Five to five from one punch

Chapter 192 Bang Pu is also missing?

Chapter 192 Bang Pu is also missing?


Feast carnival?

Lots of people?

What the hell is here.

The shit-colored beetle was lying on the couch eating pizza and even laughing at the screen from time to time.

That purple-skinned tentacle monster was sitting on the table and kept putting together some weird parts. Is there any wonder in it?

Hei Jing couldn't understand, and couldn't figure it out.

But the weirder place is not like this, but in this wonderful space. It actually feels that there are thousands of breaths of life.

It's all pure white energy.

In the spaceship in the sky, Hei Jing felt the signs of countless life activities. Wouldn't it be great if it could swallow them all?

Although it didn't understand why the red-haired man would bring in so many strange people, but he miscalculated one thing, it black spirit is not a kind person!
Soon, Hei Jing took an opportunity to secretly extend his magic hand to the strange man who landed from that spaceship.

The targeted lightning struck, and at the same time, the black spirit screamed in pain.

After noticing the flash of lightning and the movement, the vaccine man looked up at the black spirit that was smoking all over his body, and it muttered disdainfully: "Fool."

In this ball, illegal members still want to play tricks?

No matter how strong you are, as long as this ball doesn't recognize your identity, here you are a younger brother, don't ask why the vaccine man is so clear.

Because it was the worst victim back then.

When the vaccine man thought about it this way, he felt how stupid he was for stubbornly resisting before.

Sure enough, it was the black-hearted unicorn, who could see it more clearly than anyone else.

After learning the news of Master Banggu's disappearance, Bai Yu tried to think about many possibilities.

But in the end, he still thought that Master Banggu must have encountered some difficulties, because he hadn’t appeared in the dojo for so many days, and the [-]-year-old Hungry Wolf had done such excessive things, and Master Banggu didn’t show up either. Make a statement.

This is a very dangerous signal.

Cha Lanzi didn't have any particularly useful clues, and Bai Yu didn't bother to count on him.

So he planned to go to Master Bangpu to find out the situation. After all, the two were brothers, so there should naturally be some special ways to communicate.

After a while, Bai Yu came to Master Bangpu's exclusive dojo.

Master Bangpu's dojo is much smaller than that of Master Banggu, and the popularity is not as strong. Perhaps this has something to do with his teaching style.

Master Banggu likes to recruit disciples everywhere, while Master Bangpu likes the one with a quieter style.

But soon a group of people came out of the dojo and surrounded Bai Yu, seeming to regard him as a bad guy who came here recently to kick the gym.

A man with a hairstyle like Takuya Kimura quickly stood in front of Baiyu, "Who are you? Don't you guys who come to the gym just go on and on like this?"

Kick the hall?

Kick a hammer, Bai Yu soon realized that it was a misunderstanding, and wanted to explain on the spot, but before he could speak, the woman next door to "Takuya Kimura" interrupted: "Brother, don't talk nonsense with him. Although he is quite handsome, my mother said that the more handsome a man is, the more he will deceive others, so he must not be a good person."

Your mother is Yin Susu?

Before Bai Yu had time to explain, the group of guys rushed up without saying a word, wanting to start a fight with Bai Yu, the unexpected guest.
The fiery breath erupted from Baiyu's body in an instant, his eyes were filled with scarlet light, and the group of guys who rushed up to teach Baiyu a lesson were all blown away a few meters away, and even some of them who were not strong enough, directly Passed out.

Bai Yu is also very helpless, why do you have to force him to take action?
Although it was a misunderstanding, sometimes, the big fist is king. Only when you can stand to the end, the guy on the opposite side will listen to your reasoning.

But now, it is such a truth.

Because Bai Yu's fist was big, he forced the group of people to listen to his explanation. In the end, the misunderstanding was of course resolved amicably.

After a while, Bai Yu found a seat in Master Bangpu's dojo and sat down.

The guy with the hairstyle that looks like Takuya Kimura is called Harubukuro Yoshikawa, and his younger sister is called Yagami Sora. Both of them are relatively senior members in this dojo, and they are also disciples of Master Bangpu.

But Baiyu is also here, and also heard two bad news, that is, Master Bangpu also disappeared during this period of time, and the day before Master Bangpu disappeared, Master Banggu seemed to have been here
Yashenkong sat down beside Baiyu and explained, "Just after Master Banggu came here, Master Bangpu told us to go out the next day. So far, there is no news, it seems to be out of thin air. It's like disappearing."

Bai Yu took a sip of tea, he didn't expect Master Bangpu to disappear as well, the problem seemed to be getting worse, the two masters disappeared at the same time, and they haven't returned yet.
Obviously, Master Banggu must have come here and said something, and then Master Bangpu went out with the former to do errands, and finally evolved into this scene.

"Do you know what Master Banggu said to Master Bangpu when he came here?" Bai Yu asked Iori Kong.

Although Yashenkong was very curious about why the disciples of Master Bangpu respectfully called Bangpu the master, she still explained helplessly: "I'm sorry, I really don't know, Master Bangpu usually doesn't tell us these things, And the fact that the two of them are going to go out together is certainly not something that we can help, so I didn't ask much at the time."

"That's right. That's really a pity." After Bai Yu finished speaking, she wanted to find a reason to slip away from here.
Originally, I wanted to come here to have a thorough discussion with Master Bangpu, but I didn't expect that even the old man disappeared together.

This is undoubtedly bad news that can't be worse
However, Yoshikawa Haruko walked up behind Baiyu and grabbed him, saying, "Hey, Junior Brother Baiyu, I checked on the Internet just now, and it turns out that you are an S-class hero of the Heroes Association. It's really amazing that people can kill so many of us in one move!"

Yoshikawa Harubuku felt that he had played against an S-class hero indirectly this time, so he felt that he might be considered a strong man who was evenly matched with this S-class hero.

Thinking about it this way, Yoshikawa Haruko feels that he is still very strong.

Bai Yu knows that he is very powerful, but he is very powerful, but what does it mean to hold himself back and not let him go?
Is there a causal relationship between the two?

Soon, not only Yoshikawa Haruko, but even Iori Yagami came over and grabbed Baiyu's arm...not letting him go.

(End of this chapter)

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