Five to five from one punch

Chapter 174 Atomic Slash

Chapter 174 Atomic Slash

"Lord Poros, someone is approaching us at high speed. Could this guy be the red-haired man you miss?" Goryuganshupu's tentacles shone slightly at this time, as if he had sensed something.

"No, it's not him." Poros responded calmly.

Just as Poros said, a man wearing a vintage samurai uniform and a tricky stick fell from the sky and finally landed in front of the three of them.

The Atomic Warrior made a gorgeous appearance, and the withered leaves moved slowly around him. The white air gradually spread from his lips, as if he was expressing his anger to the three of Poros, "Come on, the Atomic Warrior!!"

Poros didn't have any interest in the guy with the knife, and didn't want to know his name, but some routines still had to be done.

"Have you seen the man in the portrait?" Poros asked while holding the drawing paper in his hand.

Atomic Warrior was stunned, and he glanced at the portrait. After a while, he didn't know what words to use to describe it. Is this a stick figure?
Stickman with red hair?

Speaking of red hair, Atomic Samurai thought of the S-class hero recently promoted by the association, the handsome knight!

It is said that he is Banggu's personal apprentice. Originally, after the atomic warrior planned to leave the customs, he asked his disciple to go to this handsome knight for a test.

Is he Bangu's foresight, or his atomic warrior is better? This is a silent but full of gunpowder-smoke war!
The thinking ran away. After the atomic warrior came back to his senses, he yelled at the one-eyed monster among the three weirdos and asked, "Is it you, the one-eyed monster, who severely injured my beloved disciple?"

Poros said indifferently: "If it was the kid with the knife just now, it was indeed me who wounded and shot at the strong, so he should have the consciousness to bear all the consequences, shouldn't he?"

Atomic Samurai smiled, this one-eyed eccentric is right, although everything is due to the fact that Juhean's skills are not as good as human beings, but...he is his beloved disciple!
"Can I take your words as a declaration that you have the consciousness to bear my anger?" After the Atomic Warrior finished speaking, he put his palms on the handle of the knife, and his whole body suddenly raised an aura as sharp as a knife.

When Poros was about to respond to this man, Goliu Ganshupu yelled at the Atomic Warrior angrily: "Are you kidding, a third-rate character like you doesn't need our king to take action at all, let me teach you a lesson Let's go!"

Before Goliuganshupu said he was addicted, Poros put one hand on the former's head and threw it to Gloribas who was behind and said, "Show me this guy."

It has been 20 years for Poros to come to this planet, and it took 20 years.

Do you know how it spent these 20 years?

Sitting on the cold and lonely throne, either sleeping or in a daze, he wanted to find someone to practice on the spaceship, and no one was his opponent. The feeling of being so cold at the top made Poros feel palpitations.

It is rare that someone on this planet dared to challenge it. Poros thought that he had no reason to refuse, and he just took it as a warm-up before the contest with the red-haired man, so it took a few steps unswervingly, Walking up to the Atomic Warrior, he signaled that he accepted his challenge!

Gather your momentum, lock your target, and draw your sword!

The Atomic Warrior took the lead, drew out his favorite knife, and a lightning-fast knife slashed at Poros.

The latter's eyes flickered for a moment, and he stood still on the spot, enduring the slash from the Atomic Warrior!
Hard. So hard!

This is the most intuitive experience in the mind of the atomic warrior.

His omnipotent slashing with the sword could only leave a faint white mark on the golden armor of the one-eyed monster
The danger level of this strange man rose crazily in the heart of the Atomic Warrior, "No wonder Juhean was beaten so miserably."

Their samurai profession is different from others, their level A is almost their ultimate move.

In other words, once the warriors encounter something they cannot cut off, the consequences will be very serious! !
Poros stroked the binding armor that sealed its body energy, and said to the middle-aged man holding the knife with some doubts: "It is indeed much stronger than the kid holding the knife just now, but this does not satisfy me. desire."

Atomic Samurai's back was covered with cold sweat, and he quickly distanced himself from the one-eyed monster, "You weird guy, I've never heard of it before, you are really strong."

"I have heard too many compliments like this, but it doesn't make me feel happy and happy. I just want to find an evenly matched opponent and have a good fight, that's all."

Faced with Poros' words, the Atomic Warrior had blue veins on his forehead. Is this one-eyed man underestimating his Atomic Warrior?

Does he mean that he is not worthy to be its equal opponent?
Atomic Samurai narrowed his eyes, and his aura changed again. When his palm rested on the hilt of the sword again, the entire blade of the sword began to tremble continuously, "One-eyed weirdo, don't underestimate me. "

Stunt. Atomic Slash! !

The "Atomic Slash", which can cut everything into pieces, is the supreme stunt of the Atomic Samurai. It is a lore move that can only be used by combining speed, strength, and explosion.

"What?" Poros also exclaimed a little at this time, but it still stood still, it wanted to see if the man's unique move could cause him any damage.

Lines. Countless rays of light. Lines formed by knives appeared densely around, but this was not enough. The hardness of the golden armor of this one-eyed monster was more terrifying than he had imagined.

Fortunately, after this practice, his Atomic Slash has improved by leaps and bounds, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with the current situation!
The knife lines produced by the atomic slash formed a dense "surface", and at the same moment, the "surface" covered by the lines began to change, and the lines began to continuously tilt towards a level, and gradually began to converge, from The "face" has turned into a thick "line"!
Countless knife lines are combined into new lines, and Xeon One Strike is born again.

The ultimate skill, the ultimate atomic slash.

In an instant, with Poros as the origin, all the things behind him that were higher than his chest were split open, the trees began to collapse, the rocks began to split, and even the flowing waterfall further away was split in half .

Poros started to take two steps back. Looking at the golden armor on his body, there was a large opening and even white smoke was emitting around the crack.
The Atomic Warrior looked at the scene before him in disbelief.
Are you kidding me?

With all my best skills, I couldn't kill this one-eyed monster?

(End of this chapter)

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