Chapter 186 Master
Poros glanced at his hands, his mind was full of doubts.

According to the normal situation, I have received such a serious attack, and I have maintained the meteor burst mode for so long regardless of the loss of vitality.
Not to mention that before this, Poros used so much energy to repair the damage to his body. With all the above situations added up, he should be doomed.

Is Baiyu a good thing you did?
The Deep Sea King had a question mark on his face, why did this one-eyed monster suddenly appear in front of his eyes?

Could it be another good brother Bai Yu captured from somewhere?
Thinking of the King of the Deep Sea here, I inexplicably feel that this one-eyed weirdo looks a little kind.

After all, we are the same people who have fallen in the end of the world. Why should we know each other before when we meet again! !
At the beginning, it was a carefree king of the deep sea, but that day it got hot and dizzy, and planned to go ashore to dominate the earth, and then it was captured and tortured here.

Therefore, the King of the Deep Sea had reason to believe that this one-eyed monster must have suffered exactly the same treatment as himself.

When the King of the Deep Sea wanted to get close, Poros said to the guy in red underwear, "Stay away from me, bastard!"

Deep Sea King:? ? ?

Asura Unicorn Immortal and Vaccine Man naturally noticed what happened here.

The one-eyed fairy rolled its eyes, and it realized that the reason why this one-eyed monster appeared here must be the masterpiece of Brother Baiyu, which meant that this weird guy was their new partner.

The Vaccine Man looked worriedly at the huge spaceship above, and it said helplessly to the Unicorn Immortal: "Big fool, have you seen the huge spaceship in the sky? I feel that there are many signs of life on it."

"Brother Baiyu may be getting more and more proficient. Not only is he forcibly accepting monsters, he even doesn't let go of spaceships now." Unicorn Immortal responded with a headache.

When the situation between the two sides became more and more tense, Goliu Ganshupu and Gloribas appeared behind Poros. After some communication, Poros finally confirmed that Baiyu was the reason for his coming here.

"Hey, hey, are you newcomers?" Ashura Unicorn Immortal asked carelessly.

Poros turned his head to look at the unicorn, which was as huge as a hill, and murmured, "How can I see Bai Yu?"

When the Asura Unicorn approached within a certain range of the one-eyed monster, it felt an incomparably astonishing energy from the one-eyed monster's body
Good guy, really good guy.

The Unicorn Immortal's guess at the beginning came true. Brother Baiyu found a monster stronger than them and came back. Fortunately, it had the foresight to capture the King of the Deep Sea and come back, hahaha!

At this time, a handsome guy passed by here.

"Oh, I didn't expect the environment inside the Master Ball to be quite good." Bai Yu sighed as he looked around curiously.

After the Asura Unicorn Immortal saw Bai Yu, he ran over and dragged the latter to his exclusive sofa, "Brother Bai Yu, please sit down. What kind of wind brought you here?" Already?" Then the Unicorn Immortal slapped the King of the Deep Sea fiercely and shouted: "Are you a fish for nothing? I didn't see Big Brother Baiyu coming here, hurry up and bring me the Sprite that I treasured. .”

What else can the King of the Deep Sea do?
As the bottom of the food chain, it had no choice but to follow the orders of the unicorn fairy like a doormat
Poros walked up to Bai Yu and stared at Bai Yu with his one eye without saying a word.

Goliuganshupu still had lingering fears about Baiyu, and it hid behind Poros obediently, watching the situation of the two men carefully.

This strange situation lasted for a minute, and finally Baiyu could only say helplessly: "Poros, don't you wonder why I appear here?"

"I don't understand why you want to save me, and in this battle. I lost, and death is the best destination for me." When Poros said this, the brilliance on the one-eyed suddenly flickered a few times, it explained Say, "Do you need me to do something for you?"

Bai Yu snapped her fingers and praised: "That's right, I want you to work for me and become my subordinate. Do you have any thoughts or different opinions on this?"

Goliuganshupu was not happy at this time, no matter how much he was afraid of Baiyu, when he heard this sentence, he jumped out excitedly and objected, "Are you kidding, Lord Poros is the overlord of the universe, The leader of the Dark Matter Pirates, how can it be your subordinate!!!"

A wave of energy suddenly surged around Poros's body, and he pushed Goryuganshup back a few meters without any seriousness, and then said: "Enough is enough for Goryuganshup, losers have no right to bargain."

Bai Yu looked at the huge spaceship in the sky, and he roughly understood what Poros was thinking.
This one captures Poros coming in, to be honest.The harvest was greater than Bai Yu imagined, not to mention its own powerful strength, and it gave away such a huge spaceship for nothing. More importantly, he also felt that there seemed to be a lot of life on the spaceship.

This wave is simply a bloodbath!

"I will sign a contract with you, and at the same time give you another special contract to manage the original subordinates and members. From now on, you are still the leader of the Dark Matter Pirates, but you, the leader, signed the contract with me From now on, you must obey my orders unconditionally." After Bai Yu finished speaking, she opened her palms and asked Poros, "Are you willing?"

Poros took a deep breath, looked at Bai Yu finally and said, "The strong dominate the weak, it's only natural that if it's you, I have no complaints!"

The spaceship landed on the ground.

It took Bai Yu a while to circle around the spaceship using the Wukong technique.

He can only use one word to describe it, "big", or two words, "very big", or three words, "very big".

Bai Yu conservatively estimated that the spaceship should have a volume of about 15000 meters by 4000 meters.

Then when Poros landed some important members of the spaceship to witness the contract signing ceremony.

Before the signing of the contract, Poros explained to Bai Yu that the total number of their Dark Matter Pirates would have nearly [-] members. This number really surprised Bai Yu.
Some important members of the Dark Matter Pirates, Asura Unicorn Immortal and other weirdos surrounded Baiyu who was sitting on the sofa, and at this time Poros began to half-kneel in front of Baiyu.

Poros took Bai Yu's palm, and then slowly kissed the back of Bai Yu's hand.

At this moment, the breeze blew up Baiyu's red hair, and at the same time, Poros' long pink hair danced with the wind until it was gradually dyed the same color as Baiyu.

Poros looked up at Bai Yu and said respectfully, "Master."

(End of this chapter)

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