Five to five from one punch

Chapter 197 Splitting the Army

Chapter 197 Splitting the Army
"Speaking of which, what exactly is going on here?" After Bai Yu finished speaking, she pointed at the weird mosquito lady sitting at the table behind.

Genos knew what Baiyu meant. He glanced at the fidgeting mosquito girl and explained: "When she was slapped away by your bald friend Saitama, she was indeed in a state of death. But then I extracted the genes from its flesh and I reincarnated her with some amazing technology."

Speaking of Jinos here, he also felt puzzled, and then continued: "The mosquito girl who was reincarnated and resurrected according to this technology should be a new independent individual, that is, she should not have the previous one. The memory is correct, but the fact is that she was shocked, not only did she retain the memory before her death, but her personality and other aspects did not change."

"Didn't you notice that the mosquito-like features on her body are much less than before. The current mosquito girl is more in line with human aesthetics than before!"

Bai Yu glanced at the whole body of the mosquito girl, and he showed an evil smile and said to Jinos: "Evil, too evil, I didn't expect you to be so perverted, and you actually want to take this mosquito girl as your own, and even don't hesitate to use it as your own." She was reincarnated and even transformed into a more human-like appearance!"

He is so envious of Bai Yu, and he really wants to be like Genos, doing such a thing that both humans and gods hate.

After listening to Jinos, his brows twitched even more than before, and he said helplessly: "What are you talking about? The reason why I revived her and transformed her into this appearance is because Short of a waitress, I can't afford the extra expense of having a waitress outside!"

"That's right. Don't you have any evil thoughts?" Bai Yu, who knew the truth, said a little out of interest.

Genos swore that if he could beat Bai Yu, he would beat him hard, and then open his brain to see if it was all shit.

He didn't want to discuss this meaningless topic with Bai Yu, so Jinos began to change the subject and asked, "Where's the Asura Unicorn? That guy, is it okay with you."

Bai Yu replied without any hesitation: "It's doing well, every day it's not eating, drinking, playing and sleeping, it's just having fun with others, do you want to meet it now?"

Genos said that he doesn't want to see this bad guy again.

After the gossip was almost over, Baiyu began to reveal his true purpose, and Jinos also naturally saw that Baiyu should have something to help him, otherwise he wouldn't be talking so much with him here.

A few minutes later, Genos put down his teacup, looked at Bai Yu and said, "Actually, many man-made weirdos in my Evolution House have already been dismissed. As for the weirdos who are capable of tracking people, I'm afraid there are only mosquito girls left here." gone."

The mosquito lady was sitting behind Bai Yu, so she naturally listened to the conversation between the two just now.

She explained: "I can send my cuties to help you find it, didn't even provide me with any clues about those two old men. This is very difficult."

Bai Yu was a little embarrassed, not because he didn't want to provide it, but because he didn't know
Although he also understands that this request of his is a bit difficult, but he can only pin it on the mosquito mother.

To be honest, there are more white jades than there are people. After all, there are nearly 1 crew members on the Poros spacecraft. If you spread them out to find them, I believe it may be useful, but the problem also arises here, 1 alien monsters what!
Not to mention releasing all of them, just releasing half of them will also affect some things in nearby cities. At that time, I am afraid that Bangu and Bangpu will not be found, and I will be full of troubles.

Mosquito Lady agreed to Bai Yu's commission, but she also explained some problems to Bai Yu in advance, for example, her little cutie may not be able to find clues to the two old people. After all, the world is too big, and this kind of thing is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

So Bai Yu suddenly remembered something.

In my master ball, there seems to be such a strange person, which can be useful at this time.

Inside the takoyaki shop in Genos.

"Find someone?"

The black spirit yelled suspiciously.

After endless torture, as well as the rounds of bombing by Asura Unicorn Immortal and others, the black spirit finally couldn't stand the torture, and finally chose to sign an unequal contract with Baiyu, and now it is the first time since signing the contract. was let out of the real world here.

Bai Yu handed the photos of Bang Gu and Bang Pu to Hei Jing and Mosquito Girl, and he asked the former, "How many selves can you split?"

Heijing thought for a while, and now that it has signed a contract, it can't lie to Bai Yu, "It's no problem to split out one trillion of myself. If it is the maximum, I can split up to ten trillion of myself."

After hearing this, Bai Yu gasped.

He knew that Hei Jing could split himself, but when Bai Yu heard this number, he couldn't help but want to say something, it was so terrifying.

Mega: It represents 10 to the 1th power, and the definition of mega: The definition in the dictionary is "trillions in ancient times".That is to use "trillion" instead of "trillion", such as 1 trillion = 10 trillion, 10 trillion = 100 trillion, 1 trillion = [-] trillion, and so on.

In other words, the black spirit can split up to ten trillion selves?
Bai Yu called out the grass-mud horse!
It's up to you, Black Spirit!
Under the contrast of Hei Jing, the little cuties of Mosquito Girl are as insignificant as a small drop of water in the vast ocean.

What they can do is to be responsible for transporting the individuals split by the black essence, and go to various cities to detect the situation.

Genos stared at Hei Jing with a meaningful expression. He felt that this weird man seemed very unusual. If he could analyze it, he might find some new breakthroughs.

Heijing glanced at Genos, and it felt that Master Baiyu's friend seemed to think a little too much about him.
In this regard, Hei Jing took a few steps, jumped up to the master's thigh and sat up, and ate the octopus balls together. After all, it consumes so much, it is very reasonable for it to replenish the cells.

As for Genos' hungry gaze?

With Master Baiyu around, why are you afraid of him?

With the help of Mosquito Girl's crazily transporting the individuals that were split from the black essence, Bai Yu only needs to wait for the news at the same place.

At least it was better than him being out there alone, scurrying around like a fly.

The black spirit seems to be the right one to tame, and its effect is even far superior to that of Poros in some respects.

(End of this chapter)

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