Five to five from one punch

Chapter 191 Missing?

Chapter 191 Missing?
It's hard to get off a tiger, it's really over now.

Why is it a human being?

Is this one-eyed monster and the unicorn outside have water in their brains?
However, although the black spirit has a lot of complaints in its heart, it will naturally not speak out the truth because of a moment of enthusiasm.

Hehe, I can pretend to agree first, this human being may have some secrets that can convince these strange people, if I can get it out, then it will definitely be beneficial.

Thinking of the black spirit here, he immediately imitated Poros' bow and said, "Yes, master, I am willing to be your subordinate, to contribute to our great cause, and to shine brightly!"


Bai Yu felt that this black spirit was really talented, and he could say anything so enlightened.

The most painful thing is that it actually learns from Boros to call itself .master, it is really shameless.

However, being shameless sometimes is a rare talent, at least what Baiyu thinks, otherwise how could he eat three fruits, and even let Jilian teach him special skills, all thanks to three words ,shameless!

As for whether this black spirit is telling the truth, Bai Yu doesn't care how much sincerity there is. After all, as long as you sign the contract, can you still jump around?
The thing to do now is.
"Well, since you are willing to be my subordinate, that's enough." Bai Yu pretended to grope from behind her a few times, and then said to Hei Jing, "Let me give you a chance!"


Hei Jing was very puzzled. Are there any benefits for membership?

Is it that good?
Just when Hei Jing thought of this, Bai Yu took out a ball and threw it towards it.

Hei Jing:?
Before it could react, Hei Jing found that he couldn't move, and then he was sucked in by a special ability in the ball.

Bai Yu sent an unequal contract to the black spirit in the ball. According to his guess and the success rate displayed on the ball, this black spirit really pretended to surrender and had some bad idea behind it.

It seems that it may be very difficult for the other party to sign this contract, but Bai Yu doesn't care, what he needs most is time, and you are in my ball, can you still run away?

Only after suffering in the ball can this black spirit understand that signing a contract is the only way out.

Let it dry for a few days.

Bai Yu continued to walk out of the gate of the British Association today, this is the daily sign-in.

But the more important thing is that the Hero Association will reward him today. Generally speaking, it is the reward for eliminating the one-eyed monster.

It can't be just some polite words and flattery. Of course, the generous bonuses and the improvement of the ranking are the most basic things. What's more important is that the follow-up of this incident is really bad.

Half of the Heroes Association couldn't handle the one-eyed monster, and they were all sent to the hospital.

It is very difficult to hide this matter. The incident was spread on the Internet, and some were even dissatisfied with the organization of the Heroes Association and even began to organize navy troops to smear them, saying that their Heroes Association was difficult to convince the public and could not guarantee the people. their safety.

Make it seem like they can take care of that one-eyed weirdo?
The remarks on the Internet, as well as the smears of people with serious intentions, made Xiqi, who was once angry, mmp on the spot!

Fortunately, Bai Yu and Tornado resolved this matter in time, so that the Heroes Association would not be so passive.

It also gave them a reason to fight back against their opponents and block the mouth of the navy.

But Bai Yu didn't care about this matter, but that he hadn't seen Master Banggu for a long time.

What has he been up to lately?
Since the last meteorite incident, he has been mysterious and secretive, and this time the incident of the Boros invasion was so big, he did not take action to attack Poros, but remained in a state of being unable to contact him.
What about teaching him how to breathe when he comes back?
Could it be that something happened to Master Banggu?

Just when Bai Yu made a bold guess, an unexpected person appeared in front of his eyes.

"Chalanzi?" Bai Yu called out curiously, because he hadn't seen this guy for a long time.

More importantly, why is this guy crying like a stingy ghost? If someone he doesn't know sees this, wouldn't he think he cheated him of his money?

"Baiyu. Something happened in the dojo!" Cha Lanzi opened his mouth to hear the bad news.

After some understanding, Bai Yu scratched his head in annoyance and asked, "Since when did Hungry Wolf become so extreme?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu seemed to look back at Hungry Wolf, and found that the other party seemed to be quite extreme, apart from being a bit baffled, otherwise he wouldn't have done anything to attack him last time.

Could it be that Hungry Wolf has watched too many gangster movies?
"Are you the only one left in the dojo now?" Bai Yu asked suspiciously.

Cha Lanzi said helplessly: "It should be. Most of the seriously injured are in the hospital, and the others are afraid of the hungry wolf and chose to quit this genre."

Although Cha Lanzi's words were very tactful, Bai Yu still had a general understanding of the situation. Those guys chose to quit the dojo because they were afraid of hungry wolves. It is estimated that Cha Lanzi and himself will be the only ones left in the end.

Wait a moment.
I can be forgiven, after all, a hungry wolf can't beat me, so I can't do anything about myself, so what's the matter with Chalanzi?

After Chalanzi heard this, his face was a little red, and then he said embarrassedly: "This... I'm really embarrassed to say, in fact, I have recently become obsessed with a teacher named Mikami Yuya, Hungry Wolf is at the dojo During a day of devastation, I just skipped class to go to her autograph session with someone else."

"Yeah. You're pretty lucky." Bai Yu said helplessly. He really didn't expect Cha Lanzi to like these things, even though he himself liked them too.
"After I escaped a catastrophe, Hungry Wolf did not make trouble for him. Maybe he thinks that I am not worthy of him." The more Cha Lanzi said, the more uncomfortable it became. Instead, he felt annoyed that Hungry Wolf didn't come to trouble him. sense of resentment.

"Where's Master Banggu?" Bai Yu asked about the point.

Speaking of this, Cha Lanzi's expression also became serious. The main reason why he came to look for Baiyu today was related to Master Banggu. He replied solemnly: "Master Banggu seems to be missing, even I can't get in touch. That's why you and Master Banggu weren't there that day, so the hungry wolf was so unscrupulous!"

Good guy, Bai Yu just made a bold guess just now, but unexpectedly something went wrong.

"When did Master Banggu disappear?" Bai Yu asked Cha Lanzi, he had to find out what Master Banggu was busy with mysteriously after the meteorite incident.

He had an intuition that there might be a great relationship between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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