Five to five from one punch

Chapter 182 Liberation Stance

Chapter 182 Liberation Stance

A black shadow gradually shrouded the ground, and a heavy sense of oppression began to appear to the extent visible to the naked eye.

Meteorites fell from the sky.

Several huge stones wrapped in flames were directly torn off from outside the planet by the tornado's domineering telekinetic force.

This is the masterpiece of Tornado, she looked at the one-eyed monster who was restrained by herself under the surface, "Hehe, I want you to die today."

Genos looked helplessly at several huge rocks in the sky. He always felt that this trembling tornado was actually the real weirdo, right?
The sound of metal rubbing against the ground sounded, and Genos raised his head to look in a certain direction, and then he used the incinerator under his feet to drive his body to move, even though the tornado covered him with a protective cover, once the above When the meteorite fell, one could imagine how tragic his end would be.

Sure enough, Teacher Bai Yu didn't lie, women are a group that is not easy to mess with.

Looking at the direction in which Genos fled, Tornado murmured: "The guy who was dragging his legs is gone now, so it's time to show off!"

Tornado raised her palms up to the sky, and a strong green light shone from her body. Under this powerful and special force of thought, several meteorites in the sky began to gradually change their trajectory and position, gradually. Several meteorites began to go up and down They collided violently together, and finally they were uniformly arranged to form a huge stone pillar.

Green mind power and high-temperature flames surrounded the outside of this huge stone pillar, and at the same time, Tornado also felt that the restraint of the strange man below was about to lose control.

"Sit down obediently for me, and then send you to die!" Veins popped out of Tornado's forehead angrily, and a powerful telekinetic vortex appeared below, forming a violent vortex storm.

As soon as Poros broke free from the shackles of this psychic power, he was drawn into this vortex of psychic power. Tornado would not easily let this weirdo out of her control, otherwise... the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Go", the tornado controlled this huge stone pillar with all its strength, and stabbed down fiercely towards the center of the vortex storm below!
At Poros at the center of the vortex storm, it widened its one-eyed eyes. It stared at the giant meteorite pillar falling crazily towards its own position. It felt the danger from above for a long time.

A huge meteorite pillar was inserted directly into it, standing firmly on the surface!

Tornado gave the city a hard piston move today.

This stunning spectacle is even unbelievable that it is a miracle that can be accomplished by human beings.

Looking at the worn-out ground below, Tornado exhaled a few breaths. The move just now took a lot of her mental and physical strength, but if this is the case, the alien one-eyed monster will probably be wiped out. ?

The weirdos from extraterrestrials are indeed much more powerful than those third-rate characters on Earth.

Just when the tornado thought that everything was over, the ground below began to shake violently, and several huge cracks began to appear around the center of the meteorite pillar.


Impossible. After being attacked by her like this, could it be that the one-eyed monster is still alive?

bang bang!

There was a huge explosion sound from below, and a black energy sphere broke out from the ground!

Poros, whose whole body was black, reappeared on the ground. The golden armor on him had already been completely shattered by the blow just now.

Even on the surface of Poros's body, several scars of different sizes appeared. However, given the high-speed recovery ability of their race, these wounds are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Long Juan naturally saw the changes in this weirdo, and now she only felt that it was very bad...very bad.

This kind of monster who is quick, powerful, good at close combat and bursts of energy happens to be the type of monster that Tornado hates the most. It can also be said to be the nemesis. Now there is even worse news, that is, this alien The star monster actually has the characteristic of high-speed regeneration?
Isn't that the same thing as the zombie man?

Poros watched the tornado's expression gradually change. Finally, it said, "This armor is used to seal my overpowering energy. Under the attack just now, not only was this armor completely destroyed, it was even sealed. If the power doesn't appear in time, I'm afraid I will really die below."

After finishing speaking, those purple veins on Poros's blue body surface began to shine with pink light, "This posture after I broke the armor is called liberation!"

An astonishing aura erupted from Poros's body, and blue and violent lightning had been flickering around it since just now, and the tornado could feel the exaggerated energy that shook the sky and the earth from this body about [-] meters in height!
At the same time that Poros' aura rose wildly, those blue violent lightnings began to gradually transform into purple-pink lightning, and began to spread towards the surroundings.

Wherever the lightning goes, it annihilates everything it touches.

Goryuganshup used his superpower to flee crazily with the gourd Gloribas. It really didn't expect that someone could actually break the seal of Lord Poros
Lord Poros's unreasonable, unstoppable energy does not have eyes
When Lord Poros gets excited, the unknown Aoe energy in his body will even affect the two of them to be small, and as long as it touches a little bit, they will be vaporized inexplicably.

So Goryuganshup has summed up a truth from so many years of experience, Lord Poros, who has lifted the seal, must never get close.

Is this... still a weirdo?

Tornado showed an unprecedented dignified expression. The current situation of this weirdo is completely different from the situation just now.

Don't use uncertain words like "possible", as long as Tornado gets a serious punch, I'm afraid... he will die instantly and violently on the spot.

"I didn't expect there to be such a powerful enemy hidden on this planet. Apart from that red-haired man, I, Poros, would like to call you strong. In order to show respect for you, I will use my unique skills to make you completely Die at my hands!"

The purple-pink beam of light rushed towards the tornado at an incredible speed. When the latter realized the critical situation, he immediately put layers of protection on himself, and at the same time used telekinetic power to push away the crazy one-eyed monster.

But every time my own thought force pushed the one-eyed monster away, the latter would approach her again at an even more incredible speed.

That is to say, the speed of the opponent's kinetic energy has surpassed the understanding range of the tornado.

The tornado is blessed with several layers of protective shields, so it won't be blown up by this one-eyed monster for a while, but now it has become a strange scene.

This one-eyed eccentric is kicking a tornado like a football!

The tornado started in the vast sky and was kicked wildly by the one-eyed monster.
(End of this chapter)

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