Five to five from one punch

Chapter 181 Tornado VS Poros

Chapter 181 Tornado VS Poros

Tornado used her telekinetic power to restrain the one-eyed man below, but her palms began to tremble slightly.
The power of this one-eyed monster is a bit exaggerated.
The tornado didn't hesitate any longer, she snorted coldly, and then a more flickering green light appeared on her hands, and then slapped down fiercely.

Super storm!

The huge green tornado of thought power squeezed downwards, and even Goliu Ganshupu and Gloribas, who were playing soy sauce behind them, could feel the oppression of this huge energy.

boom! !

The moment the surface came into contact with this super energy storm, there was a huge explosion immediately.

The hard rock could no longer withstand the power of the tornado, and began to crack countless cracks, and finally this area was violently blasted into a hurricane that reached the sky.
A few seconds later, everything fell into dust, and the tornado in the sky spread out towards the surroundings using telekinetic power, and the dust began to recede as if it had encountered a natural enemy.
There are two huge pits below. This is the result of Tornado wantonly venting his super power.

The unbelievable legend of making soy sauce, looking at this huge exaggerated pit, was silent
It really deserves to be the second-ranked war weapon in the S-rank, the trembling tornado! !

Looking at the movement below, Tornado's beautiful eyes blinked a few times. Was the one-eyed monster wiped out by her?

Under normal circumstances, ordinary weirdos should have no chance of surviving under such an attack from her. But why did she feel uneasy?

The gust of wind blew up behind the tornado, and in an instant, the tornado immediately covered several layers of energy shields on her body, and she and these layers of energy shields were blown away viciously .

"Hahahaha, that's really good. I didn't expect that besides that man, there would be such a strong opponent as you on this planet. Sure enough, it was the most correct choice for me to come here!" Poros, who punched the tornado, wantonly laughed.

Tornado felt the huge strength of this monster. Fortunately, she had wrapped herself with a shield in advance, otherwise such a punch could be described as despair.

The tornado in flight spread out his mind power and enveloped his body, then counteracted the powerful impact and stabilized in the sky.

The golden armor on Poros's body was cracked with several cracks of different sizes. It stepped on the rock excitedly and yelled at the little loli: "My name is Poros, and I came here from a distant universe. The strong report your name, you are qualified to let me remember your name."

Tornado frowned. Did this one-eyed monster come from outside the universe?

However, she has no intention of exchanging names with this weird guy named Poros, she just wants to kill this weird guy with too loud a tone!

Just when the battle between the two was imminent. In a hidden place further away, an eyeball was silently watching this wonderful fight.

This eyeball is just a medium, and the real original owner is currently in the underground city below the distant city Z
Da Jiongyan was watching the fight through this eyeball with great interest.

In fact, she has been observing the arrival of the one-eyed monster tornado through this eyeball since before, but it was just an accident.

Da Jiongyan is very interested in this one-eyed monster. Its powerful strength has attracted her attention deeply. The great record of defeating 8 S-level heroes in a row is enough to make her greedy.
She wanted to absorb this one-eyed eccentric named "Poros" into the eccentric association. Even if she paid for a cadre position, it didn't matter. With such a powerful support, she believed that when the plan was implemented in the future, it would definitely be more secure!
Thinking of this, Da Jiongyan asked a huge purple monster behind him: "Weird King Dashe. Do you think this is a weirdo called Poros? Let Hero persuade him. Is there a chance of success for him to submit to our Weird Association? "

The monster King Dashe let out a dull and hoarse cry, "It's hard to say that I can't see the strength of this monster named Poros clearly. It's very powerful and fast, and more importantly, I can feel that it seems to be suppressed in its body. something more important."

"Send a hero to persuade, I'm afraid it won't achieve the desired effect. It seems that I may have to do it myself to be sure!"

Go in person?

Da Jiongyan felt how much the monster King Serpent attaches importance to this monster named Poros. But that's okay, no one can defeat the monster King Serpent.

So this weirdo named Poros, she's got big eyes!

Just when Da Jiongyan wanted to continue watching this amazing battle.
A black octopus emitting purple light appeared in front of this eyeball, blocking the entire picture.


Before Da Jiongyan could react, Goliu Ganshupu asked in a bad tone towards the eyeball: "I said that since just now, I have felt a malicious gaze sizing up the position of Lord Poros. , It turns out that a ghost like you is acting as a demon."

"Master Poros is a small character like you who can peep, die to me!" Goryuganshupp's little tentacles nodded towards this eyeball, and a powerful psychic power appeared around him, It even affected gravity and space. A small piece of space resembling a "black hole" appeared, and then this disgusting eyeball was sucked in.
Da Jiongyan, who was far below City Z, was stunned!

She was discovered?
How can this be?

My old tricks should be full. I didn't expect to be discovered by that man named Poros. This really slapped her face hard.

The tornado that released her whole body's telekinetic power focused on Poros, and at the same time, regardless of mental consumption, she began to release a huge telekinetic power to cover this large area.

This monster named Poros moves very fast. Otherwise, the tornado would be difficult to lock and restrain it, just like Yu'er back then, and its movements are very slippery.
Poros felt the special thought power surrounding him as the center, and when he was about to strengthen his physical strength and forcefully break through, he noticed two invisible big hands clapping fiercely on his body, and then the two The palms began to twist each other left and right.
As if to twist Poros into a twisted shape, twisting to death alive!
"Don't be kidding, is it like making me Poros submit to mere telekinetic power?" As soon as the words fell, a terrifying energy emanated from Poros' body, and the two invisible big hands began to be repelled by this amazing energy, and even moved towards Twist in the opposite direction.
After seeing Tornado, her pupils shrank slightly. Her forehead was covered with cold sweat. She really didn't expect that this weirdo was not only so good in strength, speed, and endurance, but could even burst out of his body so exaggeratedly. energy of.

If this continues, I am afraid that all my moves will be defeated by this energy recoil. There is no other way, and the tornado turned hard and shouted at Genos below, "Be careful with that robot named Genos!" Point, I want to use some special tricks, don't be affected by it."

Then the tornado raised its hands upwards, pulling something terrible and pulling it downwards.

(End of this chapter)

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