Wrath of the Atomic Samurai

"I want to take this portrait and go to that planet in person to find this red-haired man." Poros explained without doubt, and then he walked to the central control room and gave the order: "Full speed, enter the planet." After the blue planet, you enter the stealth mode and stand by at high altitude, and I will personally land on the surface of this planet."

Goliu Ganshupu was in a hurry: "Master Poros, please let me and Meruzagarudo accompany you to search for it."

It would be a ghost to find this man with Poros-sama's tragic painting skills, so Goryu Ganshupu must follow this wayward cosmic overlord, otherwise... unimaginable bad things will happen.

Poros wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, it is really inconvenient to go down alone, and it is always good for some people to follow, "As you like, then Gloribus stays here on the spaceship, and the rest of the cadres follow me. Let's go to the surface together."

In this way, the steel spaceship directly turned on its stealth state, and began to sail into the earth. Even after breaking through the atmosphere, it seemed that it smashed some mechanical gadgets.

Somewhere in a secret basement, sophisticated high-tech instruments are in operation. An old man with buck teeth sits on the screen and keeps beating on the mechanical instruments, as if he is looking for something.

This Dr. Beaufoy has another famous identity, that is the S-class hero, Metal Knight!

"What happened?" Metal Knight anxiously called up the screen of the monitoring equipment above, and he muttered with cold sweat on his forehead: "Why, most of the mechanical instruments I specially arranged above the sky were destroyed What's even worse is that I can't find who is attacking me at all?"

Bad intuitions filled Metal Knight's heart, and he horribly guessed whether something bad had slipped in from outside the earth, right?
Poros was walking in a seldom-inhabited mountain forest at this time, and he kept observing the ecological environment of this planet with curiosity, until finally he said to the two number one horse boys beside him: "That's great, The ecological environment of this planet is really good, compared to my hometown, it can be described as heaven."

Goliuganshupu smiled sullenly, "Master Poros, you are right, our dark matter pirates have plundered so many planets and have never seen such a beautiful planet. Maybe we can directly conquer this planet. Planet, and then become our base camp!"

"Wait until I find the representative of this planet, that is, that man, as long as I win him, then this planet will naturally be in the pocket of our dark matter pirate group, but once I lose, you don't do this Daydreaming!" Poros said indifferently.

"Master Poros is really humble. How can anyone in the entire universe be able to defeat you?" Goliu Ganshupu replied sincerely.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound in front of the three of them.

Ju Hean came out curiously at this moment, and seeing that the three weirdos in front of him were not normal human beings anyway, he asked vigilantly, "I didn't expect that there would still be the remnants of weirdos in the mountains and forests where our masters and apprentices cultivated. Come on, you are really brave."

After Juhean finished speaking, his front body bent slightly, and the palm of his hand fell on the hilt of his sword, as if he was accumulating some extraordinary moves.

It is a common creature on this planet. Judging from the general features, it is indeed the same as the red-haired man I want to find, but he is not as good-looking as the other. He walked up to Juhean and asked: "Hello, creatures on this planet, I have no interest in you, but I have one thing to ask you!"

After finishing speaking, Poros took out the portrait of his favorite work and showed it to Juhean, "Have you seen this red-haired man?"

Juhean looked at the stick figure with ugly red hair on top. He felt that he was insulted, and he shouted at Poros angrily: "Stop joking, don't look down on people!"

In an instant, Juhean's waist exerted strength, caught the strength of the wrist and the instant acceleration of the waist, pulled out his favorite knife and swung it at the one-eyed alien in golden armor!

Iai Swordsmanship! !

The knife drawing technique that ordinary people can't even see clearly, the ultimate combination of strength and speed, no matter what monsters you encounter, you can split them with one blow!

sparks and flashes
After performing his unique skill, Ihean's wrist holding the sword was shaking. Cold sweat covered his forehead, and his special skill "Iai Sword Drawing Technique" was useless?
Can't even leave scars on the opponent's armor?

Poros touched his armor with his hand, and then he said indifferently: "You are too weak, I have no interest in you at all, but those who attack me must also have the awareness to pay the price accordingly!"

"Damn it, bastard, don't underestimate me." Juhean quickly came back to his senses, he realized that the opponent in front of him was not as simple as those weird people he had encountered in the past, and he had to use all his strength without reservation , otherwise he would have to confess that he couldn't be here today.

Juhe'an's most powerful offensive move is Juhe'an. He seized the opportunity and used it with all his strength towards this alien one-eyed monster.

The unique skill that could kill the enemy in the past, but at this time, the beloved knife that returned to Hean was tightly grasped by the one-eyed alien in the palm of his hand.

The sound of metal shattering sounded, and Ihean's favorite knife was directly crushed with one hand.
A huge force appeared in Ihean's stomach, and his whole body flew into the distance like a runaway train, and finally there was a loud collision sound, announcing the result of this battle.

Poros shook his head in disappointment. If the average strength of this planet is like this creature, then it really can't make it exciting. Sure enough, only the red-haired man can make it feel excited.

The loud noise coming from here naturally alarmed the Atomic Warrior who was sitting on the boulder and meditating. He looked at the place where the loud noise collided not far away and thought for a few seconds, then began to approach it quickly.

Iaian fell to the ground, unconscious. The blood flowed from his stomach like crazy, and his hands and feet were even deformed by the violent impact.
Atomic Samurai became crazy when he saw the appearance of his beloved apprentice, his eyes were full of red threads, and he shouted at Juhean excitedly: "Hold on, I will help you notify the medical staff of the association , They will arrive here soon, you have to hold on."

Juhean seemed to hear his master's voice, he opened his eyelids with difficulty, and persuaded the Atomic Warrior: "There is a scary one-eyed monster over there, Master, so be careful."

After finishing speaking, Ihean's consciousness was disconnected again and fell into a deep sleep!
Atomic Samurai put down Juhean tremblingly, and looked in a certain direction angrily, his anger had nowhere to vent, this one-eyed monster must die for him! !
(End of this chapter)

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