Five to five from one punch

Chapter 201 The Way to Communicate with the Riddler

Chapter 201 The Way to Communicate with the Riddler

"Then have you thought about what to do in the future?" Genos changed his tone, and he seemed to be implying something.

It’s easy to fall into this situation when you talk to people with high IQ. They like to play riddles with you, so the guy with the higher IQ is the so-called riddle man!
The best way to face the Riddler is not to let him lead you into a dizzy state. If you beat the Riddler hard in time, he will talk to you honestly.

A few minutes later, Jinos sat on the chair with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He stared at Bai Yu with a resentful face, and the latter said to him impolitely: "Now, you can explain carefully, what exactly did you want to say to me just now?" ?"

Kinos, who was beaten up, didn't intend to say any riddles. He explained honestly, "Weirds and humans are like the positive and negative poles of a magnet. The definition of the boundary between them is very vague, but you can What is certain is that weirdos and human beings cannot live in peace, weirdos are the enemies of human beings, human beings attempt to control weirdos, and in the end, human society will be labeled as illegal elements, and my evolutionary home is a naked example."

Up to now, Genos is not hiding it, and he has a showdown: "What you are doing now is just like what I did at the beginning. You are raising weirdos, controlling weirdos, ordering weirdos, let alone this black spirit , Even counting the Asura Unicorn Immortal, and your unruly character, I boldly speculate that you are at least controlling no less than four powerful monsters now."

"In other words, even if you exclude yourself as a monster, the strength of your subordinates alone is enough to far surpass my original evolutionary family, that is to say... Baiyu, what exactly do you want to do?
Once your manipulation of monsters is exposed, you will become an unstable factor, and you will even be labeled as an illegal element by the Hero Association. All your current status will be lost, and you will be considered an enemy by humans , why don't you tell me now, what do you want to do. The so-called king of weirdos? "

Bai Yu was naturally not interested in the King of Monsters, but he didn't expect Jinos to think so carefully, and what he said was very reasonable
If he was controlling the monster and the matter of raising the monster was exposed, the chain effect would be very terrifying.

Especially Boros, who has hurt the Heroes Association, if the Association knows that it has not eliminated this weirdo, but has tamed him as a younger brother.
You can imagine what is going to happen with your ass.

However, Bai Yu is not afraid of the Heroes Association.

Now, it is impossible for him to give up Boros and other weirdos. If one day this matter is really exposed, then it will be exposed
When the time comes, he will lead the first-class weirdos under him, and then poach Saitama away by the way to create a new organization.

Let's see who will cry when the time comes!

Looking at the nonchalant Baiyu, Jinos seemed to realize something, and he said helplessly, "So you don't care about other people's opinions at all, and you don't care what will happen after this matter is exposed. I didn't expect the clown to be me in the end." Own."

Genos finally understood the meaning of the words that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

What the hell, it turned out to be him!

Hei Jing sits cross-legged on Bai Yu's lap, eating octopus balls, and the dialogue between his master and this gentle scum naturally does not miss a single word, and he listens to it completely.

As expected of my master, he is stubborn!
Those from the Heroes' Association are not afraid at all. Moreover, Hei Jing can feel that his master attaches great importance to them!
Just at the moment when Hei Jing made up his mind to feel moved, it suddenly trembled, and then a memory image of a certain cell division came into his mind.

Hei Jing anxiously jumped onto Bai Yu's shoulder and whispered something.

After a while, Bai Yu asked Hei Jing in disbelief, "Is the news reliable?"

Hei Jing nodded and didn't say anything more. This was all seen by its split body, and it can't be faked.

Damn it, I didn't expect my two masters to be captured!

Where did this weirdo association come from, an idiot organization?
Heijing's actions and Baiyu's ugly expression were captured by Genos, and he immediately understood that what Baiyu asked for this time should have a result, and it seemed to be a very bad result.

The witty Genos naturally didn't want to speak up, he just wanted the plague god to leave here as soon as possible.

But things didn't go as Genos wished. Bai Yu asked Genos, "Have you heard of the Weird Association?"

"Grass!" is a kind of herbaceous plant, which has no special meaning, just that Genos wants to vent his anger.

This Bai Yu is really a troublesome spirit!

Not only did he come to the store for free to eat and drink, but he also had to help him himself, and in the end he even got into trouble with such a troublesome weirdo organization!

Genos looked at the fist as big as the clay pot, and finally he answered truthfully: "The Monster Association is an organization that has risen in popularity in recent years. It is said that all of them are monsters, and I heard that there is no shortage of ghosts and dragons. There are super weirdos, and it is a very terrifying organization."

"Before my evolutionary home was destroyed by you, this weirdo association began to recruit a large number of wild weirdos and some small organizations with a small number of weirdos. I naturally received such an invitation."

After hearing this, Bai Yu asked suspiciously, "You agreed?"

Genos was dissatisfied with the sound of "tsk", he continued: "How could I agree, even if the Weird Association is stronger than my evolutionary family, I will not give in, geniuses like me, how can they understand My lofty ideals at the time."

The subconscious meaning of Genos is to say, "He refused, don't make trouble for me"

"That's it? Is it gone?" Bai Yu urged dissatisfied.

"This weirdo association appeared very suddenly. For such a mysterious and powerful organization, I naturally investigated it, and then I discovered a very interesting thing. It seems that this association began secretly a long time ago. The latent operation, just a few years ago, suddenly began to infiltrate its own claws into the inner world, and that time period happened to be the beginning of the heroic activities that did not appear at the beginning of the blasting."

This was already the first time Bai Yu had heard the name. During his days in the Heroes Association, he had never seen the person named Blast, so naturally he couldn't get in touch with the existence of this person.

Until now, Kinos has revealed a secret that shocked Baiyu, "Just a while ago. Because of you, I planned to betray an organization called Rentian Party"

(End of this chapter)

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