Five to five from one punch

Chapter 189 The Farewell of the Hungry Wolf

Chapter 189 The Farewell of the Hungry Wolf

The black spirit devoured the food in front of it, and when it was enjoying this gluttonous meal, a dazzling light cluster like a shooting star appeared directly in front of it.

The huge energy catharsis not only directly annihilated the food in front of Heijing's eyes, but even destroyed all the surrounding trees and rocks.

In just an instant, this beautiful forest area turned into a barren and dilapidated plain.

Human beings will feel angry and dissatisfied when they are disturbed by an accident when they are enjoying delicious food. Hei Jing is no exception to the recognition of this point.

A humanoid monster with dark red hair appeared in front of the eyes of the black spirit.

The two sides looked at each other, but Poros was the first to say: "It's great, I can feel a strong energy from you, this is the energy that belongs to the constant rhythm of life, you are stronger than that guy in red underwear." Qualified to be a member of us!"

How is this going?

Hei Jing can naturally see that the one-eyed monster in front of him is different from the opponents he has encountered before.
It hadn't smelled a dangerous smell for a long time, but from this one-eyed monster, the black spirit felt unprecedented terror.

Hei Jing felt that it would be best if he could not fight this one-eyed monster, so he said to Poros, "Hey hey, it's really rare to see a monster as powerful as you, but you seem to be here specifically to find mine?

I don't quite understand why you came to me, and I don't have any memory of you before that, that is to say, there is no hatred or grievance between us. "

After hearing this, Poros explained: "Although I haven't met you, my master is recruiting subordinates. I just happened to know about your existence from someone else, so I came to see you on a whim. Is this guy good enough to be our partner?"


It's not good, it's not good, depending on the situation, there is an even scarier guy on the head of this one-eyed monster, and its purpose is to recruit himself, which makes it even more hostile.

Hei Jing is already thinking of a way to see if he can get out of here as soon as possible.

But it has not figured out until now, which bastard betrayed itself?To attract such a powerful one-eyed monster!

At this time, two people, Asura Unicorn and Vaccine Man, also descended from the sky.

When Hei Jing saw these two guys, he finally understood which one was stabbing him in the back!
It turned out to be you two lingering things!
"How is it? What's your answer?" Poros took a few steps closer to the black spirit, and at the same time it put pressure on the latter and asked: "Yes or No?"

Yes damn, the black spirit really wants to jump up and punch this one-eyed weirdo on the knee.

But this is naturally just a thought, the black spirit is not yet influenced by emotions.

"Hey, the fact that you guys wanted to recruit me was so sudden, it made me completely unprepared, why don't you let me go back and think about it, and then I'll answer you in a few days?" Heijing cautiously suggested.

This made Poros pissed off, he hated this kind of sloppy answer the most, he waved his big hand and roared at the black spirit: "Don't tell me what you want, as a subordinate of the master!" It is your blessing, it is your honor, today you only have the choice of yes."

The corner of Heijing's mouth twitched, this is really a weird guy with a tough personality.

However, although it doesn't want to fight this one-eyed monster, it doesn't mean that it thinks that it will definitely lose. It thinks that it still has a chance to win.

"Hmph, don't look down on me, no one can force me to do something I don't want."

After getting the answer, Poros grinned, and the violent energy in its body began to surge around and devour everything around it, and the black spirit gradually split into countless itself to prepare for this difficult battle.

On Banggu's dojo, Hungry Wolf walked on this familiar road with his pockets in his pocket.

The expression on his face was very serious, and he seemed to have some changes from his usual self.

Hungry Wolf has to do something today to bid farewell to the past.

This is his choice, the reason for him to learn martial arts, and the meaning of his existence.

"Oh, it's a hungry wolf. I haven't seen you here for two days, so I thought you were sick." At this time, a muscular man at the door asked worriedly.

Hungry Wolf glanced at this senior brother whom he didn't even call famous, "Did the old man still not come back today?"

Bu Jinyun shook his head and responded: "No, Master Banggu still hasn't come back today, since he went out last time, he's always been mysterious and doesn't know what he's doing.

Also, Hungry Wolf, you should also respect Master Banggu a little bit, don't always call him an old man or something, you must know the principle of being a teacher for one day and being a father for life! "

Hungry Wolf interrupted in a hasty tone and asked, "That bastard Bai Yu, is he still not here today?"

Bu Jinyun still shook his head and answered, "No, I haven't been back for a long time. Now that Bai Yu has become an S-class hero, he should be busy with work every day. Don't you read the news?

He only solved the one-eyed monster that nearly collapsed the Heroes Association yesterday, and now he is very popular on the Internet, and his ranking has been directly improved by several places, which is really enviable! "

After Bu Jinyun finished speaking, he seemed to have fallen into some wonderful daydream. In the dream, he replaced Bai Yu, enjoying the praise and admiration brought by the S-level hero. No matter where he went, fans would come to him To sign.


Hmph, fake thing, I didn't expect you, Bai Yu, to fall too!
Hungry Wolf thought angrily, he would never allow his fateful opponent to finally degenerate into something like a hero, he murmured to himself: "Oh, but that's fine, Bai Yu will let me personally judge you! "

Bai Yu is not here, neither is the old man, so who else here can stop him?
The correct answer is "no"!
Hungry Wolf walked up to Bu Jinyun and asked him: "Everyone has their own dream, which is an untouchable dream in everyone's heart. Some people live in the world with dreams in mind, and in the end When you die, you still dare not take the first step toward this dream, in my opinion, what is the difference between this and a lost dog?"

"So, do you think I'm a lost dog?"

Bu Jinyun's eyes widened slightly.
He didn't know how to answer Hungry Wolf's question, after all, he was not an old Wang Yiyun or a chicken soup master for the soul.

But Hungry Wolf didn't expect this guy to answer him, and finally, in Bu Jinyun's eyes, the shape of a fist began to enlarge in his field of vision
Finally, there was a terrifying scream from inside the Banggu dojo!

(End of this chapter)

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