Five to five from one punch

Chapter 190 The Black Spirit's Plan

Chapter 190 The Black Spirit's Plan

The mixed smell of burnt smoke and soil permeated the uneven surface.

The environment here has long been unable to find a complete place, and everywhere the surrounding eyes can see are the fierce aftermath of the war.

The black spirit lay on the ground exhausted. It felt that today was the saddest day in its strange life. For some reason, it was stared at by a one-eyed monster and forced to fight with it.

What was even more annoying was that Heijing found out that he couldn't beat this one-eyed monster.

Could it be that he really had no choice but to give in like this?
Or is he going to use that killer trick?

Black Essence has an extremely powerful evolution mode, which separates any number of "selfs" and performs "elimination fusion" in its body. After the fusion is completed, it becomes an independent individual. The strength of this individual depends on the number of fusions.The most powerful "golden sperm" that has been fused through this skill.

Heijing bluntly said that in this mode, he can definitely crush most S-class heroes with ease.

But if you face this one-eyed monster, can you really win this battle by relying on the "golden mode"?

What if even if I used the golden mode, I still couldn't beat this one-eyed monster, and was completely wiped out by the opponent, then all these years of energy storage would be in vain.

Just when Hei Jing fell into deep self-doubt.

Poros took a step forward and said, "You are not my opponent, you can still survive if you surrender now."

The hateful one-eyed monster, actually dare to look down on it, Lord Heijing?

Heijing gritted his teeth and thought, he hated others who looked down on him the most in his life, and those who looked down on him would be punished by him in the end.

Just when Hei Jing was about to kill him, Poros continued to say: "I know you still have a hidden trump card, but... I can tell you very clearly that I also have a so-called trump card.

Give up, obediently follow me back to see the master, otherwise, don't blame my roaring cannon, it will destroy all the life cells in your body. "

Hearing the black spirit here, I immediately felt a retreat in my heart. This one-eyed weirdo was right.

I have the "Golden Mode" as my trump card, so doesn't this one-eyed monster not have it?
It's hard to say what kind of diamond mode they have, and it's hard to say about the king mode.

What's more, Hei Jing is very afraid of the energy cannon ejected from the body of this one-eyed monster!

Even if his sperm avatar rubbed just a little bit, it would be evaporated in an instant, and finally disappeared in this world.

On a certain level, this one-eyed monster restrained himself very much!
What's even more irritating is that even if a miracle happens, I can escape from this one-eyed monster, but don't forget that there are still two melon-eating crowd watching around here.

That damn beetle and the purple monster in the suit!
Hei Jing didn't believe it, assuming he escaped successfully, these two guys would let it leave here.

After weighing the pros and cons, Hei Jing finally chose to surrender.

Hmph, it's not some brainless fool.

The hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss, he simply pretended to surrender, and then went to see what the master in the mouth of the one-eyed monster was.

Then it pretends to surrender, penetrates into the enemy's interior well, and finally waits for an opportunity to act. If the situation is not right, it will find a chance to escape, and naturally there is no problem.

It's impossible for this one-eyed monster to keep staring at it for 24 hours, right?

The black spirit sneered, but it quickly hid itself, and then said to Poros: "What you said makes sense, I thought about it, and I found out that it is such a reason, then I surrender, and you go back!"

After getting the answer, Poros was very satisfied, but after turning around, he also sneered. He could roughly guess what the black spirit was thinking.

But when you meet the master, it is impossible to go back to the past.

This is a depraved path of no return, under the contract, there is no possibility of betrayal!
Sunset dusk.

Bai Yu finished his day of practice.

Many of the skills taught to him by Coach Jilian can be used proficiently, and the rest only needs to step by step to improve the strength and depth of his thoughts.

Suddenly Baiyu felt a warm feeling in his heart, and he realized that it should be the preheating induction of Poros and the Unicorn Fairy before they came back.

In fact, after a few seconds, Poros and the others instantly appeared in front of Bai Yu.

Because the Asura Unicorn Immortal was too big, it stayed downstairs in the apartment on standby.

The Vaccine Man patrolled the vicinity, lest any strange people with no eyes come here and disturb Bai Yu.

"You're back? Thank you so much." Bai Yu patted Poros on the shoulder and praised.

The height of Poros is close to 2.4 meters, and he looks like a giant even in this room. After Bai Yu took the photo, he found that this is inappropriate. There is a funny sense of short people taking pictures of tall people
However, Poros didn't feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, he was a little happy, but his paralyzed face concealed these emotions well.

It's nice, but it just doesn't talk.
On the side... Hei Jing was completely dumbfounded.

In fact, it has long guessed that the organization of the one-eyed monster and the one-horned fairy is actually the world-renowned "Weird Association" recently, and the master in the population of the one-eyed monster should be a monster king or something like that.

But Hei Jing never expected that this one-eyed monster named Poros would actually recognize a human being as his master!

Can you believe this?

If the black spirit hadn't seen it with its own eyes, if someone told it so, it would have sworn to wring that person's head off.

Now that they've figured out that they're not the Weird Association, what on earth are they looking for?
Join the shop to do business?

Just kidding, Hei Jing said that he can only fight and devour,

"Is this black thing the partner you found?" Bai Yu glanced at the black spirit and said doubtfully,

"Yes, master, I have already tested it. This monster named Black Spirit is not to be underestimated in terms of strength, and it is very good at splitting individuals, and it also meets your characteristic requirements." Poros bowed respectfully replied.

Interesting, this thing called Hei Jing is very interesting.

Such a simple line drawing style is inexplicably similar to Saitama's usual appearance, and it is clear that he is not a simple character.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu said to Hei Jing: "You should have guessed the purpose of my coming here, so are you willing to become my subordinate and contribute your strength to me?"

After Heijing heard this, cold sweat broke out on his face. Can he answer that he doesn't want it now?
It has calculated thousands of times, and it really didn't expect that it would actually want to worship at the feet of a human being!

(End of this chapter)

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