Five to five from one punch

Chapter 178 Summoner + Invincible Luck?

Chapter 178 Summoner + Invincible Luck?

King entertained Baiyu and Saitama to a tea restaurant and explained some things well.

After Bai Yu finished listening, he still felt that this matter was extremely nonsense. He really didn't expect that there would be such lucky people in this world.

Good guy. Bai Yu dared to say that King is really a good guy!

Since he came to this world, he has always been curious about why Saitama has beaten so many weirdos over the years, why he is still unknown.
Of course, this has something to do with Saitama being the Hero of Kurodo at the time, but the Association should also be curious about the fact that he slaughtered so many weirdos. Why did so many weirdos die suddenly for no reason?
Now Bai Yu finally knew what the most important reason was.

It turned out that just like his immature guess at the beginning, all of Saitama's heads were taken away by others.

King put his hands on his temples in annoyance at this time and murmured: "I'm sorry, Saitama, I really didn't intend to take your credit, but I don't know why I can always get through the strange people without any danger, and Afterwards, those staff members of the association forcibly put the credit into my hands.

I explained to them that I didn't do it myself, but they still didn't believe me and said I was humble. Over time, I became the current S-class hero! ! "

King mustered up a lot of courage to tell Saitama and Baiyu the truth about this incident. In fact, since Baiyu sent four S-level heroes to the hospital in a row in the gymnasium last time, he secretly helped the newly promoted hero in their association. The handsome S-class hero knight took a nickname, "S-class hero killer".

Since this title came out, King has been fidgeting. He can't sleep well, eat well, and even the newly released Xiao Huangyou has no mood to play.

He was very afraid that this S-level hero killer would appear behind him for no reason and send him to the hospital as well.
Therefore, KIng carefully investigated Baiyu, until he discovered another important person in the previous meteorite disaster incident, that is Saitama!

At first King thought this bald head was very familiar. He always felt that he had seen it somewhere before. After a period of hard thinking, he finally remembered who this bald head was.

King found that every time he encountered a monster disaster, there would always be traces of Saitama nearby, and then the monster would die suddenly for no reason, and finally the people from the association would come to judge that the monster died in his hands
No matter how slow he was, he realized that the truth was that Saitama wiped out the monsters, and he was just a k-head monster who sneaked around. Unexpectedly, in the end, the clown turned out to be himself.

At first, he was hesitant to confess such a thing, but when he ran into the suffering master Saitama here today, King felt that he had the answer in his heart, so he started to talk to Saitama through games, and finally he had the present of this scene.

Bai Yu's thoughts drifted further and further at this time, he kept guessing that this King is actually the protagonist of this world, right?

His super power is actually proficient in the bald summoning technique and the blessing of the goddess of luck?

Summoner + invincible luck, what kind of job is that?
No, what's more important is that someone is helping me to work for free. Isn't this just like being an otaku at home and not going out to work, but the bank card will have a huge amount of income remitted to it on time every month because there is an unlucky guy. He is working for himself, but he doesn't know it!

Bai Yu still hasn't figured out whether it's a kind of superpower or simply good luck.

King was very frustrated and said to Saitama: "Saitama, I'm really sorry, I will explain all the reasons and facts to the Hero Association, and return all my honor to you, so that you can get the respect you deserve."

Having said so much, in fact Saitama didn't quite understand it, but he was clear about the general meaning and other aspects. For example, this guy named King feels like a pretty good person.

After taking a bite of the French fries, Saitama nodded and said, "No, that's too troublesome, just keep it as it is."


King wondered if he had misheard because he was too excited. He didn't understand why Saitama wasn't angry at all. He obviously took all the credit from him, and even took the honor that belonged to him.
"Saitama, are you serious?" King asked uncertainly.

"Of course. If you think it's inappropriate, why don't you teach me how you were so good in that fighting game just now." After Saitama finished speaking, he stuffed another crispy French fries into his mouth.

King now feels really relieved.
Sure enough, telling the truth is the only way to get relief. What makes King even more unbelievable is that Saitama not only did not blame him, but wrote it off, and even acquiesced in his behavior. are so gentle!

Just when King was excited to pass on the powerful secrets of his fighting game to Saitama, the phone in his pocket started to vibrate crazily...

Suspiciously, he took it out and glanced at it, only to find that his phone was full of text messages and missed calls...

Because it was too noisy in the game hall just now, and you must concentrate on playing games, so King has not noticed any abnormalities in the phone.

After more than ten seconds...

King panicked and took out his phone, and told Saitama and Baiyu the bad news.

Bai Yu did not receive the urgent notice from the association.

Because his cell phone has exploded!

Yes, the real reason came out, Bai Yu found out that Coach Jilian's amazing stunts can be called electronic product killers!
Whenever he uses or trains the "Wall of Breath" stunt, the electronic products all over his body will be directly blasted...

Bai Yu originally planned to buy a cheap product like "Little Smart" for later use, after all, he wouldn't feel distressed if it exploded.

"I didn't expect 8 S-level heroes and one A-level hero to be packed into the hospital... This weirdo is too good at playing." Bai Yu returned the phone to King.

Bai Yu sent 4 S-class heroes to the hospital before, but he didn't expect his feat to be surpassed so quickly... Inexplicably, he felt a little uncomfortable!

There are weird people who dare to imitate his face?

Thinking of this, Baiyu couldn't sit still any longer, he patted the table and said to Saitama and King, "Let's go first, I want to see what this weird guy is."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Yu disappeared on the seat strangely.
King asked Saitama tremblingly: "What is this? Why did Bai Yu just disappear from his eyes after speaking?"

Saitama glanced at Bai Yu who was flying outside the window. He said enviously, "It seems to be the ability of time. Bai Yu can control time to a certain extent."

But compared to time, Saitama is more envious. Baiyu can fly now! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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