Five to five from one punch

Chapter 202 Infernal Affairs

Chapter 202 Infernal Affairs

Ninja Party?
Bai Yu had an impression of this organization. The Ninja King almost started fighting with him at the time, but in the end it might be afraid of something, so it chose to use ninjutsu in the end, and escape was the best strategy.

But is the Ninja Party related to the Weird Society?

Genos said curiously: "You look like you know the Ninja Party"

Bai Yu briefly explained his last mission experience with Aunt Flash.

After a while, Genos pushed down his glasses, trying hard not to laugh.

Those fellows of the Rentian Party are really evil. Not only were they betrayed to the Heroes Association in a planned way by themselves, but they were even caught by Bai Yu, a lunatic. It's really hopeless!
Meeting this guy Baiyu, it is considered unlucky for Nintian Party and the others
Thinking of other organizations being poisoned by Bai Yu, Jinos couldn't help but feel happy.

What is this called?

Happy Fox! !
Jinos told Bai Yuknow of his overall plan on how to cheat the Ninja Party.

The corners of Bai Yu's eyes twitched and said to Jinos: "You bastard. Are you still a human being?"

He finally knew why the Ninja Party, who had been lurking for so long, was suddenly caught by the Heroes Association. It turned out that it was all from the backstab of your good comrade.

"The matter of the Rentian Party is related to you, so what does it have to do with the Weird Association?" Bai Yu felt that the matter had come back to the original point.

Ginos's clean lenses shone brightly, and he gradually began to explain: "I betrayed the Ninja Party, so I naturally worried about their revenge, so I have been letting Tulong follow them secretly, guess what? Guess what did I find?"

As soon as the words fell, Genos was beaten again.
Bai Yu felt that "Riddler" was actually a kind of disease. Whenever this person had any reason for this disease, he should be beaten in time, so that the disease would be cured over time.


Genos took ice cubes and put them on his swollen eyes and turned them around. "According to the information discovered by Tulong, some ninjas in the Ninja Party have joined the Weird Association, and what is even more shocking is that these ninjas seem to be Transformed into a weirdo!!"

Bai Yu stared at Genos in disbelief and asked, "The group of ninjas are all human, have they changed from human to weirdo?"

"Yes, that's right, Tulong can't be mistaken. It seems that the group of ninjas have undergone such a transformation after eating some kind of strange organs. I have every reason to suspect that the Weird Association has mastered a special Technology, they can transform ordinary humans into weirdos!", Genos said, tapping his index finger on the table.

Bai Yu's face gradually became gloomy. You must know that Master Banggu and Master Bangpu were arrested and returned.
Jinos said what Bai Yu was afraid of now, "Your two masters were taken back to the Weird Association. I guess with a high probability that the purpose of this association is to transform them into weirdos."

Hei Jing can feel the anger of his master, the hot energy gradually emerging from his body, and even make him feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable
With a plop, Hei Jing jumped off his master's lap, and it gradually stepped back a few steps.
It's over, this weirdo association is going to be over, they actually made the master angry, but they deserve it!
The energy in Bai Yu's body began to have no place to rest due to the pull of anger.
The octopus ball shop in Genos began to tremble gradually
Hold the grass!

Genos's face turned green. Bai Yu is really a broom star. He is really afraid that this guy will lose control of his emotions for a while and let the store be destroyed in an instant.

Baiyu's gloomy expression gradually returned to calm. He stared at Genos quietly with his right hand resting on his chin, and then he smiled slightly and said to Genos, "You guys should let me know where the Monster Association is. Is there a way?"

"If not... I don't know what will happen here?"

Bai Yu is naturally not such an unreasonable person, if Genos really has no choice, he will forget it
But this scientist is a thug, if you don't push him, you will never know if he has some back tricks.

Since Genos had done the thing of asking Tulong to monitor the Nintendo Party, and thus accidentally noticed the dynamics of the Weird Association, if he was Genos, I am afraid he should have left behind.

Genos opened his hands, and he explained helplessly: "Although I discovered the small movements of the Weird Association, I really don't know where their headquarters are."

Bai Yu frowned, "Even you don't know where the headquarters of their association is?"

"Hehe", Genos smiled, and he said, "I don't know where they are, but I have a way to contact them"


Bai Yu closed the door and walked out of this mysterious octopus ball shop.

Genos finally gave him a proposal. He had a way to contact a cadre of the Weird Association, and the job of this cadre was to be responsible for the important work of assessing and recruiting suitable weirdos into this organization.

Since Bai Yu can control the monsters, it is better not to scare the snakes, but to send powerful monsters to break into the enemy and secretly rescue Bangu and Bangpu.

In this way, not only can people be saved, but even internal information and hidden addresses of the enemy can be obtained, which is simply killing three birds with one stone.

Bai Yu originally wanted to directly question the cadre and make him spit out the hiding place of the Monster Association, but Jinos is right that such an approach is unstable and not guaranteed. If the cadre would rather die than submit, he may end up with nothing.

Then it's better to follow Genos' suggestion and send a spy to break into the interior.

Bai Yu thought for a while, Hei Jing was the best choice, but considering that it had already been exposed, the best candidate should be someone else.

The Vaccine Man. Or the Asura Unicorn?
No, I made such a big fuss in the stadium before, maybe the Video Freak Association already knew about it, so in other words, there is a risk of exposure between the Vaccine Man and the Unicorn Immortal.

King of the Deep Sea?
Oh. Forget it. It's so weak. If Bai Yu still sends it to the Weird Association, it's probably not a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. There will be no return.

If you think about it this way, there is only one candidate left, and that is the overlord of the universe, Poros!
The incident before Poros was quite a big one, and the Monster Association is very likely to know about its situation.

But it doesn't matter, Poros has the ability to regenerate at a super speed, so it is not wiped out by the Heroes Association in the end, but it is lurking and waiting for an opportunity, which is also very reasonable.

Poros is very suitable both in terms of status and strength, but Bai Yu is worried about another thing.

(End of this chapter)

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