Five to five from one punch

Chapter 188 Dedicate it to the master

Chapter 188 Dedicate it to the master
"Saitama can't do this, this level of operation can't even destroy a small amount of blood of my character." After King quickly pressed a few times on his remote control handle, "It's like now , This set of explosive combo moves will reverse the battle situation in an instant."

This time Saitama chose the little lolita character that King used in the game hall, but King used the crocodile muscular guy this time.

Now on the screen, the little loli character was pressed and rubbed against the ground by this crocodile muscular guy, until the word KO finally appeared.

Saitama suddenly felt that life is really difficult. Life is really lonely like snow.

King put down the handle, looked at Bai Yu who was meditating in the corner behind them, and asked curiously: "What is Bai Yu doing now? He has been in this position since the morning until now, I think he doesn't even move. Didn't move."

Genos, who returned to the factory for an upgrade again, put the tea on the table, and he said to the King, "This is Teacher Baiyu's unique cultivation mode. As long as you meditate, you can become stronger. Imitate the actual combat effect with the opponent, and then gain combat experience."

After hearing this, King expressed his envy.
He didn't expect that there is actually a cultivation method in the world where one can become stronger while sitting down, so he really wants it.

Bai Yu frowned, as if he encountered some difficult situation in the simulated battle in his mind, but he soon found a solution.
Three minutes later, Bai Yu opened her eyes and ended her practice this morning.

Bai Yu looked at the three of King suspiciously and said, "Why do you keep staring at me?"

"It's not just for watching." King said enviously.

"Baiyu, stop practicing, come and play a few games with me." Saitama handed the game controller to Baiyu. He has been abused by the king all morning, and he must regain his confidence in Baiyu.

Bai Yu took the game controller and sat cross-legged next to Saitama to play together.

At this moment, Genos sat behind Bai Yu and asked, "Mr. Bai Yu, is that one-eyed monster really dead in the end?"

Bai Yu, who was pressing the game controller, said: "I told the association that it is dead, but in fact it has a destiny with me, so I took it into the master ball to be my little brother.

Don't worry, Genos, as my little brother, there will naturally be contracts to restrict their behavior, and don't worry about them continuing to be as lawless as before. "

"No, I naturally believe in Teacher Baiyu's guarantee, but I am just lamenting the strength of the teacher. It seems that even the one-eyed monster is really no match for the teacher." Genos boasted.

Bai Yu's game character was just KO'd by Saitama, and he also put down the handle and said, "Oh, that one-eyed monster is called Poros, I'll introduce you to it later, but it is really powerful so far, it He is the most powerful weirdo I have ever seen, bar none."

Speaking of this, Saitama became interested. Since Baiyu said that this weirdo is very strong, it shouldn't be bragging. He really wants to meet this weirdo called Poros.

If you can learn from each other, it is also a very good thing.

Saitama wanted to see Poros, which made Bai Yu a little embarrassed, because Poros was not in the master ball at this time, and he and the Unicorn were both sent out by him to find partners.

"That one-eyed monster, has it disappeared?", the tall body of the monster Wang Dashe asked, looking at the big piercing eyes below.

"According to the news from the investigation, there should be no mistakes. The news from the Hero Association is that the one-eyed monster was killed by the newly promoted S-level hero, the handsome knight, and the tornado." Da Jiongyan stared at someone on the screen. A handsome red guy said.

"That's really a pity. I plan to personally recruit this one-eyed monster to join our Monster Association. It seems that the power of the Hero Association should not be underestimated!"

Da Jiongyan didn't take the words of the strange man Wang Dashe to heart, and now her whole attention is on the handsome red-haired guy on the screen.

She can't be wrong, she can't be wrong, although this man has changed his hairstyle, but this handsome face and extraordinary temperament, she will not be wrong. Just like a firefly in the dark, wanting to make people It's hard to ignore.

She was the perfect material that she saw in that mountain. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the dead bald head, she would have held this man in her hands long ago.

If that bald head hadn't appeared, maybe she had created an ultimate creature by now, a "god" that even the weirdo King Serpent couldn't shawl.

God will stand on this planet and become the only existence, eternal and immortal! !

But it's too late now, this man named Baiyu has become an S-class hero, which means that his own strength is threatening, not to mention that he and Tornado killed the one-eyed monster together It seems that it is very difficult for her to forcibly snatch this man back with Da Jiongyan.

How can this be good?
"Near this mountain, is there a monster with simple lines and strong strength?" Poros asked while staring at the lush green mountain below.

"Yes, Captain Poros, the monster I met here with the Vaccine Man last time was very powerful, so I couldn't bring it back, but this time with your help, I will be able to catch it back and influence it !” After Asura Unicorn Immortal said, he could already imagine what would happen next.

The vaccine man didn't speak, it's just that it's been so long, will that weird black thing still be in this mountain?

However, this dark thing meets Bai Yu's requirements, not to mention that its strength is far beyond the passing line, and more importantly, Bai Yu hopes that the next partner will have its own characteristics.

This dark thing can be split into so many, and it does have a strong weird characteristic!

This time, their search process will take longer than last time, after all, it is impossible for that strange man to wait for them all the time.

However, Asura Unicorn Immortal is a natural search radar, coupled with the powerful vitality contained in this strange man, even the Vaccine Man can act as this strange man's exclusive dragon-seeking ruler!

So in this capture operation, it has nowhere to escape.

"I sensed it, that strange man is in the woods below." Asura Unicorn Immortal said excitedly.

The Vaccine Man also nodded, and it also sensed the unusually huge vitality below.

After getting the answer, Poros glanced down, and then said to the two weirdo companions: "I will capture this weirdo and present it to the master as a gift."

As soon as the words fell, Poros' figure turned into a shooting star and slammed down below!
(End of this chapter)

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