Five to five from one punch

Chapter 203 The Miraculous Copy Mirror

Chapter 203 The Miraculous Copy Mirror
Poros' personality and mentality are not suitable for being an undercover agent.

It shouts everywhere every day... "Strong man, come and fight with me", "Are you the opponent I am looking for?", "Hmph, miscellaneous fish are not worthy of my shot" and other words.

May I ask, is this guy who only thinks about fighting really suitable to be an undercover agent?
I'm afraid it wasn't because he just entered the Weird Association, and immediately fired roaring cannons in the association.
But Bai Yu also has a corresponding method, he is really a witty handsome guy.

Fantastic master inside the ball.

Bai Yu walked in this wonderful space.

There seems to be a barbecue meeting around, and groups of weirdos are dancing around the fire and even munching on meat.

The King of the Deep Sea cleans up around the hard-working people, and the Unicorn Fairy is still so lazy, lying on the sofa and reading comics. The Vaccine Man is even more nonsense, it is actually building Lego blocks!
As for Poros, there is nothing new, it seems that he is exercising his body in a small house with gravity
Bai Yu clapped his hands, and soon Poros and others gathered in front of him.

"Poros, I want to give you a task." Bai Yu said solemnly to Poros.

There was a gleam of light in Poros's one-eyed eyes, and he said happily: "Master, please leave it to me, no matter what task you are, I will do my best to complete it."

"No, there's no need to be so exaggerated." Bai Yu began to explain to the weirdos, "This way... this, this, and this!"

The Asura Unicorn Immortal stomped on the ground angrily, and it roared with righteous indignation: "Damn it, this weirdo association is really a bunch of bastards, how dare they do such a bastard thing to Brother Baiyu's master, I swear by the Unicorn Immortal!" Fly them bastards with my horns!"

"Hmph, what a fool, didn't you understand? The undercover candidate is Captain Poros, not you big beetle!" The vaccine man taunted unceremoniously.

"You bastard, do you want to fight?" the Unicorn Fairy roared angrily.

"Your uncle, come on, I have to teach you a lesson today!" The vaccine man replied not to be outdone.

Just when the two weirdos were about to fight, Bai Yu's dissatisfied voice sounded, "Do you two think I don't exist?"

"When is it now, and you are still messing with me here??"

Bai Yu's anger directly made Asura Unicorn Immortal and Vaccine Man quiet down immediately, without the slightest smell of gunpowder just now.

Seeing the two eccentrics who had calmed down, Bai Yu continued to explain to Poros: "Can you continue to make the golden armor you wore before?"

"No problem, there are a lot of spare armor on the spaceship. But what does this have to do with asking me to be an undercover agent in the Monster Association?" Poros was quite puzzled by this.

"I plan to let the black spirit hide in your armor, and let you take it to the Weird Association together, and the black spirit will assist you to complete this undercover operation."

The lack of character of Poros is just made up for by the black spirit who can shrink freely. In this way, the Weird Association is under the control of Bai Yu.

Poros has no objection to this, as long as it follows the master's plan.

Asura Unicorn Fairy likes this kind of undercover element very much. It cried and hugged Baiyu's thigh and said in tears: "Brother Baiyu, let me go there and try it together. I have seen the Infernal Affairs dozens of times. Ah, please believe me, I will definitely wipe out the Monster Association."

"I want to be a good person!"

It's difficult. In fact, the unicorn is the best candidate for an undercover agent, but Bai Yu is afraid that the previous video will expose the unicorn. If this happens, sending it into the Weird Association may not be a good choice.

Asura Unicorn Immortal was unyielding, it shouted: "Brother Baiyu, don't worry, I have a way to deal with it, please trust me once."

Forget it, Bai Yu finally agreed to Asura Unicorn Fairy's request. Anyway, he felt that the main force was still on Poros' side.

"Then it's decided like this. The Unicorn, Poros, and Black Spirit will try to break into the enemy's interior, rescue my two masters, and have the address of the Monster Association, their internal purpose, and other information. The vaccine man is responsible for standing by outside, and once they get in, it will unconditionally respond to the undercover agents' request for help." Bai Yu quickly formulated a simple plan.

In this regard, the vaccine man and other weirdos have no opinion.

At this time, the Deep Sea King raised his arm inappropriately, and said submissively, "Master, what is my mission?"

Bai Yu looked at the Deep Sea King for a few seconds, and then said to it, "Just try to stay inside the Master Ball, the outside world is very dangerous."

"That's it, I'll go back first." After finishing speaking, Bai Yu disappeared into the master ball.

As night fell, Bai Yu also returned to his apartment in the uninhabited area of ​​Z City.

He has already completed the mission of the weirdo's debut, and he has also received the reward for this mission. This time, the reward is very rich. At the same time, this mission is also triggered, and it has evolved into the next stage of the mission.

Mission Objective: King of the Monsters
Task introduction: On the basis of the original five powerful monsters, the outstanding you will accept the other five new powerful monsters to join the team again.
mission rewards:? ? ? , special title*1
The mission of the weirdo's debut celestial group has been completed, but this mission has also become the new mission of "King of the Weird", and at the same time, there is also a reward that Bai Yu saw for the first time, that is the special title!

The mission rewards for the weirdo's debut team are very rich. Bai Yu has obtained 20 attributes, as well as a certain amount of crystals of the myriad worlds, and even has three chances to draw a lottery.

Bai Yu added all the newly obtained 20 attributes to his thinking panel.

personal attributes

Power: 60
Defense: 60
Agility: 60
Mindfulness: 23

The original three-dimensional panel broke through the 60 mark, and at the same time let my "Qi" break through the [-] mark. Sure enough, in the end, it is only by opening and hanging to make people happy!
The higher the attribute, the slower the progress through self-training, but cheating will make you ignore this situation!

There are still three chances to draw a lottery. Bai Yu doesn't plan to keep it this time. He simply draws the lottery directly. After all, he will face the Weird Association soon. Although he is not very afraid of this organization, he can strengthen his own strength as soon as possible. One guarantee.

The three lucky draw chances were all used up by Bai Yu in an instant.

[Congratulations to the host for the successful extraction, and obtained: a certain number of crystals of myriad realms. 】

[Congratulations to the successful extraction of the host, and obtained: three-dimensional mobile device*1 (produced in the world of attacking giants)]

[Congratulations to the host for successfully extracting and getting: Magical copy mirror*1 (produced in Doraemon's treasure bag)]

"It seems that something strange has been pulled out," Bai Yu said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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