Five to five from one punch

Chapter 180 Dissatisfaction with Tornado

Chapter 180 Dissatisfaction with Tornado

Impossible, my electro-optical incinerator should have hit it, why would it have no effect on this weirdo?

Genos' eyes rested on the golden armor, and he suddenly realized, "So, is it because of this armor?"

Poros didn't quite understand what this guy was talking about. Obviously, his own firepower was not strong enough. What did it have to do with its armor?
But it didn't intend to explain anything, Poros waved to the back, and then Goryuganshupp ran over very dog-leggedly, and respectfully handed a piece of drawing paper to the latter.

"Enemy, have you seen the man in the portrait in my hand?" Poros asked routinely.

After staring at it for a few seconds, Janos couldn't move his eyes any longer
Although the drawing is very bad, and he is still a stickman, but the red hair inexplicably reminds him of his teacher Baiyu.

You can't be wrong, although there is no evidence to support Genos's conjecture, but Genos, who likes to make up his mind, has already determined that the target of this one-eyed monster is Teacher Baiyu!

Genos didn't answer Poros' question, but his hands flashed brilliantly. He wanted to prove with his own actions that he must stop this weirdo from getting trouble with Teacher Baiyu!
Poros returned his precious portrait to Goryuganshup, and let it go aside, after all, the portrait was destroyed. This would make him very distressed.

Power Incinerator!
The powerful eruption of fire accelerated Genos's speed, and his body moved at a "subsonic" level, approaching the top of Poros' head in an instant. High-speed rotation acceleration.

Immediately afterwards, Genos kicked Poros's head with a beautiful knight!
Poros has not stopped catching this robot since just now.

For his attack, Poros just reached out and grabbed the robot's ankle, and then slammed him down on the ground.

Faced with Poros' counterattack, Genos' body suffered severe damage immediately, and the precise parts would fly and fall around every time it hit the ground.

If he continues to be attacked like this, Genos conservatively guesses that he can only withstand more than ten slaps at most, otherwise he will directly fall into the crash protection state, and may not even be able to start the self-destruct program at that time!
The counterattack must be counterattacked!
Genos tried his best to break free from the one-eyed monster's restraint, but because the strength gap between the two sides was too large, this move was as powerless as a child resisting an adult.

In this regard, Genos pointed his other leg at the face of the one-eyed monster, and fired a "beriberi incinerator", which accurately hit the enemy's head!

In the midst of this powerful flame, Poros showed a joyful smile, and his white teeth looked brighter under the red flames. "

It's over, Genos realized that his attack couldn't cause obstacles to this monster at all, he was too careless. If he knew it earlier, he should have chosen to "break his leg and get out of trouble", and then decisively choose to blew himself up, maybe this way he still has a chance to follow The one-eyed monster died together!
But it's too late now.

Poros grabbed Genos's single leg and threw him to the ground with great force. The violent ground vibration continued to shake, and countless cracks appeared on the ground.

The degree to which Genos' body fell apart was approaching the limit under this blow.

A huge fist grew bigger and bigger in Janos' eyes
Are you going to die?

He didn't expect that in the end, he wouldn't even have the chance to blew himself up.
Teacher Bai Yu, I'm sorry, I failed again.

At this desperate moment, the power of green spiritual power enveloped the ruins, and at the same time possessed Poros' body surface.

"Psychic power?" Poros murmured suspiciously.

This force blocked Poros' fist that was about to fall, and its attention was attracted by a little loli in the sky.

In the eyes of Poros, Genos, a robot that is about to fall apart, is dispensable, and he cares more about the strong.

With a wave of Tornado's palm, the disintegrated Janos was thrown directly onto the rock beside her by this thought force, and she said dissatisfiedly: "Seeing that you are Yu'er's apprentice, I can barely save you once, give me Remember that if you don’t have the strength, don’t hold on, lest you need someone else to collect your body!”

In fact, what Longjuan means is, don’t force yourself if you don’t have the strength, lest when you die, Yu’er, as your master, has to waste all his energy to help you with the funeral, and even he will be sad for a while time.

Genos, who was about to fall apart, glanced at Loli floating in the sky, and said to her with all his strength: "This one-eyed monster is very powerful, don't be careless!"

After finishing speaking, Genos lay down on the rock, entered the energy-saving mode, and became a quiet audience.

Hearing Genos' reminder, Tornado said to herself dissatisfiedly, "Humph, who do you think I am?" Then she snapped her fingers, and a layer of green appeared on Genos and the rock. The protective cover, lest he die from unknown Aoe damage in a while.

Poros felt the telekinetic energy on his body, and then he shouted happily: "It's really good, the strength of this energy, it seems that you are much stronger than Goryu Ganshupu!"

Goliu Ganshupu not far behind:? ? ?

Goryuganshupu felt that he was lying on the gun inexplicably.
Tornado said indifferently to the one-eyed man below: "Don't be silly, is it you who defeated so many S-class heroes?"

"S-class heroes?" Poros didn't quite understand what this meant, but he quickly realized, "If you mean the group of guys I defeated, they are so-called S-class heroes. That's really true. A bunch of boring guys."

Long Juan also thinks that what the one-eyed monster said is right, but what should be killed is still to be killed!

Without too many beeps, the tornado finger suddenly swung down at the one-eyed man below, and the green energy began to radiate around the surrounding area.

Poros immediately realized that a huge pressure was pressing down on him!

The ground began to collapse, and the gravity became heavier and heavier. Poros felt as if he was being pressed down by an invisible big hand, and it was even difficult to resist.

far behind
The seldom-talking Gloribas asked curiously to his companion, Goliu Ganshupu, "Don't you need to go and help Lord Poros?"

Goliu Ganshupu responded angrily, "Help you, Lord Poros will not lose, and there was once a cadre who followed you to show loyalty like this, and went up to help Lord Poros when he was enjoying the battle. Now his grave The grass may be taller than you, so give me a good taste."

(End of this chapter)

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