Five to five from one punch

Chapter 198 Desperate

Chapter 198 Desperate
Flowing Rock Shattering Fist!
Meow Meow was hit by countless fists, and its soft body turned into an incredible, liquid-like state at the moment of the hit.

Banggu's attack was almost completely confused by the change of Meow Meow's monster, but his years of combat experience forced him to make a decision.

Putting his hands together, he punched forward with all his strength, wrapped in Banggu's angry and powerful fist, and swung towards Maomaowai. He gave up the advantage of Flowing Water and Rock Breaking Fist, and directly relied on the strength and speed of his body to attack Meow.

The meow monster felt the things contained in Banggu's punch, and fear appeared on its face. Immediately, it no longer hesitated, and its liquid body instantly got into a crack in the ground and hid itself
Banggu gave up his defense, and his attacking punch with all his strength failed after all, but he still couldn't be careless, this meow monster would definitely sneak out and attack him the moment he let down his vigilance.

The fierce fist blows behind Banggu. The hero moves his huge body, but still maintains agility. This astonishing speed even surprised Banggu.

"Old man, your time has passed, go to hell!", the hero's fists hit Bang Gu's body like a machine gun sweep.

In an instant, Banggu turned around and used Liushuishayanquan's exquisite back-to-defense style to meet the hero's attack.

The sound of fists colliding frequently appeared in this place. The strength of the hero was extremely terrifying, and Bangu felt pain in the bones of his hands.

It seems that after the hero abandoned his identity as a human and turned into a monster, he did gain great power.

Under the collision of skills and strength, Banggu started to wrestle with Junjie in martial arts. At the critical moment, Bangpu's black figure appeared behind Junjie
The corners of Banggu's mouth rose, and now the two brothers were holding the hero's position one behind the other. The two brothers roared in unison, "Jiaoyalong kills fist!"

The ultimate combination of whirlwind and flowing water, the mysterious fusion of attack and defense, the violent and unstoppable attack is about to fall on the hero's muscular body.

Boqi appeared at this time, and it drove the hero headlong, replaced the latter's position, and became the target of this attack. Above the strange pitch-black body.


After Boqi let out a dragon roar, he frantically struggled on the spot.

The two of Banggu had to forcibly stay away from the big black dog.

White smoke was rising from Boqi's pitch-black body. In addition, Jiaoyalong's killing fist did almost zero damage to this big dog.
The moment after the strong offensive was over, it was the most relaxed time. There was a pair of orange eyes in the cracks in the ground, watching all this, and now is the best time for it to make a move.

The ever-changing liquid Meow appeared from the crack, and its sharp claws mercilessly attacked Bump's rear.

Banggu was vigilant from the beginning to the end, the attack of the meow meow weirdo, the moment the latter chose to sneak attack, he moved behind his brother, and then used Liushuiyanshatter fist to defend against the sneak attack.

But what surprised Banggu was that things did not change as he expected. The claw attack of Mew Mew was just a feint attack. There was a small crack between Banggu and Bangpu's heels, and at time.
The other half of Meow Meow's body suddenly emerged from this crack, and the half of Meow Meow's body turned into a difficult bondage, and was instantly bound to Bangpu.

It was too late when Banggu found out, his elder brother had already been locked on every joint of the limbs by the flexible body of the weird meow.

Before Bang Gu went to help his brother solve the trouble, the golden light filled the surroundings of the two of them.
The fatal blow of the Wandering Emperor is as chilling as the fangs of a poisonous snake.

A huge explosion hit and resounded over this place.

The black figure leaped quickly from the explosion. Banggu fled towards the distance with his brother on his back.

Bang Pu, who was locked up by the meow monster, naturally couldn't escape the attack that the Wandering Emperor had been accumulating for a long time, and it was impossible for Bang Gu to abandon his brother to avoid the explosion, so at the last moment, Bang Pu broke out with all his strength. With the strength, he forcibly pulled the shackles of Meow Meow, and blocked his whole body in front of his younger brother, resisting most of the energy missile explosions of the Wandering Emperor.

Bangpu has been seriously injured and fell into a coma, and Banggu will never abandon his brother, and the two are already in a desperate situation.

Naturally, it is impossible for Haojie to give up this perfect opportunity. His huge body appeared above Banggu's escape route, and a fierce aura rose from Haojie like a god. He shot down Banggu with both fists, "Hell Dragon Drill!"

Banggu looked at the hero's attack, and he had more than ten ways to counterattack, even after the counterattack, to give the hero a painful blow.

But in this way, he had to let go of his brother. Banggu knew that at the crack in the ground below, that weird meow was waiting for an opportunity. Once he let go of Bangpu, the consequences would be disastrous.

In the end, Banggu still didn't do anything, he insisted on taking the hero's stunt, and the huge force even sent his whole body flying to the distance of the forest.

Banggu resisted the pain in his body. At the end, he opened his mouth mockingly to Haojie, as if to say: "Thank you, give me a ride!"

The Wandering Emperor looked at Bang Gu's body flying farther and farther away, and he instantly realized what was going on, "Hero, what are you doing? Are you a [-]-year-old boy?"

Haojie was completely dumbfounded.
So is this what Bong-gu has been planning all this time?

Borrow the power of your own tricks, and then drive them out of this area. This is the escape route designed by Banggu!

Now that things have happened, Junjie really wants to slap himself several times.

Meow Meow came out of the crack, and said helplessly to Boqi beside him, "Don't imitate this guy in the future, if you only have martial arts and muscles in your mind, you will end up like this."

Haojie suppressed his embarrassment and anger, and said to the companions beside him, "Don't be dumbfounded, hurry up and chase."

After finishing speaking, Haojie ran to a certain direction with all his strength, and he swore that he would kill the old man Banggu with his own hands.

After the Wandering Emperor and the others sighed, they also followed. After all, the monster King Da She had given the death order, either to kill these two old guys, or take them back and force-feed them to eat the monster cells.

The Monster Association is not yet ready for a big battle against the entire Association of Heroes and other human organizations, and they still need to lurk for a while to increase their strength.

Therefore, Bang Gu and others must not pass this news on to the Heroes Association.

(End of this chapter)

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