Five to five from one punch

Chapter 185 What's so good about being a pirate, be my younger brother

Chapter 185 What's so good about being a pirate, be my younger brother

The battle gradually enters the final stage, Baiyu activates the Bgm function only possessed by the strong, randomly plays a song, Limit Breakthrough × サバイバー!
"Yeah!", Poros was punched by the white jade that was emitting silver gas, and his brain buzzed continuously.

The dizzy Poros relied on the instinct of the meteor explosion, turned around and kicked Bai Yu.

However, Bai Yu, who was in the "sign" state, instantly raised his hand to block Poros' counterattack, and at the same time his figure flashed behind Poros.

"Super Psychic Impact Bullet." A fiery red energy sphere appeared in the palm of Bai Yu's hand, and then the energy sphere began to swell to the size of half his body.

Poros was directly knocked up by the sphere, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion. The red light dyed the entire sky red for a while.

Poros's broken body fell from the sky as if powerless, and when Bai Yu used the body, he appeared beside Poros in an instant.

Make up knife is a good fighting character - white jade.

Qi fist!

Concentrate the mind energy on the fist and send out a powerful blow. The fist is filled with scarlet light again and finally forms a spherical shape.

The white jade shot down on Poros without reservation, and the red fist swallowed him completely.

The sky began to shout for this punch. The powerful breath directly smashed the entire cloud.

Finally, Poros, whose body withered like a plant, lay lifeless on the ground.

Bai Yu walked up to the overlord of the universe and said, "It seems that your ability to regenerate and recover has a limit, so this time it's really over."

Poros responded with his last strength: "You didn't use your full strength until the last moment, and you didn't turn into that silver-haired look."

Just when Bai Yu wanted to say something to comfort Poros, he closed his mouth. After all, he was in a dream, and he had indeed transformed into that posture.

Unwilling to reconcile, Poros continued, "I still have a trick of the Crashing Star Roaring Cannon that I didn't use, but depending on the situation, even if I use it, it won't change the result. You are really too strong, Bai Yu!"

"The prophecy is indeed a lie. It was said that there is an opponent who can match me on the earth. In the end, it turned out to be an overwhelming torture without any suspense."

Looking at Poros Baiyu who was about to disappear, he asked curiously: "Do you regret it?"

"Do you regret coming to this planet, regret meeting me?"

A strong smile appeared on Poros' dry lips, and he said, "No, I don't regret it, if I can choose to do it all over again, I will still believe in this prophecy without hesitation, even if it takes more time. Come to this planet."

"For the rest of my life, only the desire to fight against peers is left in my mind, biting my emotions all the time, becoming the unshakable peak in the eyes of others, it is really too lonely."

"Actually, you are very lonely, aren't you Baiyu?" Poros' body began to dissipate when he said this, and finally he whispered apologetically: "I'm really sorry that I didn't let you enjoy yourself."

Bai Yu felt that this Boros was out of his mind. Just for a prophecy, and then he spent so much time here, and his feelings were just to find someone who could fight against him for a close fight?

This is simply brain wattage, just for this battle, make this place a mess
If it wasn't for Bai Yu who came here in time, this guy Poros might even have a greater impact... until the person he identified appeared.

What's more, Bai Yu is not lonely at all. It is entirely because this weird person thinks too much.

His mentality feels very similar to that of Saitama back then.
The person Poros is looking for here is actually Saitama, right?

But it doesn't seem to be necessarily the case. It's looking for an evenly matched opponent. Saitama is much more terrifying than this. As long as it's in this world... the horror of this marinated egg is far beyond your imagination.

Forget it, what's so good about being a pirate, or a space pirate?
Is there a salary?

Do you have vacation?

Are there five social insurances, one housing fund and various welfare subsidies?

Since there is none, then it's better to be my younger brother to make a living. It's better than wandering outside. Bai Yu feels that his subordinates lack such a single-minded and brainless weirdo who can be beaten by thieves.

Baiyu didn't get Poros' consent, anyway it was dying and didn't need consent, he just backhanded a Master Ball and sucked its whole body in.

The giant steel spaceship in stealth mode above a certain city was also affected by some kind of force at this time, until it finally disappeared in the distance together.

Just when Bai Yu felt that the dust had settled, a purple octopus and a hideous monster sneaked up on him from behind.

A few minutes later, the convincing Bai Yu sucked the two guys in with the master ball.

After these weirdos succumbed and signed the unequal treaty, the task that I had been pressing for so long should be close to completion.

The Asura Unicorn Immortal and the Vaccine Man, the two guys have been passively sabotaging in the ball since they came back from capturing the King of the Deep Sea, eating, drinking and having fun in the ball every day, or wasting their time.

Bai Yu has a lot of things going on these days, and he doesn't have time to take care of them. This is really just right. When Poros succumbs, let him discipline these two eccentrics corrupted by capitalism.

Inside the master ball.

Asura Unicorn drank ice-cold fruit juice and lay comfortably on the sofa watching the cartoon "Tom and Jerry".

The Vaccine Man sat on a chair beside him, concentrating on rubbing some exquisite handicrafts. The whole person couldn't think of leaving for this.

The Deep Sea King behind him is wearing a shameful nanny costume, and is working hard to clean up all kinds of food debris left by the unicorns. tail.

So the King of the Deep Sea has become a doormat that is currently being bullied by them
Its main job is babysitting!

"Hey, Seafood King, hurry up and help me dig out my ears. It may be that I accidentally got some water in it when I was swimming last night, and I always feel a little itchy." Asura Unicorn Immortal patted his thigh and shouted.

Deep Sea King:
Strange life is really difficult, why is it like this?
It is a majestic king of the deep sea, why has it been reduced to such a ghostly appearance!

This master ball world is full of malice and oppression towards the King of the Deep Sea. It even feels cold all over its body in broad daylight. When will it be able to stand up and say no to this unicorn fairy!

At this time, a giant steel spaceship suddenly appeared above this space, and at the same time, Poros, who had been repaired by the master ball, also appeared in front of the Deep Sea King.

(End of this chapter)

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