Five to five from one punch

Chapter 175 Junk Games

Chapter 175 Junk Games
Poros smiled, and he smiled happily, "It's not bad, it's really rare to be able to leave such a mark on my armor."

"I have to say. You have given me quite a few surprises, and you should be proud of that!"

What kind of weirdo is this?

The pupil of Atomic Warrior is filled with the figure of this one-eyed monster.
His mind was filled with the words "cut continuously".

After he had mastered his sword skills, he had never encountered such a hard and completely outrageous weirdo.

Even if he tried his best now, he could only make a big hole in his armor?

Poros pressed the palm of his hand on his golden armor, and a terrifying energy appeared in the palm of his hand, and then the wound on the golden armor gradually recovered.

"You're good enough to be able to do this, but it's still not enough!" Poros started walking towards the Atomic Warrior and continued, "This armor of mine is a seal, a bondage that seals my true power, and can break This seal can only be that man, he is the opponent I have been looking for, not you."

Poros can still vividly remember how his armor was smashed by that man's punch, and even seriously injured himself.

So in his mind, the person who can help him unlock the seal with his own hands = that red-haired man.

The sound of Thunderbolt Bala came out, and a blue electric arc suddenly appeared on Poros' body, and then he stomped on the ground with his heel!
The entire mountainside seemed to be trampled down by it, and the whole mountain forest seemed to be falling from the waist to somewhere.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying energy erupted in the entire mountain forest.

The Atomic Warrior fell unconscious on the ground, his eyes were white and his body was twitching
Poros and the two top boys also left the mountain immediately, heading towards a certain city at random.

The drill warrior has been hiding here since just now, watching the whole battle, even when the three monsters left, the one-eyed monster who defeated his master even glanced at him, but In the end, fortunately, the one-eyed monster did not attack him, maybe because he felt that he was not worthy of it
After the three of them left, the drill warrior walked out tremblingly with his eyes floating, and then he ran to the atomic warrior, shouting in pain: "Master, are you okay!"

The Atomic Warrior couldn't answer this question. At this moment, the Drill Warrior seemed to think of something. He picked up the communicator issued by the association and shouted loudly: "The wounded are not only Juhean, but also my master Atomic Warrior, please send medical staff quickly. Personnel are coming here, please hurry up!!"

Inside a certain war room of the headquarters association in City A.

The bearded man listened to the drill warrior who was howling in the communicator, and asked in disbelief: "Has even the atomic warrior been defeated?"

A shocking sentence came from the communicator, "Master, he lost. He was defeated by that one-eyed alien with a single punch. You haven't even used your strength, so send more S-level heroes to encircle and suppress it!"

The bearded man put the communicator on the table. He squeezed the space between his brows a few times, and then said to the cute black-haired girl next to him, "Issuing a disaster announcement, this monster disaster is initially set at dragon level!"

The cute girl took a deep breath, and without asking any further questions, she issued orders and announcements as if she were ruthlessly operating a machine.

At this time, the bearded man remembered a bad thing in his mind, which was the prophecy of Grandma Xibabawa.

At that time, all of them thought that the prophecy of the suspected god-level disaster referred to the two-color sky phenomenon that occurred that day, but then the British Association kept searching for relevant information, but in the end they found nothing, and over time they dealt with it coldly. .

Could it be that the one-eyed monster that appeared this time corresponds to the monster disaster that could destroy all human beings that Grandma Xibabawa once had?

There is no evidence to prove this point of view, and the bearded man also feels ridiculous for his conjecture, yes. It's just a one-eyed weirdo, nothing to be afraid of
After all, the British Association has many powerful heroes, and it will definitely be able to kill this one-eyed monster.

"Trash game, what a rubbish game!!!" Bai Yu shook the direction stick on the game console with a flushed face, and even slapped a few yellow buttons ruthlessly and quickly with the other hand, "What about the big move? This Quickly show me the big move that breaks the character."

On the electronic screen, a muscular crocodile man suddenly shot green lightning all over his body, and then his entire body collided with a certain "Chun Li" character controlled by Bai Yu.

There was a burst of violent beating output, which flickered on the screen continuously. Bai Yu controlled this character who looked like "Chun Li", and was crazily output by this green-skinned crocodile man for more than ten seconds.

The blood bar on this "Chun Li" character has been emptied at this time, and finally he can only fall powerlessly on the ground..
"We lost again." Bai Yusheng sat on the chair with no love, looking like he was being played to pieces.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you lose the game. The problem is that you lost to Saitama!
Losing to this guy with such a bad operation is the biggest problem.

This afternoon, Baiyu and Saitama walked into this game hall, planning to have a good time.

Soon, they became obsessed with this new street fighter fighting game. After watching Saitama play a few games, Bai Yu could only use four words to describe this bald man.

People are addicted to food!

Such a rubbish operation actually exists in this world?
Originally thinking about educating the bald white jade in this game, he decisively invited the former to a battle.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu was mercilessly hammered by the bald head. He finally found out that the bald head is very good, but he never thought that he was even better than the bald head!
How angry, why doesn't the mystery store have cheating skills like "Game Master"?
He wants to buy Bai Yu even if he loses everything, and then educate this bald head well!
At this time, Saitama seemed to have found a bosom friend, and said happily to Bai Yu: "Shall we play a few more games?" He really didn't expect Bai Yu to be so good at playing this kind of street fighting game
When he thinks that someone can't beat him, he is very happy.

Bai Yu stood up depressed, and said to Saitama, "Stop fighting, I'm going out to eat something, to change my mood."

If this continues, Bai Yu may not be able to control his prehistoric power and smash this machine to pieces!
But at this moment, a blond man wearing a mask and a peaked cap came over to Saitama and asked, "Excuse me. Can I have a game with you?"

Saitama looked at this mysterious guy, and replied indifferently: "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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