Chapter 179


It's amazing, it's amazing, it's worthy of being an "S-class hero killer". But King still looked worried and asked Saitama: "Would you like to go and see it together?"

"Ah, why did you follow?" Saitama asked suspiciously, but he quickly understood what King meant, and he explained slowly: "Don't worry, no weirdo can defeat Baiyu."

"Because Bai Yu is super strong, only I can be his opponent, so no matter what monster he faces, he will never lose."

After hearing this, King felt inexplicably relieved.

What a domineering trust, although there are suspicions of pretentiousness, but when these words come out of Saitama's mouth, King feels trust inexplicably!

So King waved to the waitress and said, "Excuse me, please have two sets of wheat and spicy chicken drumsticks!"

After hearing this, Saitama's eyes lit up. He said happily to King, "You are really a nice guy!"

The smell of disinfectant spread in the medical room exclusive to the Heroes Association.

Tong Di touched his arm that was covered with plaster, and the gray expression on his face could no longer be concealed.

For the first time in history, 7 S-level heroes teamed up for the first time, and finally ended in failure, and it was an overwhelming failure without any suspense!
If it wasn't for the driving knight hiding in the dark to take action in the end, I'm afraid the final result of their group would be more or less dire.

Thinking of Tongdi here, the one-eyed monster will automatically appear in his mind.
It's really scary, why are there such terrifying weirdos in this world?

"Damn it, I don't accept it!!", the metal bat covered with bandages struggled to stand up, his trembling right hand grabbed the bat weapon next to his bed, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't use it. Hold a stick-shaped hard object with palms like rice dumplings.

"Forget it, with your current physical condition, if you continue to rush forward to fight that one-eyed monster, I'm afraid I'll put a bouquet of flowers in front of your grave on this day next year." Hitting the unconvinced metal bat.

The metal bat was furious, but he knew that the vested venerable was telling the truth.
The two of them never expected that just after being discharged from the hospital, they would be admitted to the hospital again!

In fact, in that battle, the Zombie Man deserved the most credit because the power of the one-eyed monster was really terrifying. It just so happened that the super-alloy black light was not there and they lacked a meat shield, so in the end they couldn't die no matter what. Zombie men are used as human meat sandbags and meat shields.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the zombie man, I'm afraid that among the seven S-level heroes, at least three of them would have died in that battle!

That kind of power and speed beyond the possession of living things makes metal bats palpitate!

Although the zombie man has the characteristics of immortality and regeneration, he is still rescuing in the intensive care room. According to him, the concept of immortality is just a general concept.

There is no real "immortality", it's just because the body has not reached a critical limit point.

It's also fortunate that this human sandbag is a zombie man, otherwise, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have to die suddenly on the battlefield on the spot.

Everyone was still shrouded in the shadow of failure and couldn't extricate themselves, but at this moment, the door was opened and a certain hero was also sent in for rescue.
It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you see it, isn't this guy who often damages their sweetheart mask?

Good guy, the whole person was beaten like a pig's head, with a bruised nose and a swollen face. If it weren't for the name tag attached, they really wouldn't have recognized this former handsome hero.

In fact, the ability of the sweetheart mask is related to the physical structure. And he is not a real human being, but his identity is intriguing. He didn't expect that he would lose so simply, and he estimated that even if he used all his strength to liberate the real posture , I am afraid it will be difficult to defeat the one-eyed monster.

The important thing is that when he came back to his senses, he had already been sent here to be fellow sufferers with all the S-class heroes, and it was too late for him to use his ability to repair the injuries on his face.

So he can only continue to pretend to be a person who can never wake up. Only in this way can he not be so embarrassed.

Pig God, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said, "Have you noticed that the one-eyed monster seems to be looking for the stickman on that paper, even though he fought us so fiercely, he still doesn't seem to give up on this funny behavior."

Speaking of this, Emperor Tong became interested. He began to analyze and said: "The pig god is right. This one-eyed monster is different from ordinary monsters. It obviously has its own goals and pursuits, and its goal is probably that. Stickman with red hair on a piece of paper."

red hair?

Mentioning this, Metal Bat thought of a guy with an even more irritating personality than this one-eyed weirdo. That is the S-class hero handsome knight, Bai Yu!

Could it be that the one-eyed man is looking for is actually this bad character?

Metal Bat told everyone in the room about his guess.
After a while, Tongdi gulped down his saliva, because the guess about the metal bat was a bit off the mark, but it was not impossible, after all, the stick figure had no idea who he was referring to.

But the handsome knight Baiyu does have red hair. Maybe, the speculation about the metal bat is actually correct.

After all, how to say that sentence, the intuition of fools and reckless people is always very powerful in some aspects.

"Electro-optical incinerator!", after Genos shouted, the energy cannons in both hands merged into a thick giant column for impact.

Intense flames and horrifying electric light remained outside the berserk energy, and this terrifying impact was vented wantonly toward Poros' position.

Wherever this attack went, everything began to burn. Even the gaps in the streets were filled with flames, and the smoke and burning smell spread across this large area in an instant.
Fortunately, the association had evacuated the residents of the city in advance, otherwise Genos would not have dared to use a stunt with such a wide range of destructive power!

In this way, this one-eyed monster in golden armor should be eliminated, right?
If so, then I'm afraid I can improve a lot in the ranking of S-level heroes this time, and maybe it's not impossible to directly complete the goal set by Teacher Bai Yu.

Just when Genos was thinking about it, Poros' body began to walk out of the high-temperature flames, and it said to Genos speechlessly: "I thought you would prepare some great tricks for me, like this What kind of damage can a non-painful flame blaster do to me?"

"Or are you looking down on me, Poros?"

(End of this chapter)

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