Chapter 199
"Put me down, silly brother," said Bump, opening his mouth.

He has already realized what is going on with his physical condition, and it is absolutely impossible for him to get out of this forest, but Banggu still has a chance by himself.

"Don't talk stupidly, I will never abandon you." Bang Gu rejected his brother's proposal straight away, he believed that there is no unparalleled road.

Not long after Banggu ran, a fishy smell gushed out of his throat. He forcibly held back his injury and continued to flee into the distance.

Although Bang Pu lost his ability to move, he seemed to see Bang Gu's injury, "Leave me alone, or we both have to stay here, at least you have to go back and tell the association, and more importantly, My apprentice Bai Yu knows that he will definitely help me and take revenge on this weirdo association."

"What stupid things are you talking about now? Baiyu is my apprentice, and I haven't settled the debt with you yet. You must not die." Banggu cursed pretending to be angry.

Bang Pu also seemed to be attracted by his brother's words. He said dissatisfiedly: "Hmph, Bai Yu admits that I am his master. Stupid brother, just save yourself!"


Banggu swore that he really wanted to throw his brother to the ground at this moment.

"Hehe, none of you can leave!" The meowing man's sinister voice came from the ground.

Banggu's pupils shrank, and he jumped aside with all his strength, and the next second after he left his original position, several deep marks were directly scratched on the ground
At the same time the Wandering Emperor descends from the sky and lands in front of Bang-gu, blocking his way.

There was a loud noise from behind Banggu, and he knew that Hero and Pochi were coming here to rendezvous and encircle himself and his brother again.

And now is his last chance to break through the siege.

Banggu carried his brother on his back and headed towards the Wandering Emperor. He knew that as long as he solved this guy himself, and then guarded against the attack of the meow monsters, they still had a chance to escape.

Around the body of the Wandering Emperor, energy light balls appeared one after another, and the distance between Banggu and the former was only three meters at this moment.
Banggu threw his elder brother above. He used both hands to perform the opening gesture of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist. The azure breath wrapped around his hands, like the beating of the heart spread throughout the whole place at this moment, and the blood boiled Accelerated flow in the body.

As a result, a frightening aura erupted from Banggu's body, as well as hot white air.

He didn't care about his physical injuries, and forcibly used the "breathing method" and other special skills, in order to use all his strength to defeat the Wandering Emperor who stood in his way.

To kill the wandering emperor before the hero and the big dog came here, the two brothers could tear a rift called hope from this desperate catch net.

The Wandering Emperor understands his position and strength. If it is a one-on-one situation, he will naturally not be the opponent of this great martial arts master.

His energy missiles are very destructive and damaging. In the game, he is a fort mage, and Banggu is a fighter + assassin without any shortcomings.

May I ask if the mage is approached by this kind of monster, can he still survive?
The answer is. No!

So why did the Wandering Emperor dare to stand in front of Banggu?
Because it's a conspiracy.

A big eyeball appeared behind the Wandering Emperor.
At the same time, from the moment Banggu looked at this big eyeball, a wonderful energy directly affected Banggu's mind. In the moment when he couldn't move his whole body, he finally realized that it was really a conspiracy.

No, it should be said that in fact, from the moment Banggu launched his attack on the Wandering Emperor, he understood that this might be a trap, but Banggu still launched an attack on this trap
without him
Because only in this way can he find a way out from this opportunity. Once the hero and the big dog come here, the dust will really be settled.

It's a pity that he failed in the end. Banggu never expected that it was not only four powerful monsters who came to kill them, but five!

The big eyeball that appeared at the end can use superpowers.
Banggu was frozen in place, and at this moment, the Wandering Emperor seized the opportunity and shot down all the energy missiles on Banggu's body.

As the explosion exploded violently, the Wandering Emperor murmured towards Banggu's body that fell on the ground: "It's a pity, if you weren't injured and didn't understand the super power of Da Jiongyan, maybe you could really catch this hope for yourself." Opportunity."

In the end, all efforts were paid in vain.

The bloated body with big bright eyes gradually appeared from behind the Wandering Emperor, and she retreated from the invisible state.

Haojie and Pochi finally came to this place at this time.

After a while, Dajiongyan said to Haojie: "Catch them and take them back to the Monster Association."

Haojie was silent for a second, and he said to Da Jiongyan: "I think the two of them should be killed now."

"It's more valuable to catch them back, and the weirdo Wang Dashe is going to do some experiments on them, are you going to disobey the order?" Da Jiongyan responded with some dissatisfaction.

Haojie didn't say much in the end, he walked up to Banggu and the others, and put it on his shoulders
The encirclement and suppression operation ended with success.

But on a tree behind Da Jiongyan and the others, Hei Jing took this scene into his eyes.

Not long ago, the mosquito swarm randomly dropped the black spirit into this forest. It didn't expect that it would be so lucky, but it just wandered around here a few times and witnessed this scene happen.

"Too bad these two old men were caught." Hei Jing murmured anxiously.

It also didn't expect that this group of powerful eccentrics were actually members of the eccentric association.

If there were no accidents, it would have joined this association. It can only be said that good luck tricks people.

In the end, Hei Jing could only helplessly, watching the two old men being brought back by the Monster Association.
This is just a division of one of its cells, and does not exist on its own.

If the main body is there, it may be possible to rely on the golden mode and try to forcibly rely on its own speed to snatch the two old men back.

Just as the Weird Association was about to leave, Pochi seemed to have sensed something, and it yelled crazily in a direction not far behind.

Da Jiongyan and the others immediately turned their attention to the rear. It is absolutely impossible for Pochi to go crazy for no reason. It seems that something is doing something behind their backs.

Just as Dajiongyan expected, there was a sudden tremor on the big tree behind them, and then a strange man with a small body, black body, wretched appearance, and horns on his head appeared in their eyes.

Hei Jing said to the big black dog dissatisfied: "Interesting, I didn't expect this stupid dog to discover the existence of my uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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